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Last Activity: 04-18-2017, 08:37 AM
Joined: 03-03-2009
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Discharge for student loan co-signer (Topic in the Chapter 7 forum)
01-12-2010, 11:18 AM
Do Trustees questions small expenses on bank statements? (Topic in the General Bankruptcy Talk forum)
07-08-2009, 10:11 AM
Finally filled... (Topic in the Chapter 7 forum)
09-11-2009, 06:15 AM
Financial world's dirty little secret: Behavior scores (Topic in the Bankruptcy & Credit News forum)
05-04-2011, 08:48 AM
06-15-2009, 08:40 AM
Getting out of auto lease after Ch 7 discharge? (Topic in the Chapter 7 forum)
02-17-2011, 05:39 PM
Getting your papers ready.....CC statements (Topic in the Chapter 7 forum)
07-27-2009, 06:52 PM
Got approved for an auto lease 13 months out of Chapter 7! (Topic in the Buying a car after BK forum)
05-26-2011, 11:58 AM
Has anyone filed with very high credit card debt? (Topic in the Chapter 7 forum)
05-11-2012, 09:34 AM
Having trouble keeping our heads above water. (Topic in the Chapter 7 forum)
02-23-2010, 08:57 AM
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