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    Hello everyone,
    I stocked up on food, bought seriously needed clothes, paid lawyer and fixed the car. I still have money left over and have 2 weeks to spend it. I was thinking of doing the following.
    1. Kids a Wii with a few games.. about 300.
    2. A college course to become a Phlebotomist... 2000.
    3. A weekend getaway for mommy and daddy for our anniversary...400.
    Do you think this will be a problem???

    Also I am missing my recipts for the kids clothes.. My darling sweet hearts tossed them in the trash. So as of now I can not show where 500. of it went. That I am sure is gonna be a huge problem!

    I would not worry about the missing receipts for clothing but blaming the kids is a bit trite.

    Buying a Wii would be fine as are the other 2 items you list.
    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick



      I am expecting $5100 from Federal and $500 from state. I just put down security deposit and paid rent for our new rental property to the tune of $4,600. Plus, we need to purchase a $500 wireless fence for the dogs. Do you think the trustee will have issue that we used that money for rent and the fence which is a necessity? My lawyer emailed a very vague response that makes me think we are OK in what we spent it on - but of course until my 341 meeting on March 9th - I'll worry!

      Thanks! Glad you were able to get so much *needed* stuff (I would think a $300 Wii is very reasonable, but honestly I'm not sure how strict the can be!)

      Good luck!


        sufferingAZ & goblue:
        Don't start your bankruptcy by blowing money, start it by saving money. Take a look at funding a Roth IRA. You can open a Roth IRA and fund 2009's contribution up until April 15th, and fund 2010's contribution before filing BK. You can fund $5k/person so you can sock away $10k (two spouses) to fund 2009's contribution and up to $10k to fund 2010's contribution.

        I'm not sure what your state's exemptions are, but usually IRAs Roth IRAs, 401(k)s etc are exempt up to a certain amount (Nevada it's up to $500k.)

        If that's the case, then you should open a Roth IRA at your bank, deposit the money there and list it as an exempt account. You'll lose 10% to penalties if you withdraw it before 5yrs but you'll keep it and not blow it just because you don't want to lose it.

        I am an attorney, but I am just not your attorney.
        As such, any statement is not intended to create an attorney/client relationship.


          Wii the kids are stressed too right now just sayin
          Filed CH 7 12/1/2009
          341 Meeting 01/20/2010
          Discharged 3/22/2010
          Closed 3/29/2010


            Wish I was expecting money; the IRS stands to demand a huge chunk of mine on top of what they steal, I mean deduct every payday. Wonder if that affects your means testing....
            First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


              Originally posted by BKDefender View Post
              sufferingAZ & goblue:
              Don't start your bankruptcy by blowing money, start it by saving money. Take a look at funding a Roth IRA. You can open a Roth IRA and fund 2009's contribution up until April 15th, and fund 2010's contribution before filing BK. You can fund $5k/person so you can sock away $10k (two spouses) to fund 2009's contribution and up to $10k to fund 2010's contribution.

              I was advised by my attorny to do this as my wife had 10k cash in CD's and Stocks that was left her by her mother. I was nervous about doing this as I read on hear that it will anger the Trustee and look bad etc. He assured me this would be ok to exempt this money like this. I file Monday and when we have our 341 well see. Hope the heck so! Were not hiding it, just trying to save it.
              Filed CH7 Feb 12 2010
              341 March 18
              Discharged...May 18
              Awaiting closing...


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