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    Originally posted by houston7 View Post
    Get off your high horse and answer the question.


    Don't dodge.

    Answer the question.
    8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


      Originally posted by discouraged View Post
      I am seeing more postings - and applying for everyone I see. I even had a telephone interview this week. Haven't heard back so don't know what will happen but it is the first hint of anyone viewing my application in a long, long time. And, OhioFiler, the difference in a high school young person and a 57 year old professional woman are pretty extreme. I didi have 2 'opportunities' that I could have pursued I suppose. They were both part time. One wanted a person for 12 hrs a week - 3 hours a day, which would not support me and the other was going to go 20 hrs a week but the pay was less than I was making when I was 20. Again, this would not support me..
      Discouraged, I am as sympathetic to your plight as I can be. No one deserves to have this happen to them. But the kinds of jobs at the kinds at the kinds of salaries you are accustomed to are gone. They're not coming back. Not in your working lifetime anyway. The few jobs with the type of work and the level of salary you're holding out for are going to go to younger people. That's not pleasant; that's not fair, but it is, a fact. Standards of living in this country are going to go down. You're just happen to be on the leading edge of what is coming for the country as a whole.

      Unemployment compensation is going to end. It won't be allowed to go on forever because the money just isn't there. Get your mind around that and start doing now what you will have to do when it does end. Because when it ends -- and it will end -- there are going to be a lot of people competing for those same part-time jobs like the ones you turned down.

      Working, doing something, no matter how beneath your skill level it may be, will work wonders for your state-of-mind.
      Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


        Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
        Discouraged, I am as sympathetic to your plight as I can be. No one deserves to have this happen to them. But the kinds of jobs at the kinds at the kinds of salaries you are accustomed to are gone. They're not coming back. Not in your working lifetime anyway. The few jobs with the type of work and the level of salary you're holding out for are going to go to younger people. That's not pleasant; that's not fair, but it is, a fact. Standards of living in this country are going to go down. You're just happen to be on the leading edge of what is coming for the country as a whole.

        Unemployment compensation is going to end. It won't be allowed to go on forever because the money just isn't there. Get your mind around that and start doing now what you will have to do when it does end. Because when it ends -- and it will end -- there are going to be a lot of people competing for those same part-time jobs like the ones you turned down.

        Working, doing something, no matter how beneath your skill level it may be, will work wonders for your state-of-mind.
        i know for us, we understand a bit about what's it's like to re-adjust one's life style. and, for us, it's really just not as much with a conflict with working beneath one's skill level, as it is, that, how can someone buy a gallon of gas at $4 a gallon when one is making less than $8 an hour. how can one eat when chopped meant is $3.99 a pound on minimum wage?

        it's extremely frightening. and, for many of us that have had to "downsize" considerably it's not so much about the dignity...or losing ones pride, it's a simply a matter of not be able to survive. for many, we will see the welfare roles stamps usage will go up as well. states and the federal government will have to move on medical care for not just the young, and old, but the "lost" middle class that found themselves out on their butts. sad as it is, it's a reality we all need to deal with.

        i know here, i know there are NO jobs, florida is still standing still at approx. 12% unemployment. there is simply no place to walmarts, no burger flipping...nothing..
        8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


          Tobee - Thanks for your kind words. No matter what anyone says, there is age discrimination and hopefully folks will come to their senses and realize AGE=Knowledge.

          MSbklawyer - I am applying for jobs that are 1/2 of what I was making. This is the reason I took the temp data entry jobs-so my resume was not so threatening and to show folks that I am willing to do work that was not previously on my resume.

          The only jobs I could not take are the part time ones; one, which I actually would have liked, was only 12 hours a week - 3 hrs per day for 4 days, which did not even leave room for applying for other part time work to combine the two. The other was part time also but so far away, with no bus transportation that I could not risk it, even though it was 20 hours a week.

          My car is old and I have to have a position where transit is available, just in case it konks out. That should not be a problem here as we have excellent transit service and there are not that many places I could not reach. Unfortunately, that company was one of them.

