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Anxious, worried, scared about future

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    Anxious, worried, scared about future

    Hello. I'm new like probably most here. I'm 28, married with 3 kids. I don't want to file for bankruptcy, but I feel like I don't have a choice at this point.

    What happened was 2 years ago while I was pregnant with my youngest, there was a billing error at the hospital. I was told to deliver my baby at a hospital that wasn't in my network (I didn't know this) and I didn't have in&out of network. SO, after I delivered I started getting bills. I gave the bills to my doctor's office and was told again and again not to worry about it. That I didn't owe it and it was a mistake in the billing office. Well, my baby is 2 years old now and this is still going on. The bills (totaling over 20K) have been sent to collections, the insurance co refuses to pay, and meanwhile my DH lost his job. I make less than 30K a year and I also have school loans and a little CC debt (less than 2K). I don't know what to do. The collection agency is threatening to sue me and garnish my wages. I can't afford it and feel like the only other option is bankruptcy. I'm going to a lawyer on Saturday. I'm just really upset because I feel like I didn't even get a chance to get started. We'll be married 5 years in Dec and our kids are 5,3, and 2 and we've never even tried to own a home yet and now THIS?!? *sigh* It's frustrating and a shame.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

    I feel for you. I honest to God hope they pass the insurance reform. You know what sucks about this? it's not the insurance that's in the loss but the hospital and yourself.
    My comments are solely based on my opinion. The information and links that I have
    posted are provided solely for informational purposes, and do not constitute legal advice


      Read, study, and ask questions. Everyone here will try to help you.

      Best of luck to you.
      All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
      Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


        Originally posted by shabam View Post
        I feel for you. I honest to God hope they pass the insurance reform. You know what sucks about this? it's not the insurance that's in the loss but the hospital and yourself.
        What totally pisses me off about this is that I was ignorant. I was clueless about the medical insurance process and the ins and outs of it. If I knew then what I know know, this never would have happened. I would have gone to an IN network hospital, not listened to my doctor's office who were misinformed, and only had to pay the deductable.

        And even if I did make the mistake of going to the wrong hospital, had I known I owed the money (again the doc told me I didn't) I would have made arrangements to pay the hospital! I wouldn't have let it get this far. *sigh.


          I think talking to a BK lawyer will help ease your mind. Many times, the decision to file BK is harder than actually filing. At least that is what I heard, and it was true for me. You will get through this.

          Just over 20 years ago I had my daughter with no medical insurance at all. I ended up paying the monthly installments to the hospital. I fell behind in payments and they called to demand payment. My daughter was in the "terrible two's" at the time, and I told the hospital's collection department to repo her!!! Lol!! They never did.

          In any case, you will get through this.
          8-07-09-filed Chapter 7

          Life is not what challenges you face, but how you face those challenges.


            Sounds like a great lawsuit against your doctor's office for misleading you (sorry to say). I wonder if a BK trustee would consider this after you file if they were aware of this issue. Or maybe they're only interested in open/pending lawsuits? Anyone?
            Filed Chapter 7 08/06/09, unsecured debt of $109,000
            341 Meeting 09/09/09
            Discharged 11/12/09
            Closed 12/14/09


              Originally posted by killinstinct View Post
              Sounds like a great lawsuit against your doctor's office for misleading you (sorry to say). I wonder if a BK trustee would consider this after you file if they were aware of this issue. Or maybe they're only interested in open/pending lawsuits? Anyone?
              That's what my husband thinks. I am going to ask the lawyer. Unfortunately, the insurance companies make it so that all the responsibility is ultimately on the part of the customer (me). It doesn't matter to them what I was told. From their POV, I should have known.


                My understanding is that once you file, the trustee in a sense becomes you. They have charge of all your financial affairs. That means if there's money to be made somewhere (i.e. possible lawsuit), they may file one to get money for your creditors. It probably depends on how much money/trouble it would cost, would it be worthwile, etc. The trustee may go after the insurance companies if there's money to be made there.
                Filed Chapter 7 08/06/09, unsecured debt of $109,000
                341 Meeting 09/09/09
                Discharged 11/12/09
                Closed 12/14/09


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