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lease x

  • max2k10
    started a topic CH 13 Multiple Car Lease Question

    CH 13 Multiple Car Lease Question

    Hello All, I'm looking for advise, suggestions. I filed for chapter 13 last year and was confirmed in April. So 1 year already next month. This is for 60 months. I have 3 leases which were not included in the bk. I have my wife's car which is due in December of this year. I recently went to dealer and...
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  • Means Test - Line 23/24 Transportation ownership/lease expense

    We're currently reviewing our chapter 7 filing papers our lawyer prepared on Friday. Plan is for a Monday signing. We'll be asking the lawyer these questions on Monday too, but thought I might ask them here for insight.

    We have two vehicles we'll be keeping. One we own which will be exempted,...
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  • cchamberlin8
    started a topic Car Lease Advice

    Car Lease Advice

    Thanks everyone for all the info on here. I recently filed Ch7 and I have a leased vehicle with 2 years remaining on the lease. Because of life circumstances I have moved and commute 180 miles total each day so I will be way over my mileage allowance at lease end. I'll basically have to buy the car...
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  • cchamberlin8
    started a topic New car just after filing??

    New car just after filing??

    I am very new to this but like so many others, I have found this to be a wealth of information. I am filing Ch 7 in New Jersey and I have a leased vehicle. Two years left on the lease and I will be significantly over the milage allowance at lease end. On one hand I think the best thing to do is to surrender...
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  • Assuming apartment rental lease: how to fill in forms?

    We are filing chapter 7 and presently renting an apartment that we and our landlord are happy for us to stay in. It's a year-long lease (which I guess we mention on Schedule G) with a security deposit held in our name (which I guess we mention on Schedule B). We're up to date on our rent and will remain...
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    Last edited by mtbc; 12-05-2009, 02:22 PM. Reason: increase clarity

  • KP1980
    started a topic Do I notify Landlord?

    Do I notify Landlord?

    Do I need to tell my lanlord that I filed banckruptcy? I had to list my lease in the filing forms, then again on my intentions form.
    But, Im not late in rent nor do I intend to end my lease.
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  • daidai2008
    started a topic Breaking lease after filing

    Breaking lease after filing

    I had no intentions of moving after I filed but it seems my landlord does not want to make repairs. My basement flooded because of heavy rain and a broken sump pump. I waited 2 days and they finally came over looked at the water and just left. Said they could not find a sump pump in stock and I would...
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