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discharge x

  • HELOC after Chapter 13 discharge

    We completed a 5 year Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Our HELOC was not included in the repayment plan. When I reached out to the bank after discharge they would not work with me to set up payments. The account has been "charged off" but it is still on the books and the collections department wants...
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  • paying back navy federal after discharge


    I filed a chpt7 back in October 2021 will be receiving my discharge soon. i have a vehicle loan i reaffirmed with Navy Federal and a credit card with navy federal that i included in BK. my qiestion is, if i pay back the credit card after discharge what are my chanced of getting approved...
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  • Mortgage Co Refuses to Issue a Verification of Mortgage

    Hi. I filed BK7, discharged in 2012. Did not reaffirm my 2 mortgages, both were with Bank of America, then they sold the 2nd mortgage last year to Select Portfolio Services.

    I'm now refinancing. Bank of America gave a Verification of Mortgage to the new loan processor but Select Portfolio...
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  • Caaa211
    started a topic Dismissing chapter 13 what will Toyota do?

    Dismissing chapter 13 what will Toyota do?

    I filed BK back in 2018. At the time I owed Toyota Fiancial 25,XXX. Per my lawyer I was told that due to the vehicle being so new I would have to pay 100% of the agreement to Toyota. I also have a loan through Santander for a vehicle. Owed 18,XXX at filing date. Santander saying if I’m dismissed I...
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  • Subibrokeme
    started a topic Pending Statuses?

    Pending Statuses?

    Checking on PACER for the first time ever, wondering if anyone can help me understand?
    Chapter 7, Asset: No
    Vol: v
    Date filed: 01/14/2020
    Date of last filing: 02/19/2020
    STATUS: “awaiting Discharge”
    BEGIN DATE: 01/14/2020
    TIME IN STATUS : 66 days
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    Last edited by Subibrokeme; 03-20-2020, 10:40 PM.

  • brandv1
    started a topic Disaster discharge?

    Disaster discharge?

    I have so many questions and concerns right now that I don't know where to start.

    We're in Baton Rouge, and last week our house was flooded (about 17 inches of water throughout the house and no flood insurance because we are nowhere near a flood zone), as well as both cars. One car was...
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  • cspa522
    started a topic DISCHARGED!!!


    It's over! It's over! We did it! 60 long months and we're done! Logged onto the CM/ECF database - I've been checking every few days since we made the last payment/took the financial management courses/sent in all the necessary paperwork - and it's done! Discharged!!! I can't believe it...
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    I am so relieved. My story began 5.5 years ago with a trustee’s audit, a ‘Presumption of Abuse’ and a Dept. of Justice Audit thanks to an inexperienced BK lawyer. It’s a long read but I can’t imagine anyone going through this gauntlet again so I chose to share the major lessons I learned...
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  • Crawley
    started a topic Pro Se DISCHARGE!


    Gotta give a shout out to the folks at the Alabama Middle District. My housing situation made waiting 30 days for the discharge paperwork untenable. A phone call on day 61 got me to the clerk, who got me to the supervisor, who got the judge to sign off on ours ASAP. Printed it off of PACER this morning....
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  • Romie
    started a topic 341 Meeting today!!!!

    341 Meeting today!!!!

    Had my 341 meeting today for my chapter 7 BK Filing, thank god it's over's. Went well.
    Arrive at 9 am waited almost 1 hour for the trustee to arrived.
    My name on the list was last on the first page.
    Name was called trustee ask to verify the information is current, is that my signature....etc....
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  • What is the exact point when the 60 months ends in a chapter 13?

    I'm approaching 5 years and I don't remember the exact point in which the 60 months starts. I filed on 7/2, was confirmed 8/1, 341 meeting was 8/20. I'm in Massachusetts and am not in a 100% payback. Assuming I've now made all 60 payments, at what point should I instruct the attorney to file for the...
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  • Discharged debt 2/2011 from BOA, OCWEN is trying to collect and report on credit

    We filed chapter 7 BK in 2/2011, our debt was discharged in 6/2011. Our case finally closed in 12/2013 because our trustee died and they had to assign the case to another trustee which took time to get him up to speed, pay our creditors and finally close our case.

    We had several...
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  • larry13
    started a topic How long b4 ch13 is off the cr?

    How long b4 ch13 is off the cr?

    If this has been thoroughly answered elsewhere, my apologies. I completed a 5yr 100% ch13 with discharge in Oct. 2012. Filing date was Aug 2007. The last time I checked my scores, they were pretty good, but the BK was still showing. I read that the BK will come off the reports 7 yrs after filing for...
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  • Discharge party at the Trustee's house... :)

    Hey everybody, document 41 on pacer says DISCHARGE.

    And I quote
    "B18W (Form 18W) (08/07)
    United States Bankruptcy Court
    District of Nebraska
    Case No. 10−8*****
    Chapter 13
    In re
    Debtor(s) (name(s) used by the debtor(s) in the last 8 years,...
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    Last edited by justbroke; 10-17-2013, 04:01 PM. Reason: Moderator redacted name of Judge.

  • Greysky
    started a topic And Done

    And Done

    Its official! Just received a copy of our C7 Discharge Order from the Lawyer. Pacer shows standard discharge. We almost waited to do this now I am so glad we didn't. With this weight off of our shoulders we can start rebuilding our lives. Thanks for everyones advice, help, and support on this site....
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