I've been unemployed since March 2020 and my only income has been UI benefits. Several times over the last 18 months, AzDES (who handles UI in my state) didn't pay my benefits for months at a time, so I would get lump sums once they pulled their heads out of you-know-where. This caused a lot of the financial problems that are making bk necessary, like not being able to keep up with the debt mgmt plan (DMP) I had in place.
I was sued by a creditor who won a judgment against me and has the right to garnish my wages. I start a new job next Monday. I had all my paperwork done to file pro se. Except I did not receive my UI for nearly 4 months, from April to mid-July. Had to get the state ombudsman involved and then AzDES sent me a direct deposit for $6300.
Since this is back pay for UI benefits, is it protected in my bk filings? The amount is above exemption but that's due to AzDES issues, not me hoarding cash. I lost my apartment for not being able to pay rent literally days before AzDES finally paid me
I was sued by a creditor who won a judgment against me and has the right to garnish my wages. I start a new job next Monday. I had all my paperwork done to file pro se. Except I did not receive my UI for nearly 4 months, from April to mid-July. Had to get the state ombudsman involved and then AzDES sent me a direct deposit for $6300.
Since this is back pay for UI benefits, is it protected in my bk filings? The amount is above exemption but that's due to AzDES issues, not me hoarding cash. I lost my apartment for not being able to pay rent literally days before AzDES finally paid me
