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READ: Forum Rules

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    READ: Forum Rules

    • (BF) users agree to use the search function before starting a new thread. Reposts will result in disciplinary action deemed appropriate by individual moderators or administrators, including but not limited to temporary bans or permanent bans for repeat offenders.

    • All BF users agree not to call people names or write a post simply to make a personal attack, or get a negative reaction; this behavior is not allowed on our forum. The use of derogatory language aimed at anyone will be severely dealt with. There is no need to agree with each other, or to even like each other. However, by signing onto BF you agree to treat each member and guest with the respect they deserve. No threats or personal attacks will be allowed.

    • All BF users agree not to post any derogatory/racist/or sexist remarks. This includes attachments, links and all information contained within posts, signatures, and avatars, failure to comply with this rule will result in a permanent ban.

    • All BF users agree not to post any copyrighted or trademarked information without the express written permission of the owner(s).

    • All BF users agree not to post any emails, personal messages (pm), or any other correspondence with other forum users, including moderators and administrators without their express permission.

    • All BF users agree not to post any real names, addresses, telephone numbers, or email addresses on the site without permission from that particular member.

    • All BF users agree not to post links, pictures, attachments, videos, or the like of pornographic content, objectionable material or extreme violence, whether cartoon or real.

    • All BF users agree not to use BF for advertising purposes without a written contract between yourself/company/agent and the administration of BF. Blatant advertising will result in a ban.

    • All BF users agree to read the “sticky posts” which may be available at the top of a forum page. These “Sticky posts” often contain valuable information. They may also outline more rules and guidelines specific for that particular forum, or put in place by that forum’s moderator(s).

    • All BF users agree not to spam the forums. Spam includes but is not limited to posting erroneous, non-relevant-useless, off-topic, or meaningless posts. Spam may also include posts which contain no text, or large areas of blank space between lines. Although sometimes appropriate, more often than not simply posting emoticons without text is considered spam. Such instances where it is deemed inappropriate will be decided by moderators or administrators.

    • All BF users agree not to "bump" old threads, unless there is a specific benefit to the community by doing so.

    • All BF users agree not to attempt/use another member’s account. It is against BF rules to use any account other than your own. Impersonating another member will result in an immediate ban. It is also against the rules to open more than one account in your own name without permission from a moderator or administrator. If you have been banned for any reason, it is against the rules to open another account. If you were banned temporarily and you are caught using another account you will be banned permanently. Choosing a “moniker” which is similar in either sound or spelling as a moderator or administrator is forbidden.

    • BF reserves the right to delete/edit any posts which contain anti-BF comments or discussion. Any public bashing/chastising of moderators or administrators, or any of their discussion or actions will also be deleted/edited, and the responsible posting party(s) will be banned, and or issued a warning. Any public anti-BF advertising, communication, or posts on another forum will result in permanent bans as well.

    • All BF users agree not to discuss, engage, or encourage any behavior or activity which violates the law. Discussion of drugs, violence, murder, theft, vandalism, fraud or any other issue which could be used to help individuals break the law is strictly forbidden.

    • All BF users agree not to abuse or mistreat moderators or administrators. It is against BF rules to post any information regarding bans or any other action taken by a member of the moderating or administrative team. If you wish to discuss bans or warnings please do so via PM. To place a complaint against a moderator, send a PM to the site administrator. All Moderators are equal, any decision made by a moderator must be adhered to. If a moderator tells you something you do not like, do not go to another moderator looking for a different answer. If you are caught doing this you will be banned. The moderators work as a team and respect the decisions made by their peers and will help enforce them unless an administrator tells them differently.

    • All warnings and bans are decided by individual moderators and administrators. Warnings are preferable to bans however, for serious offences and repeat abusers bans will go into effect. The length of the bans can vary from several hours to permanent.

    • is not responsible for any loss which may occur from the sale, purchase or, exchange of goods in the “classified advertisements” forum.

    • All messages posted or sent including through PM are the property of

    • All BF users agree that in order to post any "light" ads they must have a minimum of 200 valid posts. If you are a company wishing to advertise on the site or sell a product, you must have permission from the board administrator prior to posting, regardless of your post count.

    • Adminstrators/Moderators can change these rules at any time without prior notice.

    • All bankruptcy related opinions expressed on are those of their authors and not necessarily of BF its staff, or representatives.

    • By posting on this forum you agree to these terms and conditions, including any punishment deemed appropriate by moderators or administrators in the event of an offence.
    Last edited by HRx; 09-29-2011, 01:38 PM.
    The information provided is not, and should not be considered legal advice. All information provided is only informational and should be verified by a law practioner whenever possible. When confronted with legal issues contact an experienced attorney in your state who specializes in the area of law most directly called into question by your particular situation.

    Forum Rules (Everyone Must Read!!!) (updated: 10/27/2010)

    Welcome to the Bankruptcy Forum. Bankruptcy (BK) Forum is known as and will be referred to as BKF hereinafter. In order to ensure a long term success of our vibrant community, we have established certain rules and guidelines to which everyone must adhere to. Please take your time to carefully read our rules, before you start to participate in the community.

    Things you agree to do: (BKF) users agree to use the search function before starting a new thread. This prevents duplicate discussions and allows for better organized topics.

