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Is no news considered good news on Pacer?

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    Ok, first of all, I apologize for disappearing for a few days, my daugter had her first birth...
    First birth day I meant...
    Filed CH7 on Aug-06-2009 -- DONE!
    341 meeting on Oct-01-2009 -- DONE!
    Discharged on Nov-12-2009 -- DONE!
    Case Closed on Jun-15-2010 -- DONE!


      Originally posted by Michigan1951 View Post
      After I re-read your reply to me a minute ago, I realized that the continued 341 held on 10/23 at 8am was for the lawyer to get the signed reaffs to the trustee that he forgot to bring with him on the first mtg. of the creditors on 10/14.
      Therefore, to bring you uptodate on the case, the continued 341 on 10/23 does not have a "satisfied" or "terminated" status filled in or a date with it yet.
      Maybe, it just hasn't been updated. But, it was held according to the lawyer when I called him 10 days ago via email.
      I am thinking we might be turned into an asset case AFTER the discharge like what is happening to you...................any thoughts on this?
      I understand that your current status (on the status page) is awaiting discharge so that means you're good as far as the 341 goes. In terminated statuses, if you second 341's date end is 10/24 or 10/26 then your 10 and 30 day periods are counted from there. If you are unsure, of the dates, please list what your deadline/schedule table says as far as 341s go and what your current and terminated status pages say. I might be able to help more having that info!
      Filed CH7 on Aug-06-2009 -- DONE!
      341 meeting on Oct-01-2009 -- DONE!
      Discharged on Nov-12-2009 -- DONE!
      Case Closed on Jun-15-2010 -- DONE!


        Originally posted by RBisDebtFree View Post
        First birth day I meant...
        First meeting of the creditors on 10/14 terminated 10/16
        continued 341 on 10/23 ?? (not end date here)
        last day for objections to discharge 12/14

        (when I clicked on the bubble by the First 341 in the deadline/schedules a side window opens up and says same thing, but the word "adjourned" is there though instead of terminated. The word Terminated is listed as the end date of 10/16 though on the deadlines/schedule chart.) Both meetings were completed though.
        Do you think the info. just isn't updated yet at all? Or, is something bad coming down the pipe.
        (first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
        :clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010:D


          it's probably jjjust not updated. mine showed "awaiting 341" until discharge. don't worry! be happy! for now, i would suggest to at least try and assume everything is fine. if something comes up then you'll deal with it.

          yes, i know, it's much easier said than done, and i certainly did not follow this advice when i was going through it. but as it turned out, i caused myself a whole lot of stress for nothing. so please do try to believe everything is fine
          filed ch7 May 09
          341 june 09
          discharged, closed Aug 09


            Originally posted by music12 View Post
            it's probably jjjust not updated. mine showed "awaiting 341" until discharge. don't worry! be happy! for now, i would suggest to at least try and assume everything is fine. if something comes up then you'll deal with it.

            yes, i know, it's much easier said than done, and i certainly did not follow this advice when i was going through it. but as it turned out, i caused myself a whole lot of stress for nothing. so please do try to believe everything is fine
            Thanks for your support. This forum sure calms my nerves, and gives me hope.
            (first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
            :clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010:D


              you're welcome if i can do something to calm your nerves now, this mitigates the time i feel i lost by being afraid during my bk. if you are calm, i feel better, so you have to stay calm!
              filed ch7 May 09
              341 june 09
              discharged, closed Aug 09


                I agree with music12, if both meetings went through and no new one has been scheduled that I strongly believe you are past the 10 and 30 days. So your discharge is on the way! It's hard to wait, but you will end up realizing that day 60 has come and gone and you didn't even understand how the time went so fast, if you can, try to focus on other things, spare your nervous system, your nerves are more expensive than your worrying and fearing about the bk...
                Filed CH7 on Aug-06-2009 -- DONE!
                341 meeting on Oct-01-2009 -- DONE!
                Discharged on Nov-12-2009 -- DONE!
                Case Closed on Jun-15-2010 -- DONE!


                  Originally posted by RBisDebtFree View Post
                  I agree with music12, if both meetings went through and no new one has been scheduled that I strongly believe you are past the 10 and 30 days. So your discharge is on the way! It's hard to wait, but you will end up realizing that day 60 has come and gone and you didn't even understand how the time went so fast, if you can, try to focus on other things, spare your nervous system, your nerves are more expensive than your worrying and fearing about the bk...
                  And, thank you to RBisDebtFree as well.

                  I looked at the STATUS page and it says Awaiting discharge with 84 days already gone but the voluntarily filed c7 is still there. A bold black sentence is typed saying that
                  this case is not in terminated status yet. Otherwords, the trustee has not updated, I do believe. duh??

                  First 341 was held and terminated
                  continued 341 does not have SATISFIED or TERMINATED result yet
                  no other 341 is listed.........

