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Grrr - aggrevated to no end with this 2nd situation

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  • justbroke
    Good to read and hear Pandora!

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  • Pandora
    Originally posted by Pandora View Post
    ....- is it normal for not being confirmed yet for the Trustee to have checked (still) the motion for dismissal / conversion boxes?
    The answer came yesterday courtesy of my lawyer to this part of my question:

    apparently is it "boiler plate" from the trustee and must be there until we are confirmed. Dont know if its district specific as Justbroke stated or not - but it will be there until confirmation.

    Whew - had me worried that the trustee was thinking our plan wasnt going to be feasible even after going into our 5th month of payments without incident.

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  • LadyInTheRed
    My attorney didn't submit a proposed order valuing lien before my 341 even though the deadline to object to the petition had passed. The trustee made an entry in PACER the day after the 341 saying that if the Order wasn't entered within 5 days she'd file a motion to dismiss and that if the Order was entered she would recommend confirmation (the judge signed the order yesterday and the 5th day is tomorrow, so all is good).

    Since the plan is dependent on the lien strip, it makes sense that the trustee would continue to indicate an intent to dismiss/convert until the strip is complete.

    Hang in there! September will be here before you know it.

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  • Pandora
    Originally posted by starr4law View Post
    Credit unions are the WORST - they are like jealous girlfriends - they don't want you but no one else can have you either and they are not happy unless you are miserable!
    LMAO over here -

    between justbroke's analogy and now this one - THESE made me laugh loudly sitting here.

    Ya'll are great - keep 'em comin - I'll go insane before September I'm sure

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  • Pandora
    Yep - very large credit union - not federal, but a state one. Ugh.

    So JB - you dont know if its normal for the trustee to continually check the box/are that says "motion to dismiss/convert" ?

    OMG - I swear I'm going to take up drinking before all this is said and done (we so need a screaming pulling hair out smilie!)

    Hey Momof3 - any word on your situation yet?

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  • momofthree

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  • starr4law
    Credit unions are the WORST - they are like jealous girlfriends - they don't want you but no one else can have you either and they are not happy unless you are miserable!

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  • justbroke
    Originally posted by momofthree View Post
    Is this a local bank that you're dealing with, or a large national bank? Just curious....
    It's an ankle biting Credit Union!

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  • momofthree
    Is this a local bank that you're dealing with, or a large national bank? Just curious....

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  • justbroke
    I would be laughing at the ankle biters! Laughing that they are going to waste, probably, more money arguing their case, than they have already lost.

    Originally posted by Pandora View Post
    Also - is it normal for not being confirmed yet for the Trustee to have checked (still) the motion for dismissal / conversion boxes? Reassure my mind if you guys would please - our lawyer stated about 2 months ago it was procedure, but as of yesterdays court hearing, the newest Continuation order still states that and the box is checked.
    I have no idea what that (checkbox) even means. Seems District/Trustee specific.

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  • Grrr - aggrevated to no end with this 2nd situation

    So - was SUPPOSED to be confirmed yesterday - but nope. Frigging 2nd yet again is contesting the strip even though we have all the documents in our favor including the certified appraisal vs. their lousy BPO that had so many errors I cant even begin to tell you how many.

    Looks like we're going in front of the judge sometime in September to decide if we can strip or not. What a frigging waste of time this 2nd is - almost at a year of non-payment and 5 months since we filed with nearly 5 months paid into the plan and we're STILL here at this crossroads! I dont know whether to scream, cry or laugh at this point!!

    Also - is it normal for not being confirmed yet for the Trustee to have checked (still) the motion for dismissal / conversion boxes? Reassure my mind if you guys would please - our lawyer stated about 2 months ago it was procedure, but as of yesterdays court hearing, the newest Continuation order still states that and the box is checked.

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