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341 is tomorrow

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    341 is tomorrow

    My 341 is tomorrow at 9am and I'm nervous, I just want tomorrow to come and go. Everyone wish me a painless meeting.

    Delaware District
    Filed Pro Se 10/12/10 341 Meeting 11/19/10 Report of no distribution 1/11/11 Last day for objections 1/18/11 Discharged 3/14/11!!!

    chaz...i know it will be tough to sleep tonight but TRY.
    Good that your meeting is at 9. less time to fret during the day.
    Mine was at 2pm so had plenty of time to worry. ALL FOR NOTHING. Watched all morning so it was a help. also it gave me something else to focus on.
    Take a deep breath before going up to THE desk. (need to breath out too.) LOL
    Try not to answer the Q before trustee finishes asking it. Caught myself doing it once so i had to just listen and not get to anxious to answer.
    You'll do fine.
    Best to you and GOOD LUCK!!!

    I sure can understand the wanting the time to come and go. I had a countdown timer on my desktop till the timer is counting down the 60 days for objection. 20 days....9hrs...26 min...and counting
    Last edited by oregonpilot; 11-18-2010, 02:34 PM.
    filed: 8/10 ...341:10/8/10 ... Discharged & Close: 12/9/10
    "Nothing is easy to the unwilling" Thomas Fuller


      Good luck with your 341 meeting. Mine lasted 5 minutes and was MUCH easier than I had built it up to be in my mind.


        Originally posted by chazdiezal View Post
        My 341 is tomorrow at 9am and I'm nervous, I just want tomorrow to come and go. Everyone wish me a painless meeting.

        Delaware District

        good luck to you!! and please let us know how you make will be fine!!
        8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


          Good luck! I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. You'll be back here tomorrow gloating about how easy it was.
          Filed Ch. 7 on 9/30/10---341 11/12/10---Report of No Distribution 11/16/10

          Discharged 1/21/11 Closed 1/26/11


            Good luck chaz. Remember, breath, yes, no, that's about'll do fine!
            Filed pro se, made it through the 341, discharged, Closed!!!


              Well made it through my 341 today with nothing out of the ordinary asked, we were about 6th in line in the 9am group. Wow! the couple that was 1st up was grilled for 1 hour and 45 minutes (no lie). When they were called to the table with their attorney two other guys walked up and sat at the table with them, me being new to all this thought they were just a couple of creditors. Oh no, they announced themselves as the US bk trial attorney and the US trustee. I thought to myself "This isn't going to be good"...The two trustees and trial attorney began to catch this couple in lie after lie in regards to their income and businesses and other various missing info from their petitions. They did have an attorney of their own present but he wasn't much help to them at all. After the slow death of this couple the trustee and trial attorney left and the remaining cases were in and out in 5 minutes each. My case comes up we show ID and the standard questions were asked (about 6 in total) and we were dismissed to leave. I'm glad this part is over with and we are now part of the 60 day club...
              Filed Pro Se 10/12/10 341 Meeting 11/19/10 Report of no distribution 1/11/11 Last day for objections 1/18/11 Discharged 3/14/11!!!


                Glad it all went smooth, chaz!!
                There are two secrets for success in life:
                1.) Never tell everything you know.


                  Welcome to the 60 day club, chaz!
                  Filed pro se, made it through the 341, discharged, Closed!!!


                    sounds like WOW!!!!! says it ALL.
                    Welcome to the 60 day club. YEAH Chaz.
                    filed: 8/10 ...341:10/8/10 ... Discharged & Close: 12/9/10
                    "Nothing is easy to the unwilling" Thomas Fuller


                      Chaz, I am more nervous now. I will be first in line on Monday and I am afraid to be grilled. I have Real Estate (foreclosure and short sale), keeping my primary residence and I have 2 failed businesses which caused me to BK. (((


                        Congrats! We had ours today as well. I see the last day of objections for you is 1/18/11.... same for us!!!! lol
                        I may be smarter than an attorney, but I'm not one. No legal advice here, people.
                        Filed Ch. 7 pro se on 10/22/10 341 on 11/19/10 Report of No Distribution Filed on 11/19/10 Discharged 1/19/11 Closed 2/2/11


                          Congratulations!!! Must be a great feeling to have that behind you! It is good to have this forum to share our milestones!!
                          10/18/10 Admitted to self I can't continue to live off CC; 11/19/10 Filed Chapter 7, 341 scheduled 1/5/11


                            Congratulations on an easy 341. I told you there was nothing to worry about.
                            Filed Ch. 7 on 9/30/10---341 11/12/10---Report of No Distribution 11/16/10

                            Discharged 1/21/11 Closed 1/26/11


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