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What will i get to keep?

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    What will i get to keep?

    My husband and i have an appointment with a Bk Attny. on wednesday.
    I guess after talking to him we will know which chapter to go for.
    We have a house in another city that we can not pay for.
    We have alot of cc debt
    My main concern is our vehicles. They are both new. One is a 2008 the other is 2009 ( we got it and then he was laid off 3 weeks later, we didnt see it coming or we wouldnt have traded in a car and bought the truck)
    He now is working again but making alot less.
    I guess my question is because both vehicles are new what will happen? We would like to keep the truck because 1) he is in construction and is always hauling things and carries his tools in it. and 2) the truck is big enough for our family of 5, the other car is a 2 door yaris and doesnt work as our only family vehicle. I am worried thought that because it is new we will have to give it back.
    Also we havnt even been to the first attny. meeting yet. So should i go ahead and make the truck payment or wait and see if its going back. Both vehicle payment are due NOW!!

    You can keep the truck if you can pay for it.


      If you want to keep these vehicles and are filing a Chapter 7, make your payments and keep current on these payments. How much equity is in these cars? You will be allowed an exemption for your vehicle and that exemption amount varies based on what state you live in. Good luck.


        The car we bought brand new last year not sure about equity but i believe we are upside down in it because it was 12,999 to buy it last year but we had a trade in that we owed on ( gas prices made us get rid of a big truck for this car) so still owe alittle over $16000 on it.
        The Truck we got a few months ago and have only made 1 (soon to be 2) payments on.
        We live in Alabama.
        We do want to file Chapter 7 but may have to wait awhile because the job change happened under a month ago so we have only gotten 2 pay check from it, so 6 months of income wouldnt be correct.
        We have not paid mortgage in a month (we dont live in the house anymore). All CC's are AT LEAST 2 months late. The car is a month late. The Truck will be current in a week.
        We cant sleep anymore for all the stress and dont quit know what to expect even though i have been reading this forum for DAYS now.
        I just dont want this to affect my kids to much. They need new clothes that i havent been able to buy them in awhile, and i am tired of it.
        My husband was making roughly between $2400 and $4600 bring home every 2 weeks (pay varied because he worked for railroad so got paid when ever they called him in), now he makes $1450 every 2 weeks with all the same bills. I wish this could be over quickly.


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