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payments? chapter 7? please help

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    payments? chapter 7? please help

    ok.. i talked to a lawyer who told me she could get me in to $300 a month payments for 3 years on chapter 13. I asked about chapter 7 and was told i might be able to qualify. I am only paying her $500 and all other fees will be included with chapter 13. I can afford $300 but can the trustee make me pay more? right now i make about 4800 a month gross and have a family of 5 on just that income. i own about 30k in unsecured. i will try to have my car camed down and include that . if that happnes it will increase my total debt..
    filed 13 07-31-08
    confirmed 10-28-08
    33 payments down 3 to go

    What state are you in? That does not sound like much income for a fmily of 5!!! Whats your states median income?


      no its not a lot, IE the bankruptsy thought. I live in washington and am way below i believe the mediean. I do own a house, but just bought it, no equity yet.
      filed 13 07-31-08
      confirmed 10-28-08
      33 payments down 3 to go


        Why did this lawyer suggest a 13 and why, did she think there may be problems with a 7?


          ive been to 3 now all said 13 was the way to go. I want to keep my house and car, though have thought about getting a new one and letting this go back due to the very high payment. Was told with house and all 7 may be difficult. maybe they just wanted the $$ that goes along with it. Oh and im on a 5 year arm with my morgage that is due to expire in 2.5 years. so a 13 would be easier to ReFi at that time i guess. any clue what payments would be on a 13?
          filed 13 07-31-08
          confirmed 10-28-08
          33 payments down 3 to go


            Are you behind on any payments to your house or car.


              no im current on both of them, but i am behind in 2 of my 5 credit cards now.
              filed 13 07-31-08
              confirmed 10-28-08
              33 payments down 3 to go


                It would be odd for 3 attorneys to all recommend chapter 13...there must be something your telling them that you are not telling us.


                  i dont know what it could be. i told what i make and i am not that far behind. I think they felt since i was alright payment wise maybe they felt i could make payments and it would be easier to get me 13? i didnt really ask what the difference was or things like that, but i know i am way under the means test. all of my debt with exception of car is less than 2-3 years old. lots of cash advances and luxury items. but you would not know that looking at my stuff. i really didnt realize how much i wasted until now.
                  filed 13 07-31-08
                  confirmed 10-28-08
                  33 payments down 3 to go


                    Well, have the lawyers filled out the I and J schediles? Do you show disposable income?


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