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Christmas Presents

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  • danohio2831

    christman is important not to the trustee i bet

    the 500 you have is not for x mas at hard times

    it is for food and nessecitys

    so, if you had gotten some cash reciepts from someone, i mean something that is important it is ok.

    if you got a receipt for a household or car repair and was paid in cash, you could show the trustee

    hey, whats freinds and family for?

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  • jane taylor
    It is hard enough being in BK and even more of a challenge with kids and at the holidays. Our oldest also has a birthday in December (will be 17!). We did really well sticking to our Christmas budget last year and are determined to do it again this year. Both of our kids are teenagers and like others, they want everything they see and think they are entitled to it. I'm determined to be joyful during the holiday season and spending what little spare time I do have doing the things I love--spending time with friends and family, baking (I'll post a cookie recipe on the cookie swap thread ), playing the piano, and taking treats to older adults and shut-ins. I'm choosing to focus on the things I CAN do for my family rather than what I can't.

    It would be nice if we could buy our son a nice used car and both of our kids The Northface jackets, but they are not essentials! I'm also not going to make the mistake of "apologizing" (the not-so-cleverly disguised guilt trip) for what I can't buy. We love our children and do not need to apologize for anything.

    Sorry this is so long, but I've been on MANY a guilt trip in my day and I do not choose to sail there anymore!

    Feliz Navidad, Amigos and Amigas

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    Going out on a limb here...but...

    .....get your children what you feel would make them happiest & worry about filing/trustee issues this point you already know what your monetary mess is....but it is the worst time of the year in regards to presents/holidays & will be hard enough in the next six months for your children to deal with your emotions as well as having to make do like the parents do....

    Oh, yes, my sons, 8 and 10, are at that "birthday party" age....parents will go to great lengths to give the "best" party....and gifts are almost impossible because, yes, all the video games are $20-$60.....It certainly doesn't make it easy at all.....

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  • BK&Filer
    The trustee is not going to review all your purchasing decisions preceding your filing. He will look at your decisions regarding the use of credit or payment of creditors. The examination of stated expenses is for forecasting your disposable income in the coming months, not in order to figure out how well you have managed the budget preceding bankruptcy. So it might not fly with the trustee to list $500 for gifts in your monthly expenses when determining your expenses vs. income, but that is a different thing then looking at your "actuals" prior to filing.

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  • whatamess
    With kids

    Wait until you have school age children who get invited to three and four b-days a month, and have parents who get really pissy if you dont bring your kid complete with $15-$20 gift!! My daughter has been to four parties this month & we declined a few. Its unreal. they have them at places that cost 425-$30 a kid too! Build a bear, ice skating pizza parties, rented inflatable amusements..what happened to ice cream, cake & pin the tail?
    Ive had it with b-days except family and VERY close friends...we have the worlds most materialistic society these days.
    My kids will be each getting two gifts from husband & I, and the dog gets a bone. If I can get some $$ togther I'd like to get a "Salvation Army Tree" child to get a few things for.

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  • niteflytes
    I find it difficult and frustrating too. Not because I have a lot of people to buy for but because my daughter's birthday is so close to Christmas. Her bday is 11/20. This year, and I hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the arse since I'm filing on the 27th, but I gave her a PS2 for birthday/Christmas and gave it to her last night so she could enjoy it over the weekend since her bday is on Monday. I spent about $200 total and she knows that until we go to my mom's for the TG holiday that we'll be scraping the bottom of the grocery barrel. But I'd rather use up the food in the house before we go away for a long weekend anyway. My mom will send up home with tons of leftovers so it's not like we'll go hungry. I'll probably get her another game for the system for Christmas and we'll spend the day playing games on it together and have fun.

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    Big reason why I dont even celebrate christmas anymore and i come from a family of 11 (me being the 11th), oh we're all much older now. But I just stopped completely celebrating any holidays, i was tired of being in debt every year, under pressure and the stress of it all. Now what I do is buy stuff once in a blue moon and make christmas in the middle of summer or spring or fall or actually when ever i have a big win at the casino .. than i tend to spoil my nieces/nephews in one big shot!

    just my two cents, catchmeifyoucan !

