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Took our Pre Bankruptcy Course

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    Took our Pre Bankruptcy Course

    this afternoon. She was able to do a conference call with Dh cell phone while he was trucking on down through Kentucky. After all the figures were plugged into her computer we are $1,270 in the hole each month. Main reason is big medical bills and prescriptions. She did give me some websites to visit to see if they could help with my prescriptions since I'm 100% disabled.

    She asked about our monthly entertainment. I said our only entertainment was going to see the Gaither's (gospel group) in Little Rock this past Feb. I haven't been out of the house, now, in 3 weeks.

    We are current on Dh's truck payment and our home. Yes, we could probably let Dh's truck go back, but I'm not physically able to drive him 40 miles one way to his work. I just can't see giving up our home. We've lived in apartments and we sure don't have any money for a rental. She did say something about we would have to reaffirm the truck and house. I asked her if that was an Arkansas Law and she said she didn't know.

    Dh has been on the road since last Sat. and will be getting home around midnight. He's out of hours thank goodness. So he won't be able to leave until Monday, but then that means less pay next week.

    So Dang Depressing1 I think I will just go to bed.

    Hi Luci:

    You've made it this far. HUGGS.
    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


      Well it is actually good that the time is now limited as many truckers relied on 'bennies' to get them the miles. This was not good or safe.

      At least you know you are a shoe in for 7. You do not have to reaffirm anything as long as you pay through.

      I wish you well. 'Hub
      If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


        I am so glad to hear that you are one step closer. I have read many of your posts over the past months are you are so encouraging.
        I wonder, how do you feel about this step?
        I know that for me this week has been a roller coaster of emotions.
        Months ago when I decided that this was the route for us I couldn't wait for it to be over. Time flew. Before I knew it I had to get my packet together. I didn't realize that time had gone by so quickly and when I finally started doing it I thought I might not get it done when I needed to in order to file this week. When I took my pre-bk course back in July, I was very gung ho to get things moving but on the way to the lawyers office yesterday my hands started sweating, I felt as though I couldn't catch my breath, and I was driving much more slowly than usual. My mind just raced. I wasn't worried about it being the right thing or not, I knew that we had to do this, but it was so...umm...major.
        Today my case was filed and as I waited for the attorney's office to e-mail me my time and date for the 341 I found myself all wound up in knots again. My daughter was driving me and my hands were clutching my cell phone just waiting for the e-mail to finally come through. When it finally did show up, after 5pm (I was getting worried that they had forgotten to e-mail me LOL ) I felt a little relieved. One more step completed. I have been all over the place emotionally this week. Giddy that it is finally happening and we are that much closer to it being over, nervous, anxious, relieved, mad (at the guy who accused me of hitting him in the parking lot of the bank where I was taking out my last dollars to pay the lawyer ) Oh, you name it I felt it.
        Luci, we are on our way. One step closer to our new start.
        Southern District of Florida
        Filed Ch 7 - 8/6/09 341 - 9/14/09
        Report of No Distribution - 9/18/09
        DISCHARGE ! 11/23/09 Closed 12/8/09


          Thanks Mr. & Mrs. Hub.

          Doingpoorly: Thank you for commenting on my posts over the past months how they have been encouraging. I try to raise the spirits of those who need it.

          I've worked a tad bit each day on our BK. The lady at the Credit Counseling said that Dh and I sure have had more than our fair share of medical maladies. Even though she said we didn't qualify, she discounted our course by $25.00. She also gave me some phone numbers and websites to look at to see if I could get a better price on my prescriptions since I am 100% disabled. She also said our house payment was the same as her payment and she lives in a larger town closer to the Capitol.

          I guess the Shock of realizing without the Credit Card Debt, We are so far in the negative each month did almost that, put me into Shock! I guess I don't need to worry about any additional expenses LOL! I'm going to go back through our medical bills and see if there are some $$ that might not be used in the near future.

          I've been worrying these past 3 weeks because my Onocologist sent me a notice it was time for my 6 mth. mammogram. I had a breast biopsy in late Feb. due to cancer cells, but they got it all. Medicare left me with a balance of $250 & I was so worried they wouldn't do my Mammo, I called to cancel it & she said No to the cancellation because of my history & my family's history. We just don't have the money this month to pay it.

          I just want to get this bankruptcy over with it as Dh commented a couple a weeks ago, that I don't look good..bags under my eyes and I just look sick. Well, I have lost about 40 lbs. in about 10 months. Hopefully, I will also get the all clear on my skin cancer the end of this month. When I do, then we are filing.

          We will just have to include all Dh's medical bills from when he was hospitalized the first week in April. The ambulance company hasn't even sent a bill to insurance yet. So guess I will list them & put undetermined in the $$ column. We owe the hospital $1,695.12 and they have what you call Specialist for doctors and we haven't gotten that bill either. Think hubby remembers his name & will try to find an address for him.