          I do have hope, especially after the telephone interview. That company would be perfect for me and, as a matter of fact I did not even ask the salary because it wouldn't matter. It was 40 hours a week and on a bus line. That's all I need. Even if they choose someone else, it shows me that my resume is being looked at (finally!) and I am feeling more positive about the chance of opportunities being available.

          I no longer need a large salary. Those of us who have been unemployed for any length of time have learned to drastically lower our standard of living. I could no longer spend the money that I used to basically throw away; going out to eat, never buying cheap wine, careless about using coupons or buying when things were not on sale. I seriously enjoy getting back to the basics. Life is much more challenging that way and it keeps you young (or younger anyway).

          So it is not a matter of not taking or applying for jobs that do not pay well, it is the economy and the fact that there are a lot of college kids who us 'elders' are competing with. I DO feel positive though because when I look at it, I did get the three telephone interviews, even though two of them were part time, so things may be looking up.


            Originally posted by discouraged View Post
            Tobee - Thanks for your kind words. No matter what anyone says, there is age discrimination and hopefully folks will come to their senses and realize AGE=Knowledge.

            MSbklawyer - I am applying for jobs that are 1/2 of what I was making. This is the reason I took the temp data entry jobs-so my resume was not so threatening and to show folks that I am willing to do work that was not previously on my resume.

            The only jobs I could not take are the part time ones; one, which I actually would have liked, was only 12 hours a week - 3 hrs per day for 4 days, which did not even leave room for applying for other part time work to combine the two. The other was part time also but so far away, with no bus transportation that I could not risk it, even though it was 20 hours a week.

            My car is old and I have to have a position where transit is available, just in case it konks out. That should not be a problem here as we have excellent transit service and there are not that many places I could not reach. Unfortunately, that company was one of them.

            I do have hope, especially after the telephone interview. That company would be perfect for me and, as a matter of fact I did not even ask the salary because it wouldn't matter. It was 40 hours a week and on a bus line. That's all I need. Even if they choose someone else, it shows me that my resume is being looked at (finally!) and I am feeling more positive about the chance of opportunities being available.

            I no longer need a large salary. Those of us who have been unemployed for any length of time have learned to drastically lower our standard of living. I could no longer spend the money that I used to basically throw away; going out to eat, never buying cheap wine, careless about using coupons or buying when things were not on sale. I seriously enjoy getting back to the basics. Life is much more challenging that way and it keeps you young (or younger anyway).

            So it is not a matter of not taking or applying for jobs that do not pay well, it is the economy and the fact that there are a lot of college kids who us 'elders' are competing with. I DO feel positive though because when I look at it, I did get the three telephone interviews, even though two of them were part time, so things may be looking up.
            u truly are an inspiration....and while NO one may know or understand or even care about your story...i cannot take some of these answer. ....and, while perhaps, i may be seemingly be over reactive and protective, it truly pisses me off...because i simply cannot take the ignorance.

            i have been on this site for a bit now....there are maybe THREE ...or less....people....i would trust and invite to LIVE with me...and you are absolutely ONE of them. Come far as i'm concerned..... (with the ONE exception of one of mods and their dh...which would be welcome forever....and a day)
            8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


              Tobee - You make me chuckle and smile with delight. But heck, I'm staying as long as I can in this house and saving as much as I can in the meantime, at least until unemployment runs out (not sure when that will be - the temp jobs extended my timeframe). AND as a very last recourse and only if I really have to, at least until the house is no longer mine, Goodwill is hiring at $8.00 per hour. And they are right on my bus route if my car does konk out, but, that will be only if I don't find something else in the meantime.

              I am serious about taking a lower paying job, and would even do part time if there were enough hours and it was on a busline (I seriously hope I don't have to go down to $8 an hour though).

              This house costs me 1010.00 a month before utilities and upkeep. Without that payment I can afford to take a lower paying job and with being 57, I am eligible for Senior housing which would cost 1/3 of my income. So if I keep saving it is very possible that I will be staying in my city - as snowy and cold as it is in the winter. (It is beautiful Spring, Summer and Fall)

              But, if the job thing doesn't work out here, I may have to pick up and move somewhere - you never know.


