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Roommate? But shes leaving

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  • justbroke
    Welcome to BKForum!

    Many of us here have learned that debt management programs (DMPs) nearly always lead to bankruptcy. It's not your fault for trying to pay our creditors. It's just that DMPs are usually just a delay of the inevitable. I know that there are successes with them, but bankruptcy is something that has a definitive, and often quick, resolution. (The speed depends on Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13.)

    Originally posted by Chris66 View Post
    my question is when they look at my income from the past few months it is going to show both increased 1099 income as well as a check from my friend for 1/2 the rent. How will I be able to show thats all changed!
    Whether you're filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, the forms include a so-called Means Test which looks at your income retroactively. While a Chapter 13 can take into account new things, a Chapter 7 looks backwards 6 months. If your average income over the past 6 months (multiplied by 2) easily qualifies you as being under-the-median income for your household size in your State, then you won't have to worry about this.

    Originally posted by Chris66 View Post
    Question 2, will me landlord be notified of my filing? Once I dont have to pay the medical/credit bills every month, rent will be easy & I have no plans to move. I have never been late with rent.
    Not unless they are on the so-called Mailing Matrix. If you are in an active lease, it technically must be reported on Schedule G (Executory Contracts and Leases). If you are in a month-to-month, many (most?) will not include it on Schedule G since it is not an "active" lease (since it renews every month).

    Once you file you will definitely be able to breath again... oh, and eat and sleep. The day I filed I was so happy, people seeing me walk down the street from the courthouse were greeted with nothing but a huge smile and pleasant greetings! It was certainly the proverbial weight lifted off my shoulders.

    Feel free to ask as many questions as you like. There are a lot of people here that have been through this process of bankruptcy. We welcome everyone.

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  • Chris66
    started a topic Roommate? But shes leaving

    Roommate? But shes leaving

    Hi all, I have finally admitted I need to file. I have an appointment tomorrow with a lawyer.

    I have tried everything, from a debt mgnt program, to taking a second consulting job, to letting a friend live here & splitting the rent

    Well, my 2nd job contract ends 1/31, my friend found a house & is moving 2/1.

    my question is when they look at my income from the past few months it is going to show both increased 1099 income as well as a check from my friend for 1/2 the rent. How will I be able to show thats all changed!

    Question 2, will me landlord be notified of my filing? Once I dont have to pay the medical/credit bills every month, rent will be easy & I have no plans to move. I have never been late with rent.

    thank you for your help, this process is scary as hell, but I can only hope I can finally sleep & eat again soon.

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