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taxes x

  • New here with a question

    Hello. I’m new to this forum. I wanted to say hello and i’m so happy I found this place. My husband and I have found ourself looking at chapter 13 as our only way out of tax debt. We are a family of 5 with two teenagers and one grade schooler. My biggest question is, what happens if there is an...
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  • Strategic Default - BK planning

    Thank you for your time,

    In 2013 My wife and I separated but didn’t divorce so I could stay on her insurance. We both each purchased a home, her in Riverside county and me in Los Angeles county. We got back together about 2 years later 2015, I moved in with her and converted mine into...
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  • mnmama
    started a topic Spending cash the days before filing

    Spending cash the days before filing

    We plan to file on Monday. Our lawyer has said that we are likely to lose part of our tax refund in April. The less cash we have in our bank accounts now, the more of our future tax refund we can exempt.

    We currently have about $500 in our bank accounts. We already did the car's service,...
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  • Can filing BK stop my tax refund from being taken for student loans?

    I am in Michigan. I have student loans, which are in default, from years ago. I haven't worked in a few years. This year I am working but not making much. I have been contemplating filing BK for a while. If I file bk before or right after I file taxes next year, would my taxes still get taken for my...
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    Last edited by MIGirl; 10-18-2014, 09:30 AM. Reason: my state

  • Does my bankruptcy attorney know how to properly discharge my personal income taxes?

    Hi there,

    I have so many questions about my bankruptcy but one that is really pressing is the fact that I chose the least patient attorney because he originally told me at our first meeting that he knew how to discharge taxes in bankruptcy even though I needed to tell him what all of...
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  • wanderinggir
    started a topic Discharged chapt 13 tax question

    Discharged chapt 13 tax question

    I had my bankruptcy discharged in 2010 they made me file my back (2008 and 2009) taxes but let me keep the money when I filed but didn't make me file my state taxes. I finally have gotten around to filling at it looks like I am going to get back about $3,000. Do I need to inform the court?
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  • State didn't claim all taxes owed, now demanding payment

    In my Chapter 13 the State of Oregon failed to claim all the priority non-dischargable taxes that I was liable to pay. Now that I have completed Chapter 13, they have sent a demand for payment within 30 days of the balance. Is this legal? It's not clear to me how the State can claim 60% during bankruptcy...
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  • IRS to Chapter 13 Debtors: File Your Returns by February 5!

    the following information was written by Russell A. DeMott, Charleston Bankruptcy Lawyer and i thought i may be helpful to those in chapter 13. i can't list this as an news article, as it's a contribution to a blog i subscribe to.

    "We all know that individual tax returns are due...
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  • bates888
    started a topic Payroll Taxes

    Payroll Taxes

    We received a discharge on our no asset Chapter 7 case in September. The case is also closed. In the BK, we included payroll taxes for our LLC and our Corp (we had 2 businesses that went under). The total owed is probably like $4k between the two, but they've added penalties and fees...
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  • Your Banktrupcy & The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act and Debt Cancellation

    i just wanted to post a "reminder" about "The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act and Debt Cancellation" and how it will no longer be in effect after 2012, we only have ONE more year to apply the act. time is passing!!!

    it does effect many of us who are or will be...
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    Last edited by tobee43; 10-21-2011, 07:01 AM.

  • America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb

    June 14, 2011

    The failures of federal, state and local officials of both major parties, over many years, have primed a ticking bankruptcy bomb for America that will explode the American Dream if we don’t disarm it. But it is not too late to reverse course and avert the coming bankruptcy...
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  • addisonsmom
    started a topic IRA Withdrawl to Pay taxes????

    IRA Withdrawl to Pay taxes????

    We are currently on a 100% payback plan on our Chapter 13 and we are going to have to pay the IRS a little over $2500. We are considering taking some money from our IRA in order to pay these taxes since we can not incur any more debt. Will we have to have our attorney petition the court or can we just...
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  • Unemployment Tax Adversary Proceeding against Responsible Person

    I filed a Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy at the beginning of last year which was discharged in the spring of last year. Before the discharge was finalized the California EDD filed an adversary proceeding against me for unemployment insurance taxes which were due from a company I was an executive officer...
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  • msmith32
    started a topic Reaffirmation Questions

    Reaffirmation Questions

    I am strongly considering filing for Ch. 7 bankrupcy soon. I do not plan on re-affirming on my mortgage, but am going to remain current and continue to live there. I have a few questions.

    1) Will my mortgage company send me a 1098 form showing the interest paid during the year and...
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  • Schedule E Question - Chapter 7

    If you know you will be owing taxes in 2011 but have not done them yet, would you check the "Taxes and other debts" Box and estimate the amount owed?
    I know I will be owing which is why I am in no hurry to do them...

    Any feedback would be much appreciated
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