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  • propertyusms
    started a topic Disputing Items

    Disputing Items

    Hey Guys!

    I was curious, I have dedicated alot of time to cleaning up my credit report after my bankruptcy. I had a ton of inquiries on all three of my credit reports. I wrote and disputed all of the inquiries and accounts with the three bureaus. TransUnion and Experian have removed...
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  • Auto Loan Rate Shopping Impact on Credit Score

    I have been approved to incur debt for a car. I would like to apply to a few lenders to compare rates. I have read that when applying for auto loans, there is no significant impact to credit score because there is expectation that people will shop rates. Is this true?

    I would not want...
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  • Can I get some personal feedback on my credit score?

    I was discharged in Ch. 7 a year ago.
    I cleaned up my credit report and it does seem to be all accurate now.

    I have 4 credit acccounts, all paid on time, and only one with 3/4 of limit used up ($500 limit), the rest either not used or only a small fraction used.
    All paid...
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