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341 is done!!!

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    341 is done!!!

    And happily, I have very little to report. I gave myself an hour and half to get there and find parking and find the meeting room. I know the area enough to know it's a cluster-fudge to get around so I google mapped it. Guess what, google map is WRONG! Actually google map is right and the city has changed it's exit names and signage so I missed my exit and had to drive about 4 miles to get to a turnaround and back. After getting within sight of the building I got forced down a street going the opposite direction and then once back finally found a parking spot, miraculously for $3!

    So we get to the meeting room about 30 minutes early and it filled up rather quickly and the Trustee was johnny on the spot and started promptly at 10am. I'll hit the highlights for what it's worth. The first guy up was from Nigeria. The Trustee asked him about his income last year and he said he had been in Nigeria. The Trustee asked him what he was doing in Nigeria I assume for income reasons. Well this cat has this Oh Schlitz look and says, "um, I can't say" Whaaat??? The Trustee asks once again and the guy just nods his head no. I so wanted to to point and shout, "AL QAEDA!!!!", but I calmly refrained. Anyway seems he was kicked out of the US for being here illegally for 16 years but was able to come back sponsored by his wife. The trustee only asked for them to get him a copy of his green card and he was on his way.

    One couple were both drawing unemployment but had business income whose taxes had not been filed yet. The Trustee simply asked for copies of their W2s and tax returns as quick as possible.

    One lady had an ex-residence and two rentals in California and couldn't get any paperwork from her exhusband who apparently was a drifter. The original companies that had issued the mortgage were small businesses who had all gone bankrupt themselves and the mortgages had been sold so many times that the trail went cold. The Trustee shook his head and stated that he was holding a million dollar estate that had been sold so many times that no one knew who held the paperwork and that he had filed a lawsuit to clear things up.

    And that 'bout sums up the excitement. We were there 30 minutes when he called our names. Oh first, there was a seperate room that the attorneys hung out in until their clients were called. The cases were listed alphabetically by attorney. I saw our attorney poke his head out, the trustee called us up, we sat down.....the Trustee looked at us, we looked around and no attorney...doh!!! The Trustee said well I thought I saw your attorney and about that time he comes scrambling out.

    So as he's getting settled we were sworn in. The Trustee asks us if we were indeed us. He asked if our attorney filed our petition. He asked if we read the petition and if it was correct. He asked if our attorney explained other options regarding other types of bankruptcy as well as reaffirmations. And then he said, "Thank you, that's all I have for you."

    This was pretty much the norm for most people. The only other questions were for people with child support and missing documents which were mostly 2010 tax returns. We were in the meeting room 30 minutes before being called and in the hot seat no more than 20 seconds. I think we were done before our attorney got seated, lol.

    Last edited by BROKEDED; 04-27-2011, 08:42 AM.

    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


      Congrats! I'm glad it went well for you! I love reading these summaries, puts my mind at ease for my upcoming 341.
      Chapter 7 Filed: 04/21/2011, 341 Meeting: 05/31/2011, Report of No Distrubution: 06/02/2011, Discharged: 08/03/2011, Closed: 08/10/11


        thanks for your updates, we are chap 13 and have ours May 4th


          Congrats on a smooth 341 Brokeded!!
          ~~ Filed Over Median Income Chapter 7: 12/17/2010 ~~ 341 Held: 1/12/2011 ~~ Discharged: 03/16/2011 ~~
          Not an attorney - just an opinionated woman.




              Thanks, all! The only time anyone's attorneys spoke up was for the Nigerian and the couple that had unemployment yet business income. The unemployment folks are probably gonna have some problems. Their attorney just didn't seem to know anything about their case. He told the Trustee that they had no income and were not required to file. The Trustee said that all he had was forms showing that extensions had been filed for their 2010 returns. The couple had about $29,000 between them for unemployment but no idea for business income. Their attorney could hardly put his hand in his pocket he was shaking so much. NOT a good sign. It made me wonder why they chose him.

              If you are going to use an attorney to file, DEFINITELY make sure that you feel comfortable with not only your attorney but the paralegal and office staff as well and that you ask questions until you understand what's going on and you get answers that you are comfortable that they are right. I'm sure the whole BK process has been streamlined a great deal in the past few years out of necessity and I'm sure more minor things go unquestioned where they may not have been before but that doesn't mean that anything goes.

              I think the fastest way to catch the Trustee's eye is to not have all your documentation, especially your latest tax returns. He will ask for them and then HE will sit down a second time and go over your math. Much nicer to have all your arms and legs inside the ride before takeoff!


                Originally posted by BROKEDED View Post
                Much nicer to have all your arms and legs inside the ride before takeoff!
                LOL. Well said. Thanks for sharing & congrats!
                There are two secrets for success in life:
                1.) Never tell everything you know.


                  BROKEDED - have a nice relaxing STRESS FREE next 60 days!
                  Filed Ch 7 Pro Se 11-18-2010 341 Meeting 12-16-2010 Discharged 2-15-2011
                  New Job 7-2011


                    341 Date ~ July 6th, 2011 ~ Wish me luck


                      Congrats, BROKEDED and thanks for reporting on your 341. Welcome to the 60 day club
                      Filed pro se, made it through the 341, discharged, Closed!!!


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