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46 results in 0.0027 seconds.
How to deal ebay inventory for filling chapter 7
I earn my income to sell used car lamps on ebay. I sell on ebay on my own name. I purchase used lamps from junkyard. I prepare to fill out B106A/B as business inventory under business property. My inventory estimates 30 pcs with purchased price $25 per pcs. The total purchased price is $750. Is using...
Pro se chapter 7 motion to redeem trustee objection
We filed chapter 7 pro se, I also filed a motion to redeem with all of the proof of value with the motion, with pictures of the things that decrease the value.
the credit union did not object, but the trustee did. Not because he disagrees with the value, but because he said I filed the statement...
Ch 7 pro se per diem
I am trying to figure out how I document per diem when filing joint chapter 7 pro se. My husband worked out of state for about 3 of the past 6 months and if i have to include that in the gross income when filling out means test, it will put us over the income limit. It is labeled as "living out...
How can I file Pro Se online?
I've finished all the Chapter 7 PDF forms and am confident they are correct. I want to file online. I thought I could use the CM/ECF system to file (the court I'm going to use supports it fully), but I've since learned that personal filers like myself aren't allowed to file that way (I have to use a...
Should I file? Now or Wait?
I am considering filing bankruptcy. I have about $25,000-$30,000 in debt from a $12,000 deficiency balance on a car repo, about 3-5 thousand in collections/charge offs, and only a $400 limit credit card open with Discover. I have a broken lease that I'm still being charge for until the lease is up or...
Pro se with preferential payments within 90 days
I am going to be filing for Chapter 7 pro se in Houston TX next week and have a couple of concerns regarding payments made within the last 90 days.
My son made a payment of $1300 to my HOA to establish a repayment plan for past dues. I made his next three car payments to pay him back. At the...
Gotta give a shout out to the folks at the Alabama Middle District. My housing situation made waiting 30 days for the discharge paperwork untenable. A phone call on day 61 got me to the clerk, who got me to the supervisor, who got the judge to sign off on ours ASAP. Printed it off of PACER this morning....
Reaffirmation Agreement Hearings
I filed my reaffirmation agreements for my mortgage and my truck loan about a month ago. I'm pro se, and from everything I read that means I need a hearing on them before I can get my discharge. I filed both agreements with a summary and a motion. I have yet to receive a notice of when this hearing...
Trustee Objection to Exemptions
Editorial Note: This is a really advanced question and my parents have retained an attorney to pursue this but I thought I’d throw it out there for any insights you all might have.
My parents filed Chapter 7 pro se and have hit a bit of a snag with the trustee. They own a rental house...
Filed Today: Thoughts and Feedback
I just returned from filing my Chapter 7 and first want to thank this amazing community for their help. While I never posted a question here and just found this place a few days ago, it saved me from some mistakes such as listing the student loans incorrectly. It also helped as a last-minute review...
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Savings Bonds, Kids Toys, and bad business...
I started my personal property list last night, and a few questions came up:
When I am listing some EE Savings bonds, which are $50 savings bonds, but most are currently valued at around $30, I was wondering how to list/value them. My thoughts were to say "$50 EE Savings bond, Current...
Just getting started
Hi. I wanted to introduce myself, as I was just notified on Tuesday that my wages are going to be garnished for a medical bill that I just can't afford to pay. I got a conditional (?) judgement and agreed to pay $60 a month to this creditor, even though I told her that I couldn't afford the $60, they...
Chapter 7 - filed Pro Se - Discharged!
I just wanted to extend my gratitude to everyone who makes this forum a helpful and supportive place!
Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy was a scary time for me. I chose to file pro-se because I could not afford an attorney and my case was fairly straightforward. I spent hours, days, and...
Reaffirmation Dilemma :/
Hi everyone - I have a reaffirmation dilemma that I'm struggling with and maybe some of you can provide some insight/advice?
I have two cars:
Car #1 - I always planned to reaffirm this loan, as it is a fairly new car with low mileage and I have approximately $5,000+ of...
'Twas the night before 341...nervous!
My 341 meeting is scheduled for tomorrow and I'm suddenly nervous! I've been pretty calm until today. I've read that most of the 341 meetings run smoothly and are over in minutes but I can't help but feel nervous. I'm nervous that creditors will show up and harass me or that the trustee will find some...
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