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I can't believe this...

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    I can't believe this...

    I have a line of credit through BofA that went to collections and, stupidly, we still have a checking account with BofA. Most of the time we only have about $200 or less at a time, since our expenses so far outweigh any money that we get, but we got our tax return last week. We were going to use the money to file bankruptcy once and for all get caught up on my car payments and pay our last trial payment for our home loan remod. Nope. Went in this morning and it's all gone. They took all of it to cover the line of credit. Now we're overdrawn with no chance of money coming in to cover my car payment (which it looks like will now be repossessed) and my mortgage, which was on the last trial payment for our remodification. I just feel like giving up. And I don't just mean on the financial stuff. it's too much. Too many calls from too many creditors, too many "Almost" chances to make things "almost" right that fail. I just don't know how much more of this I can take....Sorry to ramble.

    I can't believe this...
    We all give daily warnings on this forum about the danger of leaving any deposit accounts open when you have other debts with the same bank.
    “When fascism comes to America, it’ll be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross” — Sinclair Lewis


      I know. We have another account through our credit union, but when my husband filed our taxes he used the BofA account number. No real reason we hadn't closed it except that we have so little in it at any given time and I, stupidly, thought that closing it would be a red flag that would make them sue us sooner. I didn't even think about the possibility that he'd send money into it.


        Originally posted by emiss View Post
        I know. We have another account through our credit union, but when my husband filed our taxes he used the BofA account number. No real reason we hadn't closed it except that we have so little in it at any given time and I, stupidly, thought that closing it would be a red flag that would make them sue us sooner. I didn't even think about the possibility that he'd send money into it.
        Don't beat yourself up. If we all were so dern schmart, we wouldn't be here, now, would we?

        Don't give up. It is things and that is all. What really counts is health and family. Bk can take both down. Don't let that happen to you.

        That bank does NOT want your house. That car payment could be negociated, they don't sell cars, they loan money. They don't want your car.

        Every day, I see more empty houses. I also cannot count the amount of for sale signs. It is easier to count lots that don't have one. You are in a VERY big life boat along with our Country. I call our Country the United Titantic States. You think things are bad now? Wait till we go under with any new political crisis. You know, North Korea???? One bomb and the stock market will crash. Everyone knows it. 'Hub
        If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


          Hub's soothing message: Don't worry, it's only money and you'll forget about it when things get much much worse, and we're all dieing from radiation poisoning.
          “When fascism comes to America, it’ll be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross” — Sinclair Lewis


            Research the laws in your state and your credit line agreement to see if there is any way to get that money back.


              POOF! And its gone.
              filed chapter 13..confirmed...converted to chapter 7...DISCHARGED!


                Now that's funny, and pretty accurate.
                First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


                  I would go to Disneyland.
                  Discharged- pro se- chapter 7~!


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