Oh, my reading this morning is awesome! I am in Genesis - the story of Joseph, at the part of the famine where Joseph's brothers (who sold him into slavery) are trying to buy provisions from Joseph. Some notes in my Bible that are so incredibly appropriate to our situation, I love going back over these!

"One of the most indispensible secrets of contentment: The Secret of Closure! You have to finish the unfinished business of your life. You will never be content with a nagging, guilty conscience. The fact that you have sinned does not disqualify you from God's love, from salvation and eternal life, or from anything that God wants to do for you or through you! God will bother you (because He loves you) until you either turn away or turn toward Him.

God is calling you to faith.

Faith trusts God because God is trustworthy.
Faith keeps hope because God fulfills hope.
Faith reposes in the will of God, because God's will is best.
Faith relaxes because God is in control.

God wants to bring closure to your unfinished business. If it's your guilt ~ you are redeemed thru Christ. If it's evil others have done to you, He wants you to release that person into His hands, get on with your life and not let other people's sins control you."

I wish I could say these were my thoughts, LOL - but they came from someone much smarter and in the know than me. I can tell it's going to be another good day!