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Ch 7 pro se per diem
I am trying to figure out how I document per diem when filing joint chapter 7 pro se. My husband worked out of state for about 3 of the past 6 months and if i have to include that in the gross income when filling out means test, it will put us over the income limit. It is labeled as "living out...
Increased income during Chapter 13
In the state of Maryland, am I required to report to the Court if my income substantially increases? I asked my lawyer when I filed 2 years ago, and he said no. But I came across something on Google today that directly contradicted him.
I’m in a 100% plan, and my payment is already scheduled...
Statement of Insufficient information from US Trustee
My wife is currently going through Ch 7. Today, we received a letter from the UST stating "...Statement of Insufficient Information Necessary to Make Presumption of Abuse".
It mentioned something about missing some required means testing documents,, etc.....
Calculating the 6 month lookback with calendar anomalies
Doing a case where the vagaries of the calendar include 27 weekly paychecks rather than 26 in the full previous 6 months, in a year that will produce 52 overall. If using the larger number, when doubled, it would distort annual income by 3%. In this case this is the difference between qualifying for...
Filing to save My Home!
I'm so ashamed that My life has came to this. 😢
Just received notice, that our home will be foreclosed on May 19th.
Seems that Chapter 13 is the only option We have left. We're behind almost $8k.
We also have medical bills, approximately $25k between...
HELP - I might not qualify.
Hi, I'm new here and want to thank everybody for their help in advance.
I get paid in the low-mid $100K and have over $50,000 in CC debt thanks to a long divorce.
I spoke to a BK lawyer who said point blank that I likely won't qualify for Chapter 7 even though...
Question about means test North Carolina
We went to do a consult with an attorney yesterday and were told we are over the means test for chapter 7. It is only by a about 400 dollars. We don't have a car payment as they repossesses that already. We have a house that is current that we plan on keeping. We have only has it for about 2 years...
forced early retirement and future earnings decides chapter 7 or 13?
My company is offering an early retirement package to those of us who are 60. The message is, take it or risk getting fired later with nothing. I live in an at will state.
The company has already fired a bunch of people younger than us old-timers, to reduce payroll, so we see the writing...
Question on Calculating Medical, Dental and Vision Expenses
I'm need to list line-by-line my Medical, Dental and Vision Expenses for the Means Tests Chapter 7.
Things like new contacts, glasses and co-pays are easy to list, but I had a few questions:
- If I spent $1,000 last year on medical out of pocket, but only spent $100 this...
sbasurvivor started a topic Spouse not filing, but BK attorney won't take case because of spouse's Chapter 7Spouse not filing, but BK attorney won't take case because of spouse's
I met with a BK attorney yesterday, and he didn't want to take my case. Should I see someone else?
Situation: My small business tanked in 2008, leaving me with $900K in SBA PG. I was only guarantor - wife did not sign. So I'd like to file personal Ch 7, but leave the wife off it....
Health Insurance Question w/ Regard to Means Test
My husband's employer pays a portion of our health insurance premium, which shows up under the "Pay Type" section of his pay stub, along with his salary. They put the total amount of the health insurance in the "Non-Taxable Deductions" section. So do I include the employer paid...
question about means test
HI gang
Trying to complete my means test to see if I qualify for a ch 7. I'm a little confused about line 42, futurepayments on secured claims. For property securing the debt, do I put my current 1st and 2nd mortgage? What if we plan on foreclosure after the BK?
I assume under Vehicle...
Means test question...
I've been going over my BK paperwork over and over. I do feel that I have a competent attorney with more than 20 years experience, so I feel comfortable with him, but I do question a few things on our means test.
For the means test, I see that the national standards are what are used...
Income question and credit counseling questions - sorry long
My husband and I are thinking about filing Ch 7 as it seems we pass the means test. The reason we are filing is we have a rental property that we are "in the hole" every month and since it is not our primary residence BOA will not budge on anything. So we decided to let it go back.
Impact of non recurring income on means test
My wife and I had our first meeting with an attorney last week. She explained the means test and we talked about Ch 7 and Ch 13. She told us that our annual income is right on the line, that we might qualify for 7, but because I received a bonus at the end of the year it screws up my 6 month average....
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