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bank accounts x

  • Current checking with Chase, do I need to close account and open with new bank?

    We currently have our checking and savings (although there's no savings in there) with Chase. We also have 3 credit cards with Chase, does anybody know if Chase will seize your checking account? I read somewhere that BofA does that, wasn't sure about Chase. I'm already overwhelmed by the beginnings...
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  • kymgirly
    started a topic Banking after bankruptcy

    Banking after bankruptcy

    I bk'd a credit union and was on checksystems, an suggestions on banks I could try? I need a real savings account and checking for my pay check and bills.
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  • Fallonedward
    started a topic 3 Days till we File --- Federal Question

    3 Days till we File --- Federal Question

    We are filing this Thursday and are using Federal vs State. On the day of filing will probably have the following cash on hand in my checking account.

    $600 in checking
    $300 in each of my kids accounts (because they are minors, I'm listed)
    $3800 in my Mothers savings account...
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  • greg2169
    started a topic bank account asset?

    bank account asset?

    should i list my bank account as an asset? currently has only $70 in it i am also pulling my direct deposit just in case this damn pressler and pressler gets a judgement and tries to levy
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  • My name on my parent's accounts

    My parents have their estate in a trust. But they have 2 checking accounts that have about $30,000 in the two accounts. This is money that my parents use for day to day expenses. My name is on these accounts as a signer. I have paid my parents bill a few years ago when they traveled and they kept my...
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  • Jimmy17
    started a topic Bank accounts question

    Bank accounts question

    Hi all

    When I retain a lawyer, they want statements from my bank accounts for the last 12 months.

    I have obtained statements for my main account but, my questions are for two other accounts-

    Account 2 - old account at another bank before opening my now main...
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