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Advanced Call Center Technologies, LLC

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    Advanced Call Center Technologies, LLC

    started getting missed calls to my cell phone from these guys, no message, just missed call s/b a collection agency. anyone deal with them ? not sure what card the are calling about only a couple of mine have just eolled past the 30 day mark.

    Advanced Call Center Technologies, LLC
    3035 Boones Creek Road
    Johnson City, TN
    Stopped Paying CC's 2/2009. Retained Attorney 1/10/2010 Filed 1/23/2010. Discharged 5/19/10 $187K CC, $240K 2nd,$417K 1st, No asset Ch-7

    They sent me a dunning letter for an account and an amount I don't recognize. I sent them a DV letter and I'm waiting for a reply.


      Originally posted by walkthaplank View Post
      They sent me a dunning letter for an account and an amount I don't recognize. I sent them a DV letter and I'm waiting for a reply.
      Who was the original creditor ?? How long since last payment ??
      Stopped Paying CC's 2/2009. Retained Attorney 1/10/2010 Filed 1/23/2010. Discharged 5/19/10 $187K CC, $240K 2nd,$417K 1st, No asset Ch-7


        Originally posted by albacore44 View Post
        Who was the original creditor ?? How long since last payment ??
        They said it was for FIA card services?? Don't know who that is, and I do not owe anybody the amount they claimed. From what I understand FIA used to be MBNA and was bought by BofA. It wasn't a HUGE amount, and I do owe BofA a substantially larger amount which is why it jumped out at me. I don't suppose anybody would send a portion of a debt to a collection agency... that would make no sense. I'm at a loss.

        Hopefully they'll actually give me some info to go on.


          FIA is BofA...


            Hmmm.......b of A. Got 2 of their cards. Both just rolled past 30 days. seems kinda soon for them to send to outside collections.
            Stopped Paying CC's 2/2009. Retained Attorney 1/10/2010 Filed 1/23/2010. Discharged 5/19/10 $187K CC, $240K 2nd,$417K 1st, No asset Ch-7


              FIA probably uses ACCT as a call center. Once you're connected they transfer you to an FIA rep. FIA was harrassing me daily for a while. When I hung up on a collector the other day her supervisor called me right back. I told him to contact my attorney. He took the info and explained I would not hear anything from FIA for at least 30 days and only if they don't reach my attorney.
              Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                Yeah, I had these guys on my list too, I think it was for a Wamu card. The explanation previously mentioned might make sense, as I was never able to even identify a phone number for them off my caller id. One DV/C&D letter and I never heard from them again.
                filed chapter 13..confirmed...converted to chapter 7...DISCHARGED!


                  Well, Geesh it sure didn't take BOA long to turn me over to a debt collector, i'm only $739 behind..that's about 2 1/2 months worth of payments. It's titled "First Notice" and according to this I have 30 days from the date of letter to make good on my account. Does anyone know how long I actually have, it's going to be past the first week of June before I can scrape up enough money to get this bankruptcy thing going, paperwork is all filled out...just no money.

                  Letter is from "Advanced Call Center Technologies - FIA Card Service NA
                  Date filed: 06/24/2009
                  341 Meeting: 07/27/2009
                  Plan confirmed: 10/14/2009
                  $340.00 per month @ 60 months


                    I wouldn't sweat that letter. Just send them a DV/C&D letter. BofA has been a fairly reasonable creditor.
                    filed chapter 13..confirmed...converted to chapter 7...DISCHARGED!


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