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  • yomama
    Originally posted by debtisbad View Post
    I have come to absolutely detest christmas! It has become a very ugly holiday. It should be a time of joy and reflecting, but instead it is about spending and spending. I agree with the poster above who said to get kids some books, ect. I refuse to buy into the media circus of christmas. I am putting "peace of mind" on my christmas list this year!!!!
    I couldn't agree with you more! I started seeing Christmas stuff in stores in the beginning of September in a few stores around here this year! I just think it's getting ridiculous. I used to say that I stay out of stores during the months of October, November, and December, but I guess I'll have to add September on my list. Soon the media and stores will be trying to cram it down our throats 24/7/'s sickening! I used to love Christmas, but like you, my family and I (and I've heard other people say the same thing) have come to dread it because of the commercialism. It really makes it difficult to enjoy that time of the year. If consumers buy into the "buy a zillion presents to make everyone on their list happy" idea, then they're buying into the whole thing just like the people of greed want them to do. It's about time that Americans wake up and take charge of their lives again instead of letting the moneymakers take control of their wallets. I wish Christmas would go back to being the Christmas that I knew as a child, not this bigtime spending game. I don't even watch tv much anymore because I'm sick of all the commercials. If I'd buy everything they want me to buy, I couldn't live enough lifetimes to pay back all the money I'd owe on the credit cards. My husband and I have put those stressful Christmases behind us starting this year. People shouldn't be made to feel like they HAVE to spend a lot of money at Christmas time. I REFUSE to fall into that trap again!

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  • debtisbad
    I have come to absolutely detest christmas! It has become a very ugly holiday. It should be a time of joy and reflecting, but instead it is about spending and spending. I agree with the poster above who said to get kids some books, ect. I refuse to buy into the media circus of christmas. I am putting "peace of mind" on my christmas list this year!!!!

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  • yomama
    Like Kam, I'm tired of feeling like I have to spend so much money on Christmas presents. If all that there is to Christmas is presents, then I guess there won't be a Christmas at our house this year. There won't be any presents at all. My parents know the jam we're in and I said please don't buy for us, as we just don't have the money to buy for anyone. We also told the "kids" that. Our daughter just had her 21st birthday recently and all that she got from us was taking her out for a birthday dinner. Our 24-yr old son is coming from out-of-state for a visit at Christmas and he knows not to buy anything for us. I hate not being able to get people anything, but the only way we'd be able to do that is to use credit cards, and I refuse to get back on that merry-go-round. If I were you, I'd just make my mind up to limit it and mostly spend it on necessities, i.e. clothing.

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  • Kam
    What kind of toys does a 2 and 4 year old need that costs $500? Are you buying for other family members as well? I remember back to my days as a single parent with a toddler. One year my son received three Golden books, some hot wheel cars, coloring books and crayons. He was only three but was tickled to death with his presents.

    I agree with the post about buying clothes and needed items for kids. In the past, I would purchase a few school clothes to help out the clothes bought before school.

    PS, not trying to sound critical, but I hate getting caught up in the "gotta spend spend spend for christmas" game. This year, I am spending no more than $50.00 per person for gifts (four of us), plus I am making some jewelry, handmade items (mittens, slippers and hats), plus giving out big doses of love. Big presents this year: game cube (used from Ebay) to replace the one that was stolen this summer (for youngest DD), vacuum cleaner (for older DD - her request), tool belt for DH, and hmm.. dunno about myself.

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  • brainless twit
    I may be totally wrong, but I wouldn't think you have any reason to worry. I guess it might depend on where you are and your Trustee, but we had all kinds of weird expenditures and withdrawals (though not that large), and no one said anything about it. I wouldn't get $500 cash, though - I would use checks and/or a debit card if possible. A check written to Wal-Mart or somewhere is a lot less suspicious than a $500 withdrawal.

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  • ekelly4200
    Originally posted by wrinkleigh View Post
    One more question -- (for today anyway) Reminding you, we wont file until next month.

    I have two small children (2 and 4). Obviously, again, since I am not paying my cc bills, I do have a small amount of cash, by cutting corners elsewhere on budgeted expenses.

    How will the trustee view it if I buy them Christmas presents. I can take out a $500.00 or so from my checking account and buy Christmas, but I am scared to.

    What do you think. Santa has to come!

    PS yes -- I am a worry wart. I am just scared to do anything at this point, because we need the Ch 7 so bad -- I am scared of messing something up.
    If you buy the presents AFTER you file the court cannot say anything. So while you wont be filing till next month just do so before Christmas.

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  • niteflytes
    maybe if you spend the bulk of it on necessities for them and just a little bit on toys? I know kids don't get too excited over clothes but at least you'd be able to show that you spent the money on something they needed and they'd have stuff to open on Christmas morning.

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  • wrinkleigh
    started a topic Christmas Presents

    Christmas Presents

    One more question -- (for today anyway) Reminding you, we wont file until next month.

    I have two small children (2 and 4). Obviously, again, since I am not paying my cc bills, I do have a small amount of cash, by cutting corners elsewhere on budgeted expenses.

    How will the trustee view it if I buy them Christmas presents. I can take out a $500.00 or so from my checking account and buy Christmas, but I am scared to.

    What do you think. Santa has to come!

    PS yes -- I am a worry wart. I am just scared to do anything at this point, because we need the Ch 7 so bad -- I am scared of messing something up.

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