    All BKF users agree to read the sticky posts which may be available at the top of a forum page. These Sticky posts often contain valuable information. They may also outline more rules and guidelines specific for that particular forum, stickies are put in place by that forums moderator(s) or admin(s).

    Things you agree not to do:
    All BKF users agree not to call people names or write a post simply to make a personal attack, or get a negative reaction; this behavior is not allowed on our forum. The use of derogatory language aimed at anyone will be severely dealt with. There is no need to agree with each other, or to even like each other. However, by signing onto you agree to treat each member and guest with the respect they deserve. No threats or personal attacks will be allowed.

    All BKF users agree not to discuss, engage, or encourage any behavior or activity which violates the law. Discussion of drugs, violence, murder, theft, vandalism, fraud or any other issue which could be used to help individuals break the law is strictly forbidden.

    All BKF users agree not to "bump" old threads, unless there is a specific benefit to the community by doing so. But in most cases, please don't post in very old threads, instead start new threads.

    All BKF users agree not to attempt/use another members account. It is against BKF rules to use any account other than your own. Impersonating another member will result in an immediate ban. It is also against the rules to open more than one account in your own name without permission from a moderator or administrator. If you have been banned for any reason, it is against the rules to open another account. If you were banned temporarily and you are caught using another account you will be banned permanently. Choosing a moniker which is similar in either sound or spelling as a moderator or administrator is strictly forbidden.

    Things you agree not to post:

    All BKF users agree not to post any derogatory/racist/or sexist remarks. This includes attachments, links and all information contained within posts, signatures, and avatars, failure to comply with this rule will result in a permanent ban.

    All BKF users agree not to post any copyrighted or trademarked information without the express written permission of the owner(s) / proper citation of source.

    All BKF users agree not to post any real names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, social security numbers, or any other personal details (their own or other people's).

    All BKF users agree not to post links, pictures, attachments, videos, or the like of pornographic content, objectionable material or extreme violence, whether cartoon or real.

    All BKF users agree not to use BKF for advertising purposes without a written contract between yourself/company/agent and the administration of BKF. Blatant advertising will result in a ban.

    All BKF users agree not to spam the forums. Spam includes but is not limited to posting erroneous, non-relevant-useless, off-topic, or meaningless posts. Spam may also include posts which contain no text, or large areas of blank space between lines. More often than not simply posting emoticons without text is considered spam. Such instances where it is deemed inappropriate will be decided by moderators or administrators. BKF is the largest bankruptcy community and resource and all the content is intended to help other users. Please help us improve the quality of our forum by making sure that your posts are well-worded, spellchecked, proper grammared and syntaxed.

    Regarding actions of moderators and administrators:

    The forum is no place to air out your opinion or be judgmental of our staff and its capabilities.

    All BKF users agree not to abuse or mistreat moderators or administrators. It is against BKF rules to post any information regarding bans or any other action taken by a member of the moderating or administrative team. If you wish to discuss bans or warnings please do so via PM. To place a complaint against a moderator, send a PM to a super moderator. All Moderators are equal, any decision made by a moderator must be adhered to. If a moderator tells you something you do not like, do not go to another moderator looking for a different answer. If you are caught doing this you will be banned. The moderators work as a team and respect the decisions made by their peers and will help enforce them unless an administrator tells them differently.
    If you have an issue with how the forum is run, then notify one of our administrator and we will look into the situation. We have in the past and still do appreciate any input that you offer this forum. But critical input and/or judgmental postings towards the staff will result in you getting banned.

    Should you find a thread offensive or out of line, then notify a Mod in a PM so they can evaluate the situation and do the action deemed necessary.

    All moderators do have active "other" lives outside of the forum and help moderate this forum in their spare time throughout the days and weeks.

    If you have a problem with a member or Mod follow the proper channels of reporting it.

    BKF reserves the right to delete any posts which contain anti-BKF comments or discussion. Any bashing of moderators or administrators, or any of their discussion or actions will also be deleted, and the responsible posting party(s) will be banned. Any public anti-BKF advertising, communication, or posts on another forum will result in permanent bans as well.

    All warnings and bans are decided by individual moderators and administrators. Warnings are preferable to bans however, for serious offenses and repeat abusers bans will go into effect. The length of the bans can vary from several hours to permanent.

    All messages posted or sent including through PM are the property of

    All BKF users agree not to advertiser on the forum (Niether by posting, private messaging or using your signature). If you are a company/attorney/legal adviser wishing to advertise on the site or sell a product, you must contact the head administrator and inquire about our advertising packages.

    All bankruptcy related opinions expressed on are those of their authors and not necessarily of BKF, its staff or representatives.

    You agree not to copy any material/post/content from BKF without written permission from our head administrator .

    By posting on this forum you agree to these terms and conditions, including any punishment deemed appropriate by moderators or administrators in the event of an offense.
    Administrators/Moderators can change these rules at any time without prior notice.
    Last edited by HRx; 09-29-2011, 07:23 PM.
    The information provided is not, and should not be considered legal advice. All information provided is only informational and should be verified by a law practioner whenever possible. When confronted with legal issues contact an experienced attorney in your state who specializes in the area of law most directly called into question by your particular situation.


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