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new jersey x

  • Public Workers Facing Outrage as Budget Crises Grow

    January 1, 2011

    FLEMINGTON, N.J. — Ever since Marie Corfield’s confrontation with Gov. Chris Christie this fall over the state’s education cuts became a YouTube classic, she has received a stream of vituperative e-mails and Facebook postings.

    People I don’t even know...
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    Last edited by Flamingo; 01-02-2011, 03:53 PM.

  • NJ. Own my house outright, 85K+- in cc debt. Conflicting advice, fresh help needed.

    The great folks at the ch7 forum pointed me to ch13 to see if someone has any ideas before I find the right Lawyer. So here goes:

    Once again glad to find this forum, I thank everyone in advance for their time and advice. I own my own home, $160K value. Married but home is in my name....
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  • NJ. Own my house outright, 85K+- in cc debt. Conflicting advice, fresh help needed.

    Glad to find this forum, I thank everyone in advance for their time and advice. I own my own home, $160K value. Married but home is in my name. Approx $85K in CC debt. I am unemployed going on 3 yrs (no construction in/ near our tourist town), wife made $32K in '09. I have been selling my toys, camper,...
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  • Any other NJ filers out there?

    Seems like lots of FL folks on the board... wondering how NJ experiences have been...any interesting stories, trustees sending appraisers out, etc?
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  • rkg2004
    started a topic Any experience in NJ?

    Any experience in NJ?

    Just wondering if anyone here has foreclosed in New Jersey, specifically Bergen County. My lawyer says the process should take about 2 years, just wondering if that's true.
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  • cchamberlin8
    started a topic New Jersey Story

    New Jersey Story

    I'll keep this brief. I got a lot of information off of this board most of it usually at times when I knew I was being totally irrational and worrying unnecessarily, but nonetheless this was very helpful to me. I had a hard time finding information about NJ specifically so I wanted to just post my story...
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    Last edited by cchamberlin8; 08-15-2010, 06:39 AM.

  • cchamberlin8
    started a topic New car just after filing??

    New car just after filing??

    I am very new to this but like so many others, I have found this to be a wealth of information. I am filing Ch 7 in New Jersey and I have a leased vehicle. Two years left on the lease and I will be significantly over the milage allowance at lease end. On one hand I think the best thing to do is to surrender...
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  • trouble1
    started a topic Live in New Jersey work in Pennsylvania

    Live in New Jersey work in Pennsylvania

    Hello. I was wondering if anyone could answer this question that has had this issue or knows someone who has. I live in New Jersey but I work in Pennsylvania. My employer is ONLY based in PA and payroll is from PA, etc...

    Can a creditor garnish wages?? New Jersey DOES allow wage garnishments...
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  • trouble1
    started a topic Wage Garnishment - Live in NJ work in PA

    Wage Garnishment - Live in NJ work in PA

    Hi! I have searched high and low on the forums but haven't found an answer to this question. There is no wage garnishment in PA but it is 10% of gross in NJ. My question is if I live in NJ and work in PA, can the credit card companies garnish my wages since the wages are earned in PA or does it go...
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  • I have to file bankruptcy but tips for others to avoid it * if youre NYC - NJ - PA

    So I could actually avoid filing Bankruptcy / Chapter 13 IF real estate taxes weren't set for a tax sale mid September.

    My now ex boyfriend let me me down horribly.

    He asked me not to move away and that he loved me forever and if I ever needed any help he would...
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    Last edited by lrprn; 08-14-2009, 06:05 PM. Reason: removed content from post that is against forum rules

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