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UGH...I'm so freaked out right now!! (warning - i'm venting)

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    UGH...I'm so freaked out right now!! (warning - i'm venting)

    Ok, I just so upset right now and can't seem to stop crying. Sorry , I just need to vent.

    We are really short on money this month and we had been set-up with auto payments for our 2nd mortg. So, on Jan. 15 I went on-line to our account and deleted our bank information and cancelled the auto pay. I got an e-mail today saying I had two insufficent funds transactions. I am now more than $600 overdrawn, with no money to buy groceries or gas. They had taken it out, anyways. So I call them... and they first tell me, "oh it must not have taken." Then I tell them I have the printed confirmation from the on-line cancellation. Then she says, "well you must not have done more than 5 days prior to the transaction." I tell her I did. Then she talks to her supervisor and comes back and tells me "well, we can't do anything about this payment, because your Auto pay was not orginal set-up on-line, so you must sign a form that I will fax to you and send it back to us. This will take effect for February's payment."

    Ok, then I start to cry so hard I am making weird noises and freaking because I can't buy groceries. The girl puts me on hold for a few more minutes. She comes back on the line, and I have to say she was trying to be a lot nicer to me. So, she said that she will make some report disputing the transaction, but it will take 5 to 7 days and there is no guarantees that is will work. So, I am still crying and tell her whatever, just fax me the form please.

    She then suggest that I call my bank, which is now owned by my lender and now (for the past few months) is now my employer. She told me to call them and tell them that I never authorized the withdrawal and they will credit my account.

    The second half of the conversation, she was trying to be extremely nice to me and telling me everything is going to be ok. But then she tries to have me add a protection program to my account in case you lose your job or become disabled.

    It just all seems so ironic that I'm in this position because this company bought the bank I work for and cut my pay by more than 35% and now there asking me if I want to pay for some protection plan in case they lay me off.

    I just don't how much more I can take. My nerves are absolutely shot and I just want to go hide under the bed or runaway. I apologize, I'm just feeling sorry for my self right now.

    I feel ya!

    #1 I'd NEVER do auto pay for ANYONE, EVER.

    #2 I would have changed checking accounts ASAP! I never let any creditor take money out of my bank at any time they feel like it.


      This wouldn't be Bank of America would it? If you can't/don't want to say I understand. But, I'm having a problem getting a monthly recurring payment stopped from coming out on February 1st. The payment is set-up from my Bank of America checking to pay my loan at Bank of America. They are saying they can't cancel it (just finished a chat window session with them) and that is a problem with my online banking. That doesn't make any sense as I can log in and see my accounts - the recurring monthly payment is not showing up though.

      Anyway, just wanted to vent too I guess. I'm worried I am going to be in the exact same situation with you come February 1st.


        No, its not BofA.

        Maybe it would help if call and start crying uncontrollably about not being able to feed your kids. It seemed to get me some sympathy. (Not that I planned it.) But, seriously I would call and ask to speak with a supervisor if the person your talking to says that they can't help you.


          I don't get upset too much but creditors seem to know how to get me going. I hope this whole credit mess can be straightened out and people can be treated with a little dignity.
          Golden Jubilee was a year-long celebration held every 50 years in which all bondmen were freed, mortgaged lands were restored to the original owners, and land was left fallow: Lev. 25:8-17


            We have one card that we owe on from BoA. We also have our checking with them. I keep paying them a small amount until the bankruptcy as I don't want them taking the money out of our account. Once it's discharged in a BK, then we're good as gold (I hope). I only have a few hundred to live on until the 15th and we're also going to wonder how we will be able to buy groceries, too!!!


              Originally posted by BigJohn View Post
              I don't get upset too much but creditors seem to know how to get me going. I hope this whole credit mess can be straightened out and people can be treated with a little dignity.
              Banks treating people with dignity???? Hell will freeze over first.


                Originally posted by magyar123 View Post
                Banks treating people with dignity???? Hell will freeze over first.
                Exactly why I am PROUD to file bankruptcy!! And I wish many others would do the same to pay these bastards back!


                  Update: I spoke to my bank twice yesterday about my checking account. The first time I reported that the 2nd mortgage payment was not authorized to be take out and that I had a print out of the on-line cancellation that I did. The girl said that it would be investigated and that someone would call me and the money would be credited back to my account.

                  I didn't hear anything, so later in the day I called back. The man I spoke to said that it looked like their investigation was complete and I would not be contacted directly. I would receive a letter in the mail within 5 to 7 days telling my their decision. And if any money was to be credited back, it would not happen for awhile!!

                  I don't know what to do. I had other payments, including a check I wrote to the school to pay for my daughters lunches, that are going to bounce now. Plus, they are charging $33 dollars for every occurance. Is there anything else I can do? I don't get paid until the 30th.


                    Originally posted by SVBroke View Post
                    I don't know what to do. I had other payments, including a check I wrote to the school to pay for my daughters lunches, that are going to bounce now. Plus, they are charging $33 dollars for every occurance. Is there anything else I can do? I don't get paid until the 30th.
                    Now there's a good example about how people get buried in PAYDAY loans for situations exactly like this.

                    This is why I never pay by check for anything anymore. I do everything via electronic bill pay through Bank of America so that nothing can bounce. I simply can't afford to pay those bounce check fees. I am too broke. In 2-3 weeks I have no idea how we will have money for food since I am paying $1050 for 2 cars (which I need to keep current to pass the means test), plus pay the bankruptcy attorney every month, utilities, gas, car insurance... all of this crap that will keep going even after a bankruptcy. I wish I lived walking distance from everything so I would not need some expensive cars.


                      Originally posted by SVBroke View Post
                      Update: I spoke to my bank twice yesterday about my checking account. The first time I reported that the 2nd mortgage payment was not authorized to be take out and that I had a print out of the on-line cancellation that I did. The girl said that it would be investigated and that someone would call me and the money would be credited back to my account.

                      I didn't hear anything, so later in the day I called back. The man I spoke to said that it looked like their investigation was complete and I would not be contacted directly. I would receive a letter in the mail within 5 to 7 days telling my their decision. And if any money was to be credited back, it would not happen for awhile!!

                      I don't know what to do. I had other payments, including a check I wrote to the school to pay for my daughters lunches, that are going to bounce now. Plus, they are charging $33 dollars for every occurance. Is there anything else I can do? I don't get paid until the 30th.

                      Your State has an ageny that regulates Banks. File a complaint with them.
                      Golden Jubilee was a year-long celebration held every 50 years in which all bondmen were freed, mortgaged lands were restored to the original owners, and land was left fallow: Lev. 25:8-17


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