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preferential payment x

  • lloway21
    started a topic Multi Faceted BK Question

    Multi Faceted BK Question

    Good evening, I'm new here so bear with me please. My question has several parts and is pretty long.

    So here goes... I helped my fiancee file a Chapter 7, Consumer, No Asset Pro Se. He was being garnished and needed to file quickly. So we were able to get the garnishment stopped by contacting...
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    Last edited by AngelinaCat; 05-31-2012, 08:38 PM. Reason: Broken into paragraphs to make the post easier to read.

  • Preferential Payment of Creditor or Normal Course of Business ?

    My Bro in Law loaned me 45k , Feb 2010 , promissory note based on vacant land....Note was not officially Recorded(Deed of Trust) until later date, October 2010

    SOLD this Vacant Land (Fair Market /Real Buyer via Realtor) $95k / and Promisory Note PAID IN FULL at Closing in Dec 2010...
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  • KSL
    started a topic Debt payment

    Debt payment

    In my bk there were a few local creditors that I wanted to pay just to keep on good terms locally, but have not been able to just because finances are so tight. I told them I would pay them, but I can't. What happens to these debts? Can they still try to get the money? Do I have to pay them since I...
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  • PLEASE Help My Friend - Preferential Treatment issue may delay filing

    My good friend paid his attorney's cost a few months ago to do a Chapter 7 (I am doing a Chapter 13).

    He has been foolish and been using one of his credit cards (and paying it) and getting payday loans (and paying them) in order to eat and survive. He has had to do this due to a wage...
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