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Help, look at my numbers, for a possible chapter 13

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    Originally posted by Shelly3630 View Post
    Thats the thing, my husband will not even consider selling any land or any of his possesions. I thought maybe Ch 13 may help us and left him keep that extra land. But I really did doubt we would qualify for it. He once told me a bankrupcty lawyer would laugh us out of his office. I have our end of the year financial papers almost done, we are around 4500-5000 in the hole. We will be able to make this up with taxes, but we still won't have any extra money each month to LIVE on after every "regular" bill. I just don't know what else to do.

    I think your situation is "fixable" without BK at this point, but it sounds to me like your husband may need to change his thinking a bit, or your could end up in a situation that ISN'T manageable w/o a BK.

    That's JMO.


      Originally posted by JEM View Post
      I think your situation is "fixable" without BK at this point, but it sounds to me like your husband may need to change his thinking a bit, or your could end up in a situation that ISN'T manageable w/o a BK.

      That's JMO.
      Oh ya, I believe that. I do think though it may take something major to open his eyes up. I am going to really have to pray about it. I thought this something was this year previously when he got fired from his job and I was excited to maybe to get him to open his eyes up, but after about three weeks he got a job doing the exact same thing, making the exact same money and all. I was SHOCKED!!!!!! ( In this economy and all.) But I guess that is where a lot of education in a certain field will get you. I am so impressed with everyone here with all these replies and such. Thank you so much. I will be showing him the final 2009 papers in about a week, and I just don't know what he will think. Something has got to give. I mean, you know we really are'nt in that MUCH debt, ( or at least I don't think so, maybe I am wrong) but we do not have any money left for life or emergencies. This has stressed me out so much the past year I have put on 30lbs. It is really starting to effect my health, phsycial and mental.


        Originally posted by Shelly3630 View Post
        Oh ya, I believe that. I do think though it may take something major to open his eyes up. I am going to really have to pray about it. I thought this something was this year previously when he got fired from his job and I was excited to maybe to get him to open his eyes up, but after about three weeks he got a job doing the exact same thing, making the exact same money and all. I was SHOCKED!!!!!! ( In this economy and all.) But I guess that is where a lot of education in a certain field will get you. I am so impressed with everyone here with all these replies and such. Thank you so much. I will be showing him the final 2009 papers in about a week, and I just don't know what he will think. Something has got to give. I mean, you know we really are'nt in that MUCH debt, ( or at least I don't think so, maybe I am wrong) but we do not have any money left for life or emergencies. This has stressed me out so much the past year I have put on 30lbs. It is really starting to effect my health, phsycial and mental.
        I think that you should just tell him all of that. Have a sit down, and explain it to him, show him the numbers.

        Good Luck!


          Sorry, but if it is between eating and paying the following, I'd choose eating:

          internet/tv 115
          cellphones 125
          church 160
          gym 25

          This totals $425.

          This is harsh and I know faith is important to a lot of people but I find it hard to believe whatever God you're praying to would rather have you pay them then feed yourself.

          You're just living beyond your means at this point. Time to give up the above, or sell the land or better yet, do both. Doing both would save you $1155/month and you'd still be far better off then a lot of people in this country.
          19% dividend


            I agree with debtinohio, even if you don't go "cold turkey", cut back on some things.

            Can you get cheaper internet? I know here I can get high speed for about $30/mo. You can ditch the cable/sat package and use an antenna for the local networks (may need a large antenna depending on where you live, but spending $100-$200 installed on that would be better than $100 each and every month).

            If you need the cell phones for work/emergency that's fine, but look at a cheaper package. You should be able to get by at half that at least.

            Church, you need to do what you feel is right. Maybe cut back on the amount you give right now? If and when things get better for you look at increasing it back.

            Gym, if you actually use it often and use it to stay fit and healthy then its probably a good investment (bad health is expensive). If you find you don't go often or can excercise at home, ditch it.

            What do you use the extra 15 acres for? You haven't mentioned that you actually do anything with your land. If it just sits there and looks pretty you really need to look at getting rid of it. You have another 15 acres and a paid for house. Why pay all that money to have even more land?

            Sell one the "toys" you mentioned that were paid for and pay off that furniture. You only owe $5k but its pulling $275/mo out of your budget.

            IMO, Just a few lifestyle changes can get you back in a good position.
            Filed CH13 - 06/2009
            Confirmed - 01/2010


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