                  I hate waiting around. It is making me sick. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I am sad that I have to have this on my mind. I wish they would just get it over with and shoot me right now. It is what it is, so let's get r done, I say. BUT, I might be turned into an asset case, I am thinking now, so that alone would hold up the updates.
                  Last edited by Michigan1951; 11-25-2009, 07:42 AM. Reason: sentence re-structure.
                  (first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
                  :clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010:D


                    Try not to worry to so much.

                    Look, you have some pretty solid facts:
                    1) The status page says awaiting discharge, as far as I know, it only gets there after the Awaiting First Meeting status is terminated, so that's a very solid fact
                    2) Your second 341 has come and gone and it was NOT continued, that's another solid facts
                    3) If you would have been turned into an asset case, I believe that would have been done within the 30 days of your actual 341

                    Btw, I have just remembered that my deadline/schedule page has been a mess at times also. With 341s and then with the discharge... If you are really, really worried, call your bankruptcy court clerk or your case manager only. They might answer your question, it could even be that the have it right in the courthouse but it's just that PACER hasn't been updated probably. Today I saw a request from trustee to change name of attorney be entered on my case, he filed it long ago but the information was entered only today, that's why in the documents/history it has different filed & entered date, because of delays like this.

                    Don't worry and try to have a Happy Thanksgiving!
                    Filed CH7 on Aug-06-2009 -- DONE!
                    341 meeting on Oct-01-2009 -- DONE!
                    Discharged on Nov-12-2009 -- DONE!
                    Case Closed on Jun-15-2010 -- DONE!


                      Originally posted by RBisDebtFree View Post
                      Try not to worry to so much.

                      Look, you have some pretty solid facts:
                      1) The status page says awaiting discharge, as far as I know, it only gets there after the Awaiting First Meeting status is terminated, so that's a very solid fact
                      2) Your second 341 has come and gone and it was NOT continued, that's another solid facts
                      3) If you would have been turned into an asset case, I believe that would have been done within the 30 days of your actual 341

                      Btw, I have just remembered that my deadline/schedule page has been a mess at times also. With 341s and then with the discharge... If you are really, really worried, call your bankruptcy court clerk or your case manager only. They might answer your question, it could even be that the have it right in the courthouse but it's just that PACER hasn't been updated probably. Today I saw a request from trustee to change name of attorney be entered on my case, he filed it long ago but the information was entered only today, that's why in the documents/history it has different filed & entered date, because of delays like this.

                      Don't worry and try to have a Happy Thanksgiving!
                      Thanks so much!! Happy Thanksgiving you you and yours!!
                      (first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
                      :clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010:D


                        Try not to feel too bad. I was in the western district. Filed NOV 08.. 341 meeting was in Jan 09 and didn't close until end of March 09. You a no asset case.. so.. the rest is just a hurry up and wait.


                          Originally posted by Mi Bankruptcy View Post
                          Try not to feel too bad. I was in the western district. Filed NOV 08.. 341 meeting was in Jan 09 and didn't close until end of March 09. You a no asset case.. so.. the rest is just a hurry up and wait.
                          Thank you! For now I am a no asset case.....?? I am a person that is a planner, and I do not put things off. The waiting is so so nerve racking. I called the clerk's office and they said our case has not had any activity since the continued 341 that was held on 10/23. It has not been concluded or satisfied. The clerk's office said that our trustee has not filed a First 341 Mtg. HELD yet, or his final report. I will keep you in mind when I think it is taking so long here in the Western District of Mi.........
                          (first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
                          :clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010:D


                            Some new info. from my lawyer today

                            Yes, I emailed him and asked if he had anything new to tell me since the continuance 341 was held on 10/23 and Pacer has not been updated.
                            He said he called the trustee's office to follow up that they received the reaff's that he gave them. All is good. The trustee's office said that the trustee was on vacation so that is why he has not been able to update from 10/23. My lawyer said there have been no issues to date, and he is betting that the trustee is going to give the no asset report sometime next week. He said the UST and the creditors can object to discharge up to 12/14 yet, but he also said that from his years of experience with both the UST and the trustee, that neither one do 707 objections late in the 60 day time line. All this is great info. for me to hear today. Thanksgiving is going to be very special to us for sure.
                            He went on to say for me to be patient, and let it all play out now. I have a great lawyer that I trust, and I am thankful for everyone at the forum that has put up with me since Oct. I know the discharge is not in stone, but never the less, my new info. from the lawyer is very encouraging......
                            (first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
                            :clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010:D


                              Great news! Enjoy your day and just keep concentrating on how happy you'll be when Dec 14 rolls around and you're completely in the clear. Only 18 days to go!


                                Thank you for your support. And good luck to you on your case. I will be watching!!

                                Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, ForTheBest!!
                                (first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
                                :clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010:D


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