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reaffirmation x

  • Thingshappen
    started a topic CH13 Plan confirmed!

    CH13 Plan confirmed!

    Hello friends! Although I have not yet seen it in Pacer, my plan has been confirmed based on
    My conversation with the attorney. The whole process took about 6 months but it’s been worth it so far. My payment is only 1/4 of what my minimum monthly payments to the creditors used to be. Thank...
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  • Caaa211
    started a topic Dismissing chapter 13 what will Toyota do?

    Dismissing chapter 13 what will Toyota do?

    I filed BK back in 2018. At the time I owed Toyota Fiancial 25,XXX. Per my lawyer I was told that due to the vehicle being so new I would have to pay 100% of the agreement to Toyota. I also have a loan through Santander for a vehicle. Owed 18,XXX at filing date. Santander saying if I’m dismissed I...
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  • Salem3671
    started a topic How long can the Trustee keep my BK 7 open?

    How long can the Trustee keep my BK 7 open?

    I filed my Chapter 7 bankruptcy in July of 2017. It was discharged 11/01/2017. The Trustee took my 2017 taxes (partial) and the pending settlement of a MVA that she received the funds for in February of 2018. She has had all of the available cash for over 2 years. On 01/14/2020, the final report and...
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  • Credit Union Vehicle Reaffirmation question

    Filed Ch7 Nov 2018. Had two vehicles and a credit card with a credit union. We had decided to reaffirm under an agreement that they would not be cross collateralized and that payments would be reported to credit agencies. The CU didn’t accept reaffirmation (without our knowledge). We continue making...
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  • Hearing for reaffirmation but no undue hardship?

    Hi there - my husband and I filed a ch 7 in Texas in January then had to move to Utah for work. We filed a reaffirmation agreement for our truck with Wells Fargo and our attorney signed it and marked that there was no undue hardship. Our income covers all expenses. However, last week I got a notice...
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  • JJH77
    started a topic Recently filed w/questions

    Recently filed w/questions

    I've recently filed and have some questions regarding reaffirming my car:
    i reside in New Jersey and want to keep my car. I'm current on payments (never late). Some say reaffirming the car is good and some say not good. We really need this car bc this the only sort of transportation we have and...
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  • Florida Chapter 7: Form 108 ("Redeming vs. Reaffirmation Agreement vs. other")

    I file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy at the end of May 2016 and is in the process of amending the forms for re-submission. A little background:

    Property owned:

    Single family house - Homestead (Mortgage balance ~ $23K, plus $20K deferred payment loan forgivable after 10-years; no...
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    Last edited by James33111; 06-24-2016, 04:47 AM. Reason: added tags

  • JJH77
    started a topic Considering Bankruptcy

    Considering Bankruptcy


    Hoping I can get some insight here on chapter 7 in New Jersey.

    After fighting so so long my husband has given the green light on bankruptcy. Due to illness starting 3 years ago and a car accident we fell behind on things and it snowballed.

    We live in NJ,...
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  • pacific22
    started a topic Beginner's questions

    Beginner's questions

    I may very well be starting the Ch. 7 process in the next few months. I'm meeting with some attorneys soon.

    I have some questions that I really want answered and feel like there is enough experience in this group to get them resolved... Prove me right

    1) If I choose...
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  • pennymeg
    started a topic Reaffirmation Dilemma :/

    Reaffirmation Dilemma :/

    Hi everyone - I have a reaffirmation dilemma that I'm struggling with and maybe some of you can provide some insight/advice?

    I have two cars:

    Car #1 - I always planned to reaffirm this loan, as it is a fairly new car with low mileage and I have approximately $5,000+ of...
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  • captss
    started a topic Do reaffirmations show up on PACER?

    Do reaffirmations show up on PACER?

    I don't recall signing a reaf for my home nor do I have one in my paperwork.
    If I did sign one, would it be listed in my case on PACER?
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  • Dorsey
    started a topic Reaffirmation


    What prevents a debtor from reentering into a loan agreement with a lender post-discharge? I see a lot of people here worried that they won't be permitted to reaffirm a car loan and that their lender won't do a ride-through. So what prevents a debtor and a lender from simply signing a new loan agreement...
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  • Dorsey
    started a topic BMW Auto Loan - Reaffirmation?

    BMW Auto Loan - Reaffirmation?

    It seems unlikely that I will get a reaffirmation on a 9 month old BMW.

    Does anyone have any experience with BMW Bank and doing a ride-through (retain & pay)?

    I have filed in Maryland and BMW called me within a few days of my petition filing asking if I intended to...
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  • Ride-Through & Retain and Pay with BMW Bank of North America

    Does anyone have any experience with BMW Bank and doing a ride-through (retain & pay) vs. a reaffirmation in a Chapter 7 setting? (BMW Bank is the in-house financing arm for BWM cars.)

    I have filed in Maryland and BMW called me within a few days of my petition filing asking if I intended...
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  • Does reaffirming rental property mortgage stop rental income from being in bk estate?

    We filed Chapter 7 BK on 2/15/11, and had our 341 meeting on 4/7/11, discharge is scheduled for 6/6/11. We have a rental property that we want to keep. Since we filed 2/15 the trustee is collecting the rent as part of our bk estate, March and April specifically.

    We want...
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