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  • WStuber21
    started a topic Question Should I file Bankruptcy?

    Should I file Bankruptcy?

    I live in Kentucky, and I am 23 years old. I have messed up and dug myself in a financial hole. Well I haven't paid on any credit card bills or my one personal loan in over two years. All accounts are closed, and they are show $0 except a few of them. Two accounts were SOLD to collections, the rest...
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    started a topic Should I file? Now or Wait?

    Should I file? Now or Wait?

    I am considering filing bankruptcy. I have about $25,000-$30,000 in debt from a $12,000 deficiency balance on a car repo, about 3-5 thousand in collections/charge offs, and only a $400 limit credit card open with Discover. I have a broken lease that I'm still being charge for until the lease is up or...
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  • NFCU approved me for a 21k visa!!!!

    Okay, so I have read on other boards and on this one how bk friendly NFCU (Navy Federal Credit Union) is. I finally found a member to sponsor me and was able to join. I filled out the application and joined several weeks ago and got my visa check card and online log in and account information in the...
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  • jesd00
    started a topic Credit score fluctuation...

    Credit score fluctuation...

    Hi All -

    I've been pulling my credit report monthly, keeping an eye on errors to make sure they're getting resolved.

    My credit score on 11/15/10 (Experian) was 636. My credit score has dropped to 603 as of today, 12/2/10.

    NOTHING has changed whatsoever...
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  • Best way to obtain credit reports - with score

    What is the best service to subscribe to in order to be able to check all 3 credit reports and obtain a score. Interested in monitoring this info over the next year, maybe more.

    Looking for the most economical service, but still able to obtain the scores. I do not really want ID theft...
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  • ugghh
    started a topic Date Updated question

    Date Updated question

    Hello BK People... Good to be on this side of the fence as oppose to the waiting for discharge side (I think that process aged me an additional 10 years).

    I have cleaned up my report for the most part but have a question.

    I had a line of credit with a bank that was IIB....
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  • Stuff is missing from my post BK credit report

    Of course, I am in no way complaining about this but...

    I was discharged last Aug 09. I was a no asset Ch. 7. I pretty much just BK'd 4 cc's and my Verizon account for my cell phone. Total BK was arond 32K.

    Here my question/dilemma?: I reran my credit report a few...
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    started a topic Got turned down by 3 creditors

    Got turned down by 3 creditors

    I was trying to start rebuilding credit as soon as possible as my business depends on a good FICO score. I wont need the FICO score for another 2 years so I thought I would start now. I applied for the easy ones everyone on this board suggested, Orchard, Best Buy and Capital One. They all turned...
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  • Unclear on Credit Report "Reported" date after discharge

    I am aware of what information may be reported on an account after discharge. What is not clear is whether a "Reported" date long post filing is allowed. That is, can a former creditor report IIB/$0 "Reported: 10/30/2010" if the bankruptcy was filed 5/2010 and discharged 10/2010....
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  • blueking5
    started a topic Credit report question

    Credit report question

    I was discharged 12/2009. I pulled my Experian and Equifax credit report.

    On the Experian reports they all say included/discharged thru chapter 7. Balance is 0 but towards the bottom it shows what the credit limit was and the highest balance i had and also in comments it says credit...
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  • kamchen
    started a topic Not finding an account on Credit reports

    Not finding an account on Credit reports

    I am not seeing one of my Citibank accounts on my credit reports. My official discharge date should be Monday, November 1st. (fingers crossed)
    This account was on my September credit report, but not showing up now. Is it me, or is this weird? Should I be worried about anything?
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  • Paid Off Auto Loan NOT Reflected on Credit Report

    Back in 2006, I purchased a Nissan Maxima, nearly new, though a loan by my former credit union. All of the loan payments were made on time and the loan was fully paid off in July of '07. This was reflected on all three of my credit reports and now all of a sudden, it's not on any of them anymore....
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  • mijd
    started a topic Small CR Error

    Small CR Error

    I've search and found similar topics on my question but nothing specific. I apologize if I'm repeating a question already asked. Thanks in advance for all replies.

    Post bk, I did my 3 credit reports. At first glance all reporting seemed to be accurate. Now that I'm reviewing all three,...
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  • Meh
    started a topic Should I ditch First Premier?

    Should I ditch First Premier?

    My discharge was 9.23.09 and since then I have opened the following:

    Secured Visa @ Local CU: $1,450 limit
    Hooters MC: $1,000 limit
    First Premier Bank: 700 limit
    Auto Loan w/ Santander@ 17,000.

    First Premier was the first lender to offer me a credit...
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  • Post Discharge Have HIGH INTEREST auto loan looking refinance

    BK discharged in May 2010. In July I bought a used car from a dealer. ONly lender approved was SANTANDER BANK (Save bank as DRIVE financial and ROADLOANS.COM)

    I got a rate of 19% and payment is $405 a month for 6 year note.

    I'm certain after 12 months I can refinance...
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