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What is a creditor call like?

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    What is a creditor call like?

    In my efforts to try to stop or at least cut down on my creditor calls, I was wondering what does a creditor usually say if you answer their call? What does a creditor usually say if you return their call? Are they nice or unpleasant? What do they normally say if you tell them that you are unemployed and can not pay your bill at this time?

    Thus far, I have heard if you talk to a creditor before they send your account out to a cut-throat collection company, they tend to be nice and reasonable . . . but you are not guaranteed that they will work out a deal with you.


    Your mileage will vary depending on the agency and the collector.

    Some of them are just as nice as you could ask for, and others will treat you like a bag of dog-$hit. You really don't know till you know.

    If you answer, here's what they want:

    Pay in full. Today.

    Pay $1000.00 (or whatever) today, and they will leave you alone (till next month).

    We can do a check by phone. Just give your bank info and routing numbers.

    Pay in full.

    Pay in full.


    It's all part of the game....
    All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
    Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


      Frogger sums it up. They will try to wear you down for money. Oh, can't make minimum? What can you make? Half that? Sorry we can't accept that, can you make more than that? No? Well just give us your account number and we will take out what you tell us to (a huge lie, btw...don't ever give your account numbers out.)

      Some are nice, some are jerks. All are trying to get money. If you can keep your cool, verify that they have the correct info on you and get off the phone quickly, this is the best. And if your state laws treat OCs the same as CAs, even better...send the "all calls are inconvenient" letter and insist that all their dealings come through the USPS.
      First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


        I have noticed that some can be nice. Some tried to work with me and some companies were just so ruthless and wouldn't take nothing but half in a one payment. It really sucks for the ones that were ruthless and sued me b/c they could have gotten at least 12 months of on time payments now they will get nothing.

        Good Luck to you!
        "I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!" Ch 7 Filed 7/15/11 * 3 Minute 341 8/19/11 * Discharged 10/20/11


          Frogger sums it up nicely.

          They always try to "control" the conversation.

          So you have to be quick on your feet to stay one step ahead of them.

          I always like the calls offering a "free check by phone". I would always say "how much can you send me? I need it as quickly as possible."

          I found US Bank to be the nastiest in-house collectors. Sounded like folks from the wrong side of the tracks in St Louis, if you get my drift. Suggested I pawn stuff, that sort of nonsense.
          filed chapter 13..confirmed...converted to chapter 7...DISCHARGED!


            Had one last week (yes we filed a complaint) that told us to put our kids up for adoption.


              8 times out of 10 they are jerks. They will say anything and everything. My dad had one tell him that my mom needed to get her fat a$$ off the couch and pay her bills. He lodged a complaint and refused to pay. He is the most fair man ever and has no problem paying his bills, but he wouldn't stand for that kind of smack talk.

              One told me to ask a family member to loan me the money and then I told him my grandmother had helped me before, but couldn't anymore. He then got real snotty and was like, "why do you even have your grandma paying your bills?"

              One would ask me over and over in a menacing tone if I had forgotten about my obligations.

              Most times they want to get your bank info. DON'T give it to them! They just want to squeeze whatever they can out of you. They will say anything to do it.


                Funny story -

                I had a JDB call me a few months ago and when I told her "you can't get blood from a turnip" She actually hit an applause button and people started cheering in the backround. That must have been a running joke at the call center.
                "I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!" Ch 7 Filed 7/15/11 * 3 Minute 341 8/19/11 * Discharged 10/20/11


                  Originally posted by Quagmire View Post
                  In my efforts to try to stop or at least cut down on my creditor calls,

                  My method worked for me, but it really isn't for the feint of heart.

                  I was completely obscene and morbid with them.

                  If they were American. First thing I would ask, was if they were a US citzen. If they did not say 'yes' then I would tell them. "I am an American citizen, I do business with American companies, and if they wished to talk to me, then they needed to have a US citizen call me.

                  IF they were citizens, I would identify myself, tell them I could not afford to pay them.
                  If they pressed it from there, then I would lay into them.
                  Word must have gotten around pretty quick too, as we hardly got any calls for stretches of 2 or so months at a time.

                  I guess no one wants to talk to someone who will not discuss financial matters, and will only go on about crude and graphic sexual issues, or give them nothing but verbal abuse.
                  7/01/10 - filed!
                  11/20/10 - discharged and closed


                    Thanks for the laugh tay, I like your style.

                    But to answer the thread, my collection call experiences were only with in house collectors and only Citibank (all other 3 did not call??????). I was only late 3 weeks before deciding on a filing date, dealing with Citibqank was actually pleasant enough, and respectful enough that I extended the courtsey of calling them to let them know I had made my decision and my filing date was 8/27 and my attorney was XXX at # XXX.
                    Stopped paying: 08/10, Filed CH7: 08/27/10 , 341 & No Asset Report: 10/6/10, Last day to object: 12/06/10, Discharged: 12/07/10, Closed: 12/08/10
                    AHEM.....NOT AN ATTORNEY, NOT ADVICE, ETC, ETC


                      They are trained to keep control of the conversation. They hate it when you take control. They will start out wanting you to verify your identity, that is okay. Then you really want to start ruining his/her day?

                      State, "This call is being recorded for compliance with Federal and state laws. The recordings may be introduced as evidence in civil or criminal prosecution. Continuing this phone conversation signal your acceptance of these terms."

                      If that does not result in a quick click move on to, "Now that I've identified myself to you, I require you to do the same. Please provide me with your name, the company's complete name and address for service."

                      Anything they say that is not that information you counter with, "Are you refusing to provide me with your name, the company's complete name and address for service in accord with Georgia State Statute 16-35-5b?" <Made up statute, they won't know.

                      If they do give the information, I then tell them, "Until you provide me by mail with proof of who you are, that I owe this alleged debt and that you have the authority to collect this alleged debt, I will not discuss the matter by telephone. Thank you for calling. Have a nice day." <followed by a click>

                      I'm such a jerk!!!


                        Originally posted by ccsjoe View Post
                        Thanks for the laugh tay, I like your style.
                        When you go 3 years with more than a dozen collectors after you, you lean to get some amusement out of it.
                        7/01/10 - filed!
                        11/20/10 - discharged and closed


                          Shoot, after I filed and all the calls stopped... I actually missed them.


                            Thank you Everyone for your contributions, input, and advice. I have been so stressed-out and very depressed over my situation for the past 2 days, so this is the first time I have looked at the replies that I have received to my original posting.

                            Yet I apologize for my taking so long to thank all of you that came along to try to help me. I greatly appreciate it so very much.



                              They come in all stripes and sizes. Some can be nasty, some sweet-sounding but still hungry for money. They will wear you down if you speak to them too often or too long.
                              Early on with the OC, they may not be too bad, but much later on with collectors they can be obnoxious.


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