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341 coming up on Thurs....getting really nervous...

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    341 coming up on Thurs....getting really nervous...

    I haven't really been worried about it until now. And here I sit, fretting about EVERYTHING.

    I was tense about my clothing situation and posted about that the other day, but i think I'm ok now.

    BUT now I'm worried about the 341 itself. I'm already tense because I'm nervous about having to use my crutches for that long, and I"m SO SLOW on them, so we're going to have to leave really early. And it's supposed to rain that day.

    Then my thought process moves to the meeting itself. What if the trustee is really awful?

    Then I start worrying about the days afterward. Since we were just over the median income (I think the attorney said $80!), does that automatically mean we will get a presumption of abuse letter? I'm a little fuzzy on how exactly that works.

    I guess I should count my blessings that I made it this long without fretting about it.
    I guess the broken foot kind of distracted me.

    You can be over 167 per month which equals 10000 over a 5 year period. They schedule 6 341's every 1/2 hour slotting 5 minutes for yours. By the time you start feeling relaxed it will be over. Just don't babble and only answer the questions the trustee asks and things will go better for you.

    Good luck
    Disclaimer: I am not an actor on TV, but I play a BK Paralegal in real life. Nothing I say should be construed as legal advice, or really anything but entertainment. Please seek out professional help.


      Jem, ours is thursday morning too at 930. Not worried, or sweating...too many people tell and say its all for naught. No one's there to judge us, or harrass us. Get some rest, relax, take a deep breath, I dont have an ounce of nervousness, nor does my wife. Take the cards that you're dealt, and then go from there. Only worry once an issue arrises, but its not worth it until then. Best of luck!!!! Will update how mine went afterwards
      Filed Ch 7. Jan 14th 2011. 341 Feb. 24th 2011. DISCHARGED April 26th 2011. Closed May 10th, 2011. Huge weight off our shoulders! Scores as of 5/14/11 : TU-639, EQ-642, EXP-602


        Originally posted by 747LUVR View Post
        Jem, ours is thursday morning too at 930. Not worried, or sweating...too many people tell and say its all for naught. No one's there to judge us, or harrass us. Get some rest, relax, take a deep breath, I dont have an ounce of nervousness, nor does my wife. Take the cards that you're dealt, and then go from there. Only worry once an issue arrises, but its not worth it until then. Best of luck!!!! Will update how mine went afterwards

        Good luck!

        Our isn't until 11am, but that's fine, I'll need the extra time that morning because I'm slower on these crutches. LOL.

        The attorney has us coming back to his office afterward to do the second financial management class that is required. (They schedule it that way--if you have a morning 341, they ask if you have the time to get the class out of the way at their office same day.)


          Hi all, Hi JEM,

          they ask if you have the time to get the class out of the way at their office same day.) ...sounds like a good attorney whose got it all together!

          The cure for the 341 nerves is to go and watch a few the day/week/month before yours. Added benefit is knowing the traffic, where to park, what building, how to get to room X, etc

          This is a case of do as I say not as I do...we went to the wrong building and didn't know you have to go through security....twice if you go to the wrong building...

          Really wish we had done a "dry run" beforehand, would have saved a ton of stress the day of...

          Tom in Colo
          Ch7 filed 5/12/2010.....341 meeting 6/30/ of no distribution 8/15/2010.....discharged 10/01/2010.....closed 11/09/2010


            Originally posted by BKParalegal View Post
            You can be over 167 per month which equals 10000 over a 5 year period. They schedule 6 341's every 1/2 hour slotting 5 minutes for yours. By the time you start feeling relaxed it will be over. Just don't babble and only answer the questions the trustee asks and things will go better for you.

            Good luck
            Tom I plan on doing a few dry runs, sitting in on 341 meetings, it seems to be the very best way to know, for yourself, how the local trustees look at things. JEM doesn't have the time to do this probably, but I am crossing my fingers for him/her! Hope all goes very smoothly for JEM!


              My 341 meeting is march 8th at 2pm and the closer it get's the more nervous i get. So i understand how you are feeling.


                Originally posted by tcreegan View Post
                Hi all, Hi JEM,

                they ask if you have the time to get the class out of the way at their office same day.) ...sounds like a good attorney whose got it all together!

                The cure for the 341 nerves is to go and watch a few the day/week/month before yours. Added benefit is knowing the traffic, where to park, what building, how to get to room X, etc

                This is a case of do as I say not as I do...we went to the wrong building and didn't know you have to go through security....twice if you go to the wrong building...

                Really wish we had done a "dry run" beforehand, would have saved a ton of stress the day of...

                Tom in Colo
                I wish I could do a dry run, but I can't drive until the doctor gives me the ok, so I'm stuck at home.

                Our attorney did mail us a map of how to get down there, where to park, where to meet etc....and we'll leave with plenty of time to spare that morning so hopefully that will give us time to sit in on one.

                Our attorney said he meets with everyone 30 min. before to go over what to expect, any questions we have, questions that the trustee may ask etc...


                  Hi Jem,

                  Get there at least an hour early. This gives you time to sit in on a few cases before you meet with your attorney. You'll get a feel for the questions the trustee is asking. As for the meeting itself, I promise, the worst part will be the waiting, it's like Christmas morning or a wedding...over before you know it, lol. (Only without the exciting part )

                  You've been around long enough to know that most 341s are over in 5 minutes or less and you're well prepared! Be honest, tell the truth, answer only the questions asked, and you will be fine. One more thing....double check to make sure you have your ID & SS before you leave the house.

                  Good luck Jem - and it really will be over before you know it.


                    Originally posted by SunshineGal View Post
                    Hi Jem,

                    Get there at least an hour early. This gives you time to sit in on a few cases before you meet with your attorney. You'll get a feel for the questions the trustee is asking. As for the meeting itself, I promise, the worst part will be the waiting, it's like Christmas morning or a wedding...over before you know it, lol. (Only without the exciting part )

                    You've been around long enough to know that most 341s are over in 5 minutes or less and you're well prepared! Be honest, tell the truth, answer only the questions asked, and you will be fine. One more thing....double check to make sure you have your ID & SS before you leave the house.

                    Good luck Jem - and it really will be over before you know it.
                    Oh yes! We have those! I was sweating bullets because I renewed my license online and it was taking FOREVER (a MONTH!), but it came a few days ago, so I'm good! Dh lost his SSC, and had to apply for a new one, and that already came. So I think we're set now!! LOL

                    The attorney also requests that we bring our taxes (since we already filed), banks statements following the date filed up to the 341, and the most recent paystub. So I'm gathering all that info to put in a folder and bring.

                    Is he just being "prepared", or is that something that the trustees ask for at the 341?


                      Hi Jem,

                      In our district we didn't have to show anything after the filing date except for our tax return so the trustee can decide if it's an asset of the estate. I would imagine the trustee will ask about your taxes, so I can see why he's having you bring the return. The paystubs and bankstatements will show that nothings changed and you still can't afford a 13, so that's probably just being prepared. Finally, with your cast on your leg and one shoe the trustee just might go easy on you. (Just so long as you didn't break your leg skiing in the Alps, lol)

                      The day of our 341 we got there way early. Good thing since we went to the wrong building! You should have seen my face when we sat down and the Trustee introduced the UST to the people at the table....luckily it was a different time schedule and she was gone by the time ours came around. We were also over the median, far more than you are, and nothing was even asked about it. I stressed for months, was ready to bring all my documentation to justify my schedules, was about 10 minutes, but nothing brutal and we were out the door.


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