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Credit Card Company Loses a Discharge Action

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    Credit Card Company Loses a Discharge Action

    May 15, 2006
    Credit Card Company Loses a Discharge Action

    My friend, attorney Howard Rothbloom, recently emailed me about his victory over MBNA in a discharge complaint filed against his client. In the MBNA vs. Horrocks case, the debtor had charged over $2,400 on his MBNA credit card less than one month prior to filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy. MBNA's lawyers filed an Adversary Complaint against Mr. Horrocks alleging (1) that he committed "actual fraud" pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(2) and (2) that these charges were made within the 60 day "presumption of non-dischargeability period" set out at Section 523(a)(2)(C). Howard smartly noted, however, that the Complaint filed by MBNA was lacking in detail. It contained a number of allegations, but offered no proof. Howard challenged MBNA by filing discovery materials including requests for admissions, which MBNA failed to answer. When a party fails to answer requests for admissions, those admissions are deemed "admitted." Further, Howard cited a Northern District of Georiga case which held that "actual fraud" means more than using the credit card. The creditor must present evidence showing that the debtor had actual, subjective fraudulent intent. It appears that MBNA and its counsel felt that they could win simply on the fact that the debtor used his credit card shortly before filing. And, more likely than not, if they had made the effort, they very well might have won. But Judge Bonapfel sent a message to MBNA and other creditors - creditors need to produce evidence to prove their cases. Congratulations to Howard for holding the line, especially in light of the many anti-debtor provisions of the new law.

    UPDATE: Attorney Susan Gant recently emailed to update me that Judge Bonapfel has issued his order awarding debtor's counsel Howard Rothbloom over $3,000 in attorney's fees pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9011. Because creditor's counsel failed to respond to the debtor's discovery motions or his motion for summary judgment, the Bankruptcy Code requires that the Court impose sanctions against the creditor (MBNA) and its local counsel.
    July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
    Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
    Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
    Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

    Howard Rothbloom sounds like an EXCELLENT attorney. The easiest thing for him to have done would be to refuse to take the debtor as a client, or to delay filing the case. Instead he stuck to his guns, fought it out and won.
    Filed C7: 04/25/2007
    341: 05/21/2007
    Last Day for Objections: 07/20/2007
    Discharged: 07/23/07 Closed: 07/26/07


      Originally posted by manglicmot View Post
      Howard Rothbloom sounds like an EXCELLENT attorney. The easiest thing for him to have done would be to refuse to take the debtor as a client, or to delay filing the case. Instead he stuck to his guns, fought it out and won.
      One attny told us during our Consult,............. Making law is where you stand on the edge of the law as written, take the hit, effectively argue your case, and win. Many attnys aren't gutsy enough to do it. And most filers don't have the resources to fight.

      With our attny, if we had had an Adversarial Complaint arise, we would have to pay $2K up front just to get started. According to that article, the total legal fees for the Filers was $3K. Unless Rothbloom performed that service out of the goodness of his heart hoping to win, I wonder how those people even paid to begin with.
      Filed Ch 7 - 09/06
      Discharged - 12/2006
      Officially Declared No Asset - 03/2007
      Closed - 04/2007

      I am not an attorney. My comments are based on personal experience and research. Always consult an attorney in your area to address concerns related to your particular situation.

      Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate. - Woody Allen...


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