Long Sotry-Big Mess...
Im currently a Creditor from a Debtor who was a former Landlord who intentionally STOLE my security deposit. I have a judgement in Small Claims Court, but she has been fraudulently abusing the BK system to avoid Creditors and lie, steal and cheat her way through life! I had filed a few motions with the BK Court for Dismissal with Prejudice and Bar her from filing for 180 days, and Prosecution for Perjury for one year. I have a hearing coming up and a really good case built up that probably would have all my motions granted. After my small claims settlement she converted into Chapter 7! Now my question is, if I can PROVE that she has intentionally abused the BK system and lied under oath on her Schdules (roughly 7 times...!!) can I go to my hearing and have her conversion of Chapter 7 Vacated and Remanded and Dismissed with Prejudice?? Are my Chapter 13 claims still relevant in her Ch 7 case or do I ahve to wait till she screws up on her Ch 7 Petition??