                The U.S. Federal gov't has always been the driving force in the economy and that won't change. With out federal expenditures, tens of thousands of firms would of never gotten off the ground. There are over six hundred private firms in existent in Northern Virginia just to service the federal gov't via contracts. The Defense budget created millions of private sector jobs. The U.S. gov't created the middle class.

                Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                Unemployment insurance is a crutch and many people learn to live on it so long as they can receive it. That does not include everyone. However, endless monthly payments from the government regardless what we label it are welfare payments. The only obvious difference from traditional welfare is unemployment payments are directed to people who would be considered middle class by most definitions. Many in this group want to resist the label of "welfare recipient" as the term has a negative connotation historically. I don't use it in a negative way here, simply factually.

                Congress spent nearly $1,000,000,000 on a so called stimulus plan designed to create jobs. It failed because government can't create jobs outside itself (i.e hire more bureaucrats). It is the private sector who create jobs. Whether one likes wealthy people or large corporations the truth is these are the job creators along with the small business owner. Relying on the government to solve this problem is creating an unsustainable debt load with nearly zero tangible results.

                I wish you well on your job search.


                  Originally posted by discouraged View Post
                  I no longer need a large salary. Those of us who have been unemployed for any length of time have learned to drastically lower our standard of living. I could no longer spend the money that I used to basically throw away; going out to eat, never buying cheap wine, careless about using coupons or buying when things were not on sale. I seriously enjoy getting back to the basics. Life is much more challenging that way and it keeps you young (or younger anyway)..
                  I can relate to what everyone (well, ALMOST everyone) has posted on this thread. Discouraged - you are so right about being able to live on so much less. I went from a decent salary which enabled me to support 5 kids to a 30% paycut which made things tight but doable to unemployment which has meant drastic reductions and the end of life as we knew it, lol. I have become the cheapest mom on earth in order to keep a roof over our heads, and even when I find a job, I will stay the cheapo that I have become! Any extra dollars will go into an emergency fund instead of getting wasted on useless crap. I hope you get the job that's on the bus line. And I hope I find something soon, too!
                  Filed Ch 7 Pro Se 11-18-2010 341 Meeting 12-16-2010 Discharged 2-15-2011
                  New Job 7-2011


                    Originally posted by tobee43 View Post
                    i so agree...and while it's so easy for some to speak from the outside in.....i know you, and you are so brilliant and can do ANYTHING.....but we both know;

                    age factors, demographics, work history....(too much experience)...are all deterrent's in this employment environment.

                    no one wants the "older" more experience workers when they can get a young college grad for 1/4 of the salary. and, it's not a matter of downsizing, as both you and i know. shoot, i think if you and i downsized more, we'd both be living in card board boxes..

                    we have had it tough, many of the less life experience people don't get that well,...not really NOT at all... not that that is their fault, it's just what one learns with the passing of time and experience that is, NOT education, necesarry...(now, how many degrees to i have?).

                    so, for us, we are the lost generation of this mess, as far, as i can see and feel...but we will make it!
                    tobee I have seen first hand how a company will train a much lower new employee to take over someones position. This isn't always an age issue, but often is. I have seen companies first hand bring in someone cheap and make the senior employee train the cheap person how to do their job, so that they can be replaced. They never tell the senior person they are being replaced, they say they are looking for a backup in case the senior person is sick or having all employees train for redundancy, etc.

                    I took over as a vp for a company that had me take over someones job. They were soon replaced by me running 2 positions. Then they wanted me to train someone cheap who was going to replace me and that is when I walked. I have seen this first hand with several companies.

                    It used to be age and experience were respected, now they are considered liabilities. It's pathetic how corporations treat labor.


                      If you all are looking for articles related to unemployment, I recommend you check out the huffingtonpost site. I go on there and chime in for job related issues.

                      They are also discussing some good bills such as the one being presented by the dems that try to pay for unemployment extensions up ahead by cutting costs to the budget (that is what the GOP is demanding).

                      I am really getting scared for next month and hope something can be worked out. I don't care if we use tarp money, budget cuts or whatever. I just need some help until I find a job. I look 7 days a week right now. I don't know what else I can do, other than sell my body on the street, sell my blood, sell my body parts...


