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In Virginia, How long after foreclosure until forced out?

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    In Virginia, How long after foreclosure until forced out?

    Hey everyone. As you can see in my sig, I filed Ch 7 & was discharged. We let the house go as part of this. My lender (CitiM), started foreclosure last month & we have a sale date of Feb 7. Does anyone know how long we can stay in this place after the foreclosure sale date? I'm trying to determine a timeline for moving my stuff out & the 7th is coming fast! I'm hoping for cash for keys also...

    Any help is appreciated.

    Stopped paying CCs 1/10 | Stopped paying mortgages 2/10 | Interviewed attorneys 3/10-5/10 | Retained attorney 5/14/10 | Delivered paperwork to attorney 6/17/10 | Filed Ch7 7/9/10 | 341 8/16/10 | Objection Deadline 10/15/10 | DISCHARGED 10/20/10

    In California its 3 days but i believe in Virginia they are a lot more generous, a period of 2 months is given to move out I think.
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      Citi will hire a local broker or management company to market, manage and sell the property after the foreclosure sale date. That is when the local company will begin to contact you to determine occupancy and give you options Citi may offer like cash for keys etc. Generally eviction is 45 to 60 days from the date of foreclosure in the state of Virginia.


        I'm in Chap 13 and plan to surrender a house in NoVa in mid-March 2012. Any guesses on how long I will have to get my things out of that house, before the bank (Chase) "changes the locks" there? Thanks
        Stopped CC payments May 2010. Stopped mortgage payments Oct 2011. Filed 13 Oct 2011, Plan confirmed July 2012. Trustee required surrender of second home. Foreclosure sale completed May 2013. Now almost 2 yrs into the 5 yr plan payments


          You may have from 45 to 60 days or more---and I'm saying this based on your
          getting notification from most likely the law firm handling the foreclosure for the
          bank---and the date of sale---this is based on Virginia law---and figuring that
          the bank buys the house---you'll then get notification from the bank that you'll
          hear from a realtor as representative---and such notice may be within a week
          after your official foreclosure date---hope this helps and feel free to PM me.


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