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341 - over & done

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  • last2cents
    Originally posted by momisery View Post
    Do they list case loads on the internet for courts? I am interested in how large the load is in MO.
    They do in my district - so I was already aware that there would be a lot of people milling around.

    Thanks for the well wishes feels sort of surreal to have it over with....considering I've been dreading it for the last month.

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  • Flowers
    last2 - I think it is normal to be emotional, some have even been through so much they are without emotion. It is not easy that is for sure. I am glad it is done with.

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  • momisery
    Do they list case loads on the internet for courts? I am interested in how large the load is in MO.

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  • AngelinaCat
    Congratulations on joining the 60 Day Club; and congratulations on making it through. I tend to choke up too, and I absolutely hate it. It is mortifying.....

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  • lifeistough

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  • Klesko
    They were flying threw them on my day. They had 82 cases and the TT said he averaged 32 per hour normally.

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  • lookingforward
    Congrats on joining the 60 day club!!!

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  • last2cents
    started a topic 341 - over & done

    341 - over & done

    My 341 was this morning......and it is thankfully over.........

    My TT was getting them in and out the door like clockwork. I was in the 10:00 group, but got there early enough to listen to some of the 9:00 and all of the 9:30.

    I was supposed to be the third case on the list.......but wonder of wonders, the first person was late, the 2nd case had already been dismissed, so guess who got to go first????

    He asked all the standard questions, and a few specific ones about my case.....and actually gave me a really nice smile when my voice starting breaking like I was going to cry (I absolutely HATE when I do that).

    The whole thing took about 10 minutes...........

    So it looks now like I'm in the 60 day club...................

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