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Served with Lawsuit

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    Served with Lawsuit

    Hello, I need some help! I thought we were candidates for BK or other relief and had in fact gotten to the point of retaining a lawyer and filing, but now I am thinking differently.

    We have one debt that we are having problems dealing with. All of our other credit is good, we have less than $5000 in cc debt. Our income is finally getting back to normal.

    We are in a very unique position whereby we are owed a large sum of money FROM a creditor on some land we sold two years ago. The funds were due to come in December 2010, but the creditor defaulted and has since filed chapter 12 BK.

    A large portion of the monies that were due to be paid to us were allotted to be paid to one of our creditors on a HELOC loan that rolled into a "collateral" mortgage assignment since the equity in the home was not there to establish the lien any longer.

    We had been paying interest only on this loan to our creditor, it matured in January 2011, but we did not get the funds from the creditor who owes us money. We started foreclosure proceedings and prior to sale date they filed BK. The lender we owed the money to, extended the interest only loan for 90 days, which matured 4/30/2011.

    We had never been late with a payment to them until this loan matured. Since the note was now in BK that was securing this loan, we were not in a position to continue to assign said "collateral", as we didn't really have any control over it any longer.

    In the meantime, we hired a big law firm to handle a "mitigation" with them to hopefully see if they would settle or work out some type of more attractive payment plan to help us try to get this loan paid down until we were able to get the funds to pay in full.

    This lender we owe the money to has always been friendly with us and to be honest, I was just over it with the stress this situation has caused us and the expense in attorney fees to do a foreclosure and then represent us in bankruptcy.

    The firm we hired sent the generic "poa" letter to the lender. The lender contacted me like two to three times asking if we had received the "renewal" loan docs that were sent to them to renew the interest only loan....they were supposedly sent to this lender. Again, we did not think we could renew assign a mortgage that was tied up in foreclosure and this firm was supposed to be mitigating a better deal for us.

    The lender finally kept calling me, who is a friend of mine, and I just did not call her back. I sent an email to the law firm and asked them to please call her and tell her that she needed to communicate with them. The law firm sent me an email back and said she told her about not contacting me and that we were not going to sign the renewal loan docs and wanted to work out a "settlement" or better payment plan.

    Well, evidently, that really ticked said lender/creditor off...that was basically end of June.

    They filed a civil suit against us in early July and we were served July 25th.

    Now I am freaking out. This is the only loan that is a problem for us, yes it is big $114K, but we can afford to make reasonable payments until our money is finally rec'd and we can pay it off.

    I don't understand how we went from asking to "work" something out to law suit. I never rec'd copies of the docs that were sent to said lawfirm, I don't know what communication really went on between them and have never ever rec'd a demand letter of any type from said creditor prior to this lawsuit being filed.

    Law Firm suggested we file chapter 13 bk and take care of this there, well, this just is not an option.

    We are basically, land poor, mortgage receivable poor and I am a independent contractor working at a title company doing closing, do side closings and also have a horse/breeding business on the side....Just cannot have my life dissected by a Bk trustee....I would rather suffer through a wage garnishment until our money is rec'd before having to live through bankruptcy.

    I sent an email to said lender/friend Friday night late, after having my head swoon over how we got into this mess in the first listening to attorney's who were not looking out for our best interest at all and just wanted to put money into their pockets.

    I basically begged her to drop lawsuit and work out a payment plan with us until this can be resolved within hopefully the next 12 months, the term the bankruptcy is due to run for the people who owe us the money. She is the one who signed the summons and complaint for the lawsuit and we have been personal friends for over 30 years....I was just so embarrassed and I pray she will work with us on this.

    If not, what if anything, do you see we can do? If I had known they were going to go straight to lawsuit after being delinquent only a little over 60 days, I would have stepped in sooner....they did take $500 that we had in a cking account prior to filing that point we owed them $1200 in interest. We have the funds to catch it up and pay them something now.

    Should we have rec'd some kind of demand letter before this lawsuit was filed so I would have known this is coming? I mean, I had no idea they were not going to work with us through the attorney? OMG, what a mucked up mess this is now.

    Any thoughts/suggestions you may have for me on this mess is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    OK a demand letter is essential, or you don't know what she's talking about, right? Next, if you informed her to talk to your lawyer only, he may have the demand letter. Whether she wins a Judgment, you would have to pay as you can. Before a Judgment you are paying as you can. What is the difference. Unless you have substantial assets she could attach it is dumb to sue you. Where is this so called money you are owed coming from if the creditor is in BK? Many things are cloudy in your story and a little convoluted for my old eyes.

    If your law firm is not doing right, fire them and get an individual to handle this. Some lawyers are hungry out there. Seems these law firms pick the lowest fruits first. They should have been sending you courtesy copies of ALL correspondence. Your summons was improperly served if you did not receive a letter of intent to sue. You must answer the suit in any case and state this to the Judge. "The first inkling of an intent to sue me, Your Honor was a summons, and we could have worked this out in mediation sir." and that statement will probably cause the Judge to order a mediation before suit or even within the suit but before a trial or Judgment.

    Sounds like you only have two problems. You relied on a payment windfall to close out a debt. Neither happened due to the economy, but you are still in hope of the payment. Am I understanding this right? 'Hub
    If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


      Hub, I think she is considering the mortgage receivable a substantial asset and she is worried without a judgment, we would get that money and not pay her. The money is coming from a ranch that we sold in Texas, we are in Florida. We "seller" financed the sale, with a balloon payment that was due last December. "Buyer" of the land could not pay the balloon payment. Of the property we financed out there, 344 acres of it we owned free and clear, so if we end up having to foreclose, she wants to be sure she has a claim to the property to insure she gets paid. We do have assets here, truck a couple of horse trailers, etc. But those we put up for collateral to a private lender in January of this year for some funds liens will be filed on them very soon, since the loan was a valid one, we want to be sure the liens are on them.

      Would the demand letter have to have been sent to us and the attorney, and if the attorney rec'd such, we never got one, was never informed of one....that is why I am mostly upset...we did not even know this was coming.

      I have fired the law firm as of Friday night....what a wast of good money.

      And yes, you understood our two problems...economy and failure to receive the funds that were promised to us to satisfy this debt. UGH

      Also, if they served the summons to us directly and not cc'd the law firm, why didn't they also send a demand letter to us? The law firm said once we send them the summons they can answer and then be put on as our counsel, but if the lender and lender's attorney already knew they were our counsel, why were they not on the summons...many questions, but I NEVER ever received a demand and intent to sue....
      Last edited by LoveMySinbad; 07-31-2011, 05:26 AM. Reason: more info


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