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Will this raise the trustee's eyebrows?

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    Will this raise the trustee's eyebrows?

    Hello all, very nervous about some charges that will show up on my bank statesments, can you help?

    The trustee will see several charges to a local motel. My husband and I have been seperated, and we have recently attempted reconciliation. We each have teenagers at our own homes and needed some alone adult time w/out involving the kids, so we have frequently visited a certain hotel. H and I are not filing together, I am sure he will file shortly after I do.

    For the last year I have been subscribing to Weight Watchers -- my monthly dues come out of my checking account, around $35/month. Would you see this as an allowable expense?


    Depends how much you spent on the hotels I think, however if asked be honest about the situation and the need for the hotel room.

    Weight Watchers, could be argued to be part of medical I suppose if you are obese. You might ask your lawyer.
    May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
    July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
    September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


      Are you guys seeing a counselor? Maybe you can claim the marriage counselor recommended you to do this, surely the Trustee can't object to that.
      Filed CH7 Feb 12 2010
      341 March 18
      Discharged...May 18
      Awaiting closing...


        I can't even remotely imagine trustees have the time or inclination to go line by line over bank statements on people filing bankruptcy and than passing their judgment as to whether or not the expense was "legitimate" or "not legitimate" in their eyes. Hell we are in a world of hurt if this is what it has come down to. In my own sense what it really boils down to is did the person filing bankruptcy commit or intend to commit fraud with the debt and how do you really interpret even that if the expenses were perceived to be part of daily necessary life or just consumerism which is what america is all about. If people don't spend money they never really had, than america goes down the tubes. Bankruptcy is part of this game; allows this madness to go on in a peaceful manner.


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