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Chapter 13 help!
Hello new here , so to make a long story short , I filed chapter 13 bankruptcy , auto loan is co signed with someone that didn't file , the auto loan company didn't file a claim , then .you lawyer missed the deadline to file a claim on there behalf claiming the didn't have all the info, then the get...
Car Loan Claim
So I finally filed for 13 and had my 341. Everything went much smoother then I thought it would in my head, I was a nervous wreck and asking a million questions to my attorney and he kept reassuring me he didn’t foresee any issues. He was very right 341 took all of 5 minutes and the trustee recommended...
Credit Union Vehicle Reaffirmation question
Filed Ch7 Nov 2018. Had two vehicles and a credit card with a credit union. We had decided to reaffirm under an agreement that they would not be cross collateralized and that payments would be reported to credit agencies. The CU didn’t accept reaffirmation (without our knowledge). We continue making...
Looking at Chapter 7 in Texas
Hi. I have been thinking about a the possibility of a chapter 7. I'm tired of the debt I have hanging over my head and don't know what to do. I have seen a couple lawyers and they all tell me something different and hoping anyone here has advice for me. But here are the details:
I had a...Last edited by Phintexas; 08-19-2016, 07:36 AM.
Value Automobile Ohio
I'll try to make this short. Received my first summons from which I assume is the original creditor certified mail on Monday (I have 28 days to answer), I am $47,000 in debt - all credit cards. I planed on filing Chapter 7, just for some reason I thought I would not get sued for a few years. Mainly...
FortHoodTX started a topic Creditor has filed Motion for Relief From Stay for my car loan -- what next?in Chapter 7Creditor has filed Motion for Relief From Stay for my car loan -- what next?
I couldn't find my exact situation on the forum anywhere. I stopped making car payments a few months ago. After several collections calls, she gave me the ultimatum. Either I make a payment arrangement or they're going to have to come get the car. I told her I couldn't. "Do you want us to...
Timeline for creditor action taken on car loan (pre BK)
I recently lost my job and we will likely have to file a chapter 7 unless I get a job very quickly (which is extremely unlikely).
I have a question about our car. We bought it new last year and still owe $25k on it (it's only worth about $18k according to The payments are really...
Kristy12 started a topic Notice of Right to Cure Default letter received for car loanin RepossessionNotice of Right to Cure Default letter received for car loan
I just received my notice of right to cure default letter from my credit union for my car loan. I have retained my attorney, but have not filed yet. I haven't made any payments on my car loan since May. What is my next step in regards to this letter? My attorney has said the credit union might work...
Selling a car after the discharge
I am posting this in the Chapter 7 forum and not in the After the Discharge Forum because of the specifics and because I think that it is more useful here.
We were a No Asset Case since filing (2/23/2011) and got Discharged on July 7, 2011. We entered in a financial settlement with the...
Preventing Repo by Credit Union / Cross-Collateralization Question
I'm interested in tips on how to prevent repo by a Credit Union.
The CU claims they can repo my car, even if I continue to pay my car loan, because the car
cross-collateralizes my delinquent Visa and LOC loans from the same CU. My $7k car loan is up to date, but I am delinquent...
Trying to Buy a Used Car after Deer Totaled my car
We are not even a full year into our 100% payback plan. We received aprox. $3800 from the insurance company for the car that was totaled when a large deer jumped in front of my car. We must have a 2nd car. We have a special needs child that requires Occupational and Speech therapy every week. I am a...
Credit report inaccuracy?
I was recently discharged (Aug 2010 CH7) since then I paid of my car and have a NON secured capital one card with a 500$ limit.
On my reports it lists my car and verizon accounts as included in the bankruptycy. Although this information was included in my petition it was NOT discharged....
Pre-discharge car financing with same BK creditors?
I filed BK chap 7 on Sept 10', 341 meeting was on Oct 10'. I'm currently waiting for discharge and I am assuming it will happen in late Dec 10' (keeping fingers crossed).
I currently have a lease with Acura financials which I reaffirmed. The lease is set to expire on 12/4/10. I am...
Car Lease Advice
Thanks everyone for all the info on here. I recently filed Ch7 and I have a leased vehicle with 2 years remaining on the lease. Because of life circumstances I have moved and commute 180 miles total each day so I will be way over my mileage allowance at lease end. I'll basically have to buy the car...
New car just after filing??
I am very new to this but like so many others, I have found this to be a wealth of information. I am filing Ch 7 in New Jersey and I have a leased vehicle. Two years left on the lease and I will be significantly over the milage allowance at lease end. On one hand I think the best thing to do is to surrender...
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