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post bankruptcy x

  • Mandy
    started a topic American Dream???

    American Dream???

    Like many of you here, I went bankrupt about 3 years ago. A lot of people thought I was being irresponsible with my money causing me to go bankrupt, but that was not the case. I graduated with a business degree from Northwestern and had worked for 10 years as a finance manager. My company was bought...
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    Last edited by justbroke; 08-10-2012, 08:24 AM. Reason: [moderator removed URL link]

  • nycdk
    started a topic Deed in joint but only husband on mortgage

    Deed in joint but only husband on mortgage

    Yes, only I am on the mortgage and I filed chapter 7, discharged last year.
    Because I surrendered my home in Chapter 7, it will be foreclosed sooner or later.
    When foreclosed, is my wife's credit going to be affected? As said, her name is on the Deed but not on the mortgage, so she survived...
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  • Chap 7 D/C in 4/10, investment property sold 6/10, have heard nothing?

    Hi all,

    I'm new and not very savvy about this bankruptcy stuff. My husband and I filed chapter 7 in Sept of 09, and our b/k was discharged in 4 of 2010.
    We gave up not only our primary residence (which had two mortgages and was way upside down) but also our investment property....
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  • Dan76
    started a topic Chance of Keeping AMEX Charge Card?

    Chance of Keeping AMEX Charge Card?

    I was told if I file my AMEX account would most likely be closed. It's only a charge card and I'm not including it in the BK. Is there any remote chance they would not close the account, or the odds are it will most likely be closed along with any other credit line or charge card with no balance?...
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