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Had our 341 yesterday....

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    Had our 341 yesterday....

    We had our 341 yesterday and I thought that I was going to be sick. The hubby just cruises through. We met our attorney 15 minutes before hand and had to sign a few documents, turn over our debt counseling certificates and went in. We were supposed to be second and ended up being first because the person ahead of us wasn't there yet. We didn't actually see the trustee. An assistant type person of his asked the questions. She looked at our ID's and we had to do a change of address. The state tax commission was there. We don't owe them, but it is standard procedure for them to confirm that you paid your taxes to them. No creditors showed up and we were through in about 4 whole minutes. We have 1 thing that the assistant person questioned and our attorney will submit the answer in writing.

    My advice....breathe, breathe, breathe, speak clearly and loudly and only say yes or no. Be sure not to say Uhhmmm, or Ahhhh, or anything else. They get a little cross with you if you do.

    We lived!!!!
    Filed - 12/24/08 (Merry Christmas Credit Cards!)
    341 - 2/5/09
    Confirmation - 3/13/09....Happy Dance!!!

    Most of the time we make a big deal before the 341. It turns out to be nothing. I'm glad you had an easy one.
    Filed Chapter 13 05/23/08
    Converted to Chapter 7 Jan 2012
    Discharged April 2012


      Yeah! Congrats on your 341 going so smoothly.
      May 2008 Hired 1st Attorney/Stopped paying CCs
      May 21, 2009 Retained 2nd Attorney
      May 28th - Filed for Ch 7 (FINALLY!)
      9/11/09 - DISCHARGED!!!!


        Thanks...for the first time in several months, I finally relaxed.
        Filed - 12/24/08 (Merry Christmas Credit Cards!)
        341 - 2/5/09
        Confirmation - 3/13/09....Happy Dance!!!


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