                        Originally posted by helpme2010 View Post
                        tobee I have seen first hand how a company will train a much lower new employee to take over someones position. This isn't always an age issue, but often is. I have seen companies first hand bring in someone cheap and make the senior employee train the cheap person how to do their job, so that they can be replaced. They never tell the senior person they are being replaced, they say they are looking for a backup in case the senior person is sick or having all employees train for redundancy, etc.

                        I took over as a vp for a company that had me take over someones job. They were soon replaced by me running 2 positions. Then they wanted me to train someone cheap who was going to replace me and that is when I walked. I have seen this first hand with several companies.

                        It used to be age and experience were respected, now they are considered liabilities. It's pathetic how corporations treat labor.
                        i's not just's experience as well. now all the experience the world appears to HURT one, more than HELP one while looking for a job.

                        i know we are at the point and in the beginnings of starting our own business, only because we BOTH want to still work, and since there is nothing out there, we are going to attempt something ourselves...(as soon as i can walk on two feet again..LOL!!)...but i'm getting all the paper work in order...seen an atty last week...and we are getting ready!!!
                        8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                          And as I said before, tobee, if I can't find a job here I want to be YOUR employee,LOL. In actuality though, amazingly enough I was able to apply for 7 jobs this week - a real milestone here. I dno't know if any will pan out but I have my apps in so we'll see. Only one had a decent salary, on the rest the salary was either not posted or it was approx 11 an hour - which I could easily live with since I won't have the awful bills and I am still a long way from being foreclosed on (at least 6 months I'm sure), so I can just bank most of my salary if I happen to get a job.

                          One of the sad things is how many part-time jobs are out there. There were some for 6 hrs a week jobs and 12 hours a week, nothing over 20 hrs. I suppose they are targeting college kids but there are way too many of them. Even if there were 24 hr/wk jobs I would apply - but 6 or 12? No way. 20 is pushing the limit too, although I did apply for that one.


                            Originally posted by tobee43 View Post
                            i's not just's experience as well. now all the experience the world appears to HURT one, more than HELP one while looking for a job.

                            i know we are at the point and in the beginnings of starting our own business, only because we BOTH want to still work, and since there is nothing out there, we are going to attempt something ourselves...(as soon as i can walk on two feet again..LOL!!)...but i'm getting all the paper work in order...seen an atty last week...and we are getting ready!!!
                            I like that start your own business. I have run small ventures out of my house in the past. This is the american dream as you don't have to deal with stupid employers anymore and you can work hard and reap the benefits and not be fired, unless you want to fire yourself. go for it!!!


                              Originally posted by discouraged View Post
                              And as I said before, tobee, if I can't find a job here I want to be YOUR employee,LOL. In actuality though, amazingly enough I was able to apply for 7 jobs this week - a real milestone here. I dno't know if any will pan out but I have my apps in so we'll see. Only one had a decent salary, on the rest the salary was either not posted or it was approx 11 an hour - which I could easily live with since I won't have the awful bills and I am still a long way from being foreclosed on (at least 6 months I'm sure), so I can just bank most of my salary if I happen to get a job.

                              One of the sad things is how many part-time jobs are out there. There were some for 6 hrs a week jobs and 12 hours a week, nothing over 20 hrs. I suppose they are targeting college kids but there are way too many of them. Even if there were 24 hr/wk jobs I would apply - but 6 or 12? No way. 20 is pushing the limit too, although I did apply for that one.
                              i know how much you have looked.....LOL!!! i first want to make certain about exactly what we are doing...

                              supply and demand is what we are starting with and then about some certain "laws"....we most likely won't even have salary for the first few years!!

                              i hear you about part time job thing...or in many cases "tempt" jobs...
                              8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                                Originally posted by helpme2010 View Post
                                I like that start your own business. I have run small ventures out of my house in the past. This is the american dream as you don't have to deal with stupid employers anymore and you can work hard and reap the benefits and not be fired, unless you want to fire yourself. go for it!!!
                                we hope...we are still awaiting some answers about bonding etc. but now even still down i have been able to get some private work from two HOA's reviewing their bi-laws etc., and updating them for them. boring....but it's some bucks...i hope.
                                8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


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