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Visitor message from bubba2299


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Last Activity: Today, 05:25 AM
Joined: 07-10-2008

  • Visitor message from bubba2299

    bubba2299 posted a Visitor Message for justbroke
    So did long form means test. Numbers were in line w/ what i pay. Attorney says qualified for C7. Go to hearing, all seems to go well. Bam -- get Statement of Presumed Abuse--due to Debtor's current monthly income x 12 is not less than requirements. My long form shows 69.67left at end on month, I'm single w/ dependent child in college and rent. What is your take?

  • justbroke
    You'll have to see specifically what the United States Trustee (UST) writes. THey usually don't like over-the-median filers and don't like support of college-aged (adult) children. In many cases, the UST files this just as a protection to preserve their right to file a motion to dismiss. If, after 30 days, they don't ask for more paperwork, then they usually are satisfied. If they ask for more paperwork and documentation, don't hesitate to help them by immediately giving them what they want. Your case is likely borderline and they're doing their due diligence.
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