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Another ? about the waiting

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    Another ? about the waiting

    You know everyone talks about the 60 day waiting after a 341.My info sheet my Lawyer gave me says you will recieve a discharge in approximately 3 months after the 341. I'm in Colorado.... anyone else out there in CO have this told to them or do all states vary to some point???
    filed June 12,09
    341 July 20,09
    deadline to object Sept 18,09

    Everything I've read about recently says 60 to 90 days. Not sure where the 60 day club thing came from.


      Me neither.......
      filed June 12,09
      341 July 20,09
      deadline to object Sept 18,09


        60 days is the last day for objections - any time past that is just the court system being bogged down, just a technicality. Hence the 60 day club, even if it takes 100 days for them to issue the discharge, you're actually "done" after the 60. HTH
        BKForum Blog: The Journey



          Originally posted by Trixie007 View Post
          60 days is the last day for objections - any time past that is just the court system being bogged down, just a technicality. Hence the 60 day club, even if it takes 100 days for them to issue the discharge, you're actually "done" after the 60. HTH

          I received my paperwork from the BK court on Monday (filed last Tuesday) and my 341 meeting is scheduled for August 5th. It said in the paperwork that the last day for objections is October 5th. Since I am in Vermont, hopefully my discharge will be right around the corner from that.
          Filed (Pro Se) - 06/23/2009.
          341 meeting - 08/05/2009.
          Last day for objections - 10/05/2009.
          Discharged - 10/06/2009


            Got my letter with date for 341 and such today from lawyer. Do you all mean the deadline to object to exemptions...mine says 30 days after the conclusion of the meeting of the creditors. Then they have DEADLINES:says, deadline to file a complaint objecting to discharge of debtor or to determine dischargeability of certain debts 9/18/09. My 341 is July 20th the last one would be 60 day club??? Someone explain what this all means...if you could please....I would appreciate it so much. Thank you!
            filed June 12,09
            341 July 20,09
            deadline to object Sept 18,09


              Yours is exactly the same as mine as we filed on the same day! 9/18 is the last day for any creditor to object to your bankruptcy. Then, after that 60th day, you are just waiting for the official "discharge".
              BK Ch 7 Discharged 09/2009 | Anything I say can and should be used as friendly advice and sharing of experiences with an unbiased viewpoint.
              Scores: EQ 745 EX 704 TU 710 as of 08/15/2012


                objections to exemptions are different from objections to discharge/dischargeability. for some reason, nobody worries about objections to exemptions (because apparently they never ever come up, and because they don't affect the discharge). the 60 days everybody talks about is the time to object to discharge/dischargeability.

                you become a member of the 60 day club right after your 341 meeting. that starts the clock on the 60 days for objections to discharge/dischargeability. the day after 9/18/09, if no objections were filed, your discharge is a given (though the clerk might take some time to actually do it because of backlog in the courts). you are in the 60+ club starting 9/19 and get the hampster dance when the discharge is actually entered.

                hope that helps...
                filed ch7 May 09
                341 june 09
                discharged, closed Aug 09


                  Yea that's what I just said... :P only in a much less descriptive way... hehe.
                  BK Ch 7 Discharged 09/2009 | Anything I say can and should be used as friendly advice and sharing of experiences with an unbiased viewpoint.
                  Scores: EQ 745 EX 704 TU 710 as of 08/15/2012


                    amy dearest, i didn't see your post when i wrote mine...
                    filed ch7 May 09
                    341 june 09
                    discharged, closed Aug 09


             another dumb question. How on here do I get to put my dates on to where they show up under my posts??? Like other people????
                      filed June 12,09
                      341 July 20,09
                      deadline to object Sept 18,09


                        Originally posted by music12 View Post
                        amy dearest, i didn't see your post when i wrote mine...
                        Hehe.... ok I forgive you then.
                        BK Ch 7 Discharged 09/2009 | Anything I say can and should be used as friendly advice and sharing of experiences with an unbiased viewpoint.
                        Scores: EQ 745 EX 704 TU 710 as of 08/15/2012


                          Originally posted by denisejohn65 View Post
                 another dumb question. How on here do I get to put my dates on to where they show up under my posts??? Like other people????
                          Under "User CP" ... its on the left at the top of the forums. Then click on the edit signature link.
                          BK Ch 7 Discharged 09/2009 | Anything I say can and should be used as friendly advice and sharing of experiences with an unbiased viewpoint.
                          Scores: EQ 745 EX 704 TU 710 as of 08/15/2012


                            Originally posted by denisejohn65 View Post
                   another dumb question. How on here do I get to put my dates on to where they show up under my posts??? Like other people????
                            Click on 'User CP' in he upper left hand corner and then click on edit signature. Put in it whatever you choose to say.
                            Filed BK on 3/27/09
                            341 Meeting 4/29/09
                            Discharged and closed 6/30/09!!!!!!


                              Ok lets see if it shows my signature
                              filed June 12,09
                              341 July 20,09
                              deadline to object Sept 18,09


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