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Positive Chapter 13 Stories?

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    Thanks everyone who contributed their experiences and ideas & tips. We're getting ready to file chapter 13 the end of this month and as my anxiety is still there, somehow this forum and all the great people here have actually helped to bring some inner peace and the realization that whatever happens, it WILL BE okay. In our situation, we don't have a choice but 5 years down the road we will be debt free ( 'cept the house) something we now know we would NEVER be able to do on our own.

    So, thanks again to everyone & if there are anymore stories/experiences, tips and advice---- keep it coming! your are truly helping not only me, but I'm sure many, many of us just starting our bk13 journey.


      I too have been so helped and calmed by the positive stories herein. Believe me, I was one hot mess before filing, at time of filing, and afterwards. The positive stories have been great. Thanks all.
      Indiana Filed March 9, 2010;
      341- April 28, 2010;
      Confirmed May 25, 2010;
      $1,240 a month; 4 down & 56 to go


        universal- i hope your's goes well. our filing will be the end of this month & i'm nervous as can be & hope our plan works out and there aren't any snags along the way that the lawyer doesn't expect.
        I'm more at ease from this forum but i won't be 'normal" again until we're at least filed/confirmed at a plan we can afford.


          I'm a year into my thirteen and all is well. We have enough to live if nothing major happens. As long as our jobs hold out we will be fine. We also had several lenders who did not file claims so it will be over well before the 5 years are up. There are no scary phone calls or envelopes that come in the mail. Neither of our employers are aware of it and very few family members. Best move I ever made, and I am paying back 100%. If all goes well in two years it will be over


            We are about 9 months into our 13. Been fine so far. The hardest thing is really watching your budget. We also are having unexpected medical bills (what caused the 13 to begin with) that are hard to plan and budget for. We have only had 1x that we have had to "overnight" our trustee payment because we had to wait to payday (I was sweating it out!). Securing a rental home has been a challenge for us but I am glad that almost 1 year is up and before my olderst turns 8, we will be done...except for those student loans....UHGH!

            Only 2 family members know, our parents, and no one else. It is easy to explain that you are short selling or foreclosing on your home because of the economy and that is also why are are scaling back, so that helps it not hurt so much...although it is still hard to swallow your pride sometimes and lose your home or whatever else.

            I started listening to Dave Ramsey, ironically after we went to our "Debtor's Education" course for our 13, and reading some of his books, and I realize that obviously we are not alone. He has some good sound advice to start rebuilding your life and his $1000 emergency fund (i think it is baby step 1) has saved us 2x already!

            It is good to hear other stories as well. Thanks for the thread.


              Me and hubby confirmed 5/29/2008, 44 month wage earner, I was x---tatic to learn after a morning of calculations in my case file online that we will be done in less time, according to our tax refunds we should be so close if not finish a wee bit after 12/2011, so about one more year. owed $63,391.00 to date down to $28,173, sent in a tax refund check on monday for $3,145 and by the time they process that it will include another month payment of $1416, total of next payment.. whopping..$4561, bringing the total owed down to, $23,633... total yearly payback to trustee and creditors give or take is $16992 not including tax refunds. so we should be only $3140 in the red, which our tax refund should cover and perhaps an extra payment.. We were only given a 44 month retoric figure of finishing up and now I know why, I am hoping I am right.. all I can think about is being totally 100% debt free, its hard but so so worth it. It surely teaches many valuable things about yourself and your finances. Good luck and thank goodnes for this place, thanks to the orginator that created it..
              100% unsecured/secured payback


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