          Hubby said we are going out for breakfast in the morning. He said he had a $20 bill stashed and that I needed to get out of the house. It's been a long time since I've had breakfast at a restaurant. I usually have Graham Crackers. And hubby will not be going out again until at least until noon at Monday. Soo, sounds like it will be a good Weekend!!



            your husband is right. go out and enjoy breakfast. i love your hubby for loving you so much. you are very lucky to have him.

            i can't even imagine what you are going through. but be strong, people do beat this disease. plus, in my experience, the stress level goes far far down after filing, and then again after the 341. i literally look younger. i remember looking in the mirror a few months ago and i was staring at a scared, horrified, dark face. now the mirror smiles at me - my whole expression and outlook has changed. so keep the hope going, you'll beat this and the bk will help.
            filed ch7 May 09
            341 june 09
            discharged, closed Aug 09


              Oh Luci,
              Breakfast out sounds like such a treat. Eggs, ham, hashbrowns...mmmmm The best breakfast I have had in a long time is cereal WITH milk (usually my kiddos beat me to all the milk.)
              My hubby is pretty outstanding, like yours , and makes sure we are taken care of. It sure helps. Enjoy your morning out. You deserve it.
              Southern District of Florida
              Filed Ch 7 - 8/6/09 341 - 9/14/09
              Report of No Distribution - 9/18/09
              DISCHARGE ! 11/23/09 Closed 12/8/09


                It was after midnight before sweet Dh got home from work. So we were late getting out of bed this morning. However, we are off to have a nice ejoyable breakfast together



                  Luci.. I hope you had a great breakfast and enjoyed your time with your hubby.. doing poorly must of read my mind, cause word for word that's what i wanted to say to you !! I admire how you have so much going on in your personaly life, yet you take time out to comfort others who are in need. You are truly a kind person with a big heart !! I only wish there were people on earth just like you.. God bless you and your hubby
                  Filed on 7-17-09
                  waiting for 341
                  341 meeting 8-21-09
                  discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


                    O Rainmom..thank you for the sweet words.

                    I just can remember when I heard the word 'bankruptcy' in our lives last September, I was petrified. Yet our Attorny just seemed so laid back about it.

                    Hubby found this forum last Oct. and registered using most of his full name (silly guy lol!), so I spent weeks and weeks using the search button and reading posts. Then I registered and started asking questions.

                    Filing bankruptcy is a tough decision. I just want to give comforting words to those who are scared and confused, like I was. And to not let the process hurt them mentally or physically. It's very easy to let depression set in and it's very, very hard to get over it.

                    I was just so shocked when the lady said our dmi was such a high negative number. Both of us have had major medical crisis after another since 2005, we thought 2009 was going to be the year of better health - Not LOL! So now, we have a new Goal - The 4th Quarter of 2009 will bring us Better Health and Discharge of our BK. We're not expecting closure as we are filing on 9/30/09.

                    Thanks Again for the kind words.




                      Hubby was reading my posts and he said why didn't you mention the funniest part of your Counseling Course? So I will: The Counselor informed us all 341 hearings are held on the top floor of the BANK OF AMERICA BUILDING!! I asked the lady why and she said there are too many to be held at the Courthouse. Also, Bank of America is our largest $$ amount in Credit Card Debt.

                      At least BOA Building has a parking deck. The Courthouse shares a parking deck with the Statehouse Convention Center & a Hotel. I would have to drive my scooter up out of the deck and across 2 streets to get to the Courthouse & into a very small rickety elevator. This way, I won't have to worry about me riding my scooter in traffic. Tho, both are in downtown Little Rock and traffic is a nightmare. Glad hubby will be doing the driving

                      Have Good Evening!



                        Congrats one being one step closer Luci. Hope you and your hubby had a nice breakfast together.
                        07/10/09 Filed Chapter 7
                        08/10/09 341
                        10/16/09 Discharged
                        02/01/10 Closed


                          Originally posted by LuciluS View Post
                          Hubby was reading my posts and he said why didn't you mention the funniest part of your Counseling Course? So I will: The Counselor informed us all 341 hearings are held on the top floor of the BANK OF AMERICA BUILDING!! I asked the lady why and she said there are too many to be held at the Courthouse. Also, Bank of America is our largest $$ amount in Credit Card Debt.

                          At least BOA Building has a parking deck. The Courthouse shares a parking deck with the Statehouse Convention Center & a Hotel. I would have to drive my scooter up out of the deck and across 2 streets to get to the Courthouse & into a very small rickety elevator. This way, I won't have to worry about me riding my scooter in traffic. Tho, both are in downtown Little Rock and traffic is a nightmare. Glad hubby will be doing the driving

                          Have Good Evening!

                          Hi Luci.. Ty too, for your kind words Glad you won't have to cross the street to get to your meeting! Did you happen to add BOA to your bk ? That's a funny story
                          Filed on 7-17-09
                          waiting for 341
                          341 meeting 8-21-09
                          discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


                            I'm sorry if this sounds stupid, but what is "Dh"? I've seen the term used here constantly and I figure from the context that the "h" part of it is "husband", but what is "D"? "Dear"? "Debtor"? Or, as my wife would probably guess "Dumb***"?
                            Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


                              it means "dear husband". dw is dear wife. i found a good list of abbreviations in a different forum (ficoforums).
                              filed ch7 May 09
                              341 june 09
                              discharged, closed Aug 09


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