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Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution

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    Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution

    Can anyone tell me what this means? I had my 341 on Monday and my atty had amended my papers to include my SS disability and the lump sum back payment I received one day prior to filing. So she did not get the chance to review the amended documents.

    Do you think it means that she has determined that the SS disability lump sum payment is exempt? God I hope so.

    Anyone have any idea?
    Filed 3/21/2008
    Meeting of Creditor 4/28/2008
    Deadline for objections 5/28/2008
    Discharge date 6/27/2008

    Iloveoliver, it's a good sign, that's for sure. But you'd be better advised to ask the attorney directly, since as you say the trustee may not have had a chance to see everything yet. Good luck!!!
    Nolo Press book on filing Chapter 7, there are others too. (I have no affiliation with Nolo Press; just a happy customer.) Best wishes to you!


      Meeting of Creditors Held and Concluded on 5/12/2008Trustee's Report of No Distribution Trustee of this estate reports and certifies that the trustee has performed the duties required of a trustee under 11 U.S.C. 704 and has concluded that there are no assets to administer for the benefit of creditors of this estate. I have received no funds or property of the estate, and paid no monies on account of the estate. Wherefore, the trustee prays that this report be approved and the trustee be discharged from office.
      This was a note from the trustee in the docket report. Does this mean what I think it means?

      This is what the atty emailed me:

      """"Now this does not mean that she cannot change her mind since we cannot be certain that she has reviewed the updated schedules but at this time it does not appear that she intends on taking any action. Good news for now. """"""""""

      My response to this is why would she make a notation in the record and then come back and change it? You would think, as being a professional she would review those amendments prior to making a decision. JackA$$
      Last edited by iloveoliver; 05-14-2008, 12:52 PM.
      Filed 3/21/2008
      Meeting of Creditor 4/28/2008
      Deadline for objections 5/28/2008
      Discharge date 6/27/2008


        Very likely, she (the trustee) would make a notation in the record and then come back and change it, IF at the time she made the notation she was, as your attorney thinks possible, entirely unaware that you made amendments to your filing, or that those amendments contained changes substantial enough to warrant a change in the no-asset status of your case. That's why they're allowed to change that determination even after it has been made; if they weren't, and it were set in stone, all any particular filer would have to do is wait until the 11th hour to submit amendments that suddenly contained all their assets. "Ooops, forgot to tell ya, but..."

        Plus, they're not superhuman, and your case is not the only one on your trustee's desk. As hard as it is, I'm afraid there's only one thing to do: wait it out. I know you're frustrated, but that's pretty much the way it is. I wish you the very best.
        Nolo Press book on filing Chapter 7, there are others too. (I have no affiliation with Nolo Press; just a happy customer.) Best wishes to you!


          Yes she was aware that there were changes to the schedules. Of course maybe she is required to update the file in a certain amount of time after the 341. I know the deadline is May 28 and I am assuming she has until then to go back and update. So who knows if indeed she did review the changes. My atty led me to believe that sometimes they miss things on the schedules because they are so busy.

          Oh and also in the status tab it says satus awaiting discharge. So is this meaningful? Is this what they say when the deadline for objecting to exemptions has passed?
          Last edited by iloveoliver; 05-15-2008, 01:01 PM.
          Filed 3/21/2008
          Meeting of Creditor 4/28/2008
          Deadline for objections 5/28/2008
          Discharge date 6/27/2008


            "Awaiting discharge" is a common post-341 PACER entry; it really doesn't mean anything beyond that. The only CERTAIN thing is waiting out the 60 days and there's really no guessing at it beyond that; if you haven't heard or seen anything by then you're good.
            Nolo Press book on filing Chapter 7, there are others too. (I have no affiliation with Nolo Press; just a happy customer.) Best wishes to you!


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