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Keeping your cell service?

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    Keeping your cell service?

    I have AT&T with a grandfathethered unlimited data plan... I'm current on the bill and intend on keeping the service, is anyone familiar with how AT&T treats notifications of BK these days? I know back in the early 2000s if you filed BK and were current they would automatically cancel your account upon notification... That was a different AT&T than today's though, anyone have any experience here?

    Originally posted by keitheii View Post
    I have AT&T with a grandfathethered unlimited data plan... I'm current on the bill and intend on keeping the service, is anyone familiar with how AT&T treats notifications of BK these days? I know back in the early 2000s if you filed BK and were current they would automatically cancel your account upon notification... That was a different AT&T than today's though, anyone have any experience here?
    AT&T is a bad boy in any case. So do not trust it.

    When we were in the middle of our CH7, AT&T took over our Bellsouth Service, with which we had unlimited long-distance service. Because of the BK Automatic Stay, we were never notified of the change.

    Upon our Discharge, AT&T started billing us $500+ dollars for this service. We duly sent a copy of our Discharge Order, along with a Cease & Desist letter--certified, with Return Receipt.

    This went on for several months, bordering on a year or two. Each time a JDB bought the so-called debt and sent us a demand letter, we sent them the above.

    Yes, we know that the AT&T of today is NOT the creature that overtook NCR in an UN-friendly stock takeover and killed my husband's beloved career at NCR, but it acts the same way, and wears the same label, so for us it IS the same. (If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and otherwise behaves like a duck.... the conclusion is obvious.)
    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


      Can't speak of AT&T since I had Verizon at the time, but it was pretty much a non issue for me. They did switch me to a new account so if you need access to previous phone records make sure you go in and print them ahead of time. I have AT&T now and the issue of my BK on my record never came up when I switched.


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