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Dealing with Navy Federal

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    Dealing with Navy Federal

    I have been lurking on here for several months, and am hoping to file Ch. 7 in September. A bit about what I owe and the status:
    • Amex CC - 40K - Sent to local counsel for suit, in 30 day DV window.
    • Amex CC - 2.4K - DV'd CA, sent back to Amex, got the "we'll issue you an optima if you pay this"
    • Chase CC - 16K - finally told them going to file Ch7, they have been leaving me alone
    • Navy Federal CC - 50K read below
    • Navy Federal Loans - 11K & 10K read below
    • MB Financial - 625/mo lease, 18 months to go, current, dont care if i have to rid of the car b/c the payment is pretty high.
    • Monster student loans from multiple post grad degrees, in deferrment, they'll be with me forever and thats fine with me.

    I am about to go 90 past due with Navy Federal. I finally was in touch with the supervisor that sends their accounts out to local counsel. She was very nice...quite revealing actually. We spoke on how if I were in TX or FL, she might not pursue as hard, but that in NY, they go full throttle. She told me that when the account gets sent out to the attorney, 33% gets added to total for legal fees, which represents what they pay outside counsel at the onset of the case (I think thats a bunch of BS....them paying it up front, but who knows).

    I did not reveal to her that I would be filing a 7. In our conversation though...she explains to me that they will try to garnish and levy,...., neither of which matter as I have no w-2 job or property to levy, but then says....even if I declare bankruptcy, that they will show up at the 341 (well she said bk hearing....not 341) and contest. She said she has personally gone...which I think is a lie, but who knows....I figure they would send counsel and not the collections supervisor in "pre legal". I think she was really grasping, and we were having a nice conversation, so I played along, but I'd really love to hear from people who have dealt with Navy Federal during the end game stages pre BK and during BK in re: the above and following issues.

    What I am trying to do is forestall them from filing suit until I file Ch7. One reason is that I don't want my name floating in my local court system, for personal reasons. Second, I also co-signed an auto loan for my GF with NFCU, she is a member as well, and they are threatening cross-collateralization. They claim I am primary, but from what I can remember, I just co-signed, and the title is in her name. She makes payments as agreed. The car is probably within a few K either way of being even with what is owed on it. I really need to keep her in the car. What I am hoping is that once I go BK, that I come off the liability and she can just continue to pay as agreed. Anyone with thoughts here?

    They offered me the 1/2 price payments on all of my trade lines for a year and / or a one month extension, but both require that I setup post dated payments on an outside checking account, which I refused to do. I do not want them to know where I will be doing my banking going forward (local bank). So without setting these payments, they basically say they will forward to local legal counsel for suit. I could setup the payments, on an account with no $ in it, but I find that to be unethical, and again, for personal reasons, can't do that.

    I would love feedback from fellow NFCU members. I know my membership with them is over...they have a memory....kind of sad to see that go, they have some great products, and lent me a lot of money over the years, but there are other banks out there!

    Go Navy! (That's about all I can say. Haven't been a member in years.)
    Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
    Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
    Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

    Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


      I'll be following this closely. They're now pursuing legal action against me -- I have a $110k mortgage, $25k home equity loan, $5k loan, 15k car loan, and over $40k in credit cards I'm about to discharge....


        My son is in the Navy and has a nfcu auto loan.He totaled the car( water damage) wth no insurance over a year ago.This car has been insured only 1 month to get plates.It has been uninsured and unregistered for over a year.They seem really lax an uncaring as long as they get auto payments.When I advised him to stop paying on his auto loan,he told me nfcu can get real ugly and cause problems not worth the trouble.Sorry if this is not the info your looking,but goodluck.....


          Everything I have read about them has been about their aggressive nature to collect a debt and how they lie in attempt to collect the money. I am actually a little surprised that she was somewhat nice to you. One poster on another form stated that the NFCU rep said that she would still owe the money even if she filed for BK and that was the law so she may as well pay up...funny.

          In short, since you are filing delaying them sounds like a good approach. Don’t tip your hand otherwise they will up their collection efforts. As far as your GF loan goes, your debt obligation to that loan will be eliminated after discharge. The contract between your GF and the bank will still be enforceable as normal.


            oh very VERY interesting. Who here has dealt with NAVY in a Bankruptcy?? I have almost 50K with them and late on all three. I might have to set up a payment plan then to avoid anything until I know for sure I do a BK. I might be getting close to my 90 days too!

            I talked with them about a hardship but they told me the best they could do for 12 months was 1% payment and 7% for interest. I was holding out for 0%.

            What I don't get, they can go to the 341 all they want, but they are unsecured, so doubt they would walk away with anything but a LARGER writeoff after they added the lawyer fees!


              We had two credit cards ($11,000 and $14,000), a car loan ($20,000), and an overdraft line of credit that they had converted to a "personal loan" ($2000). When I first started paying late on my CC they sent a bunch of nastygrams saying they would repo my husband's truck, sue me, and I would have huge collection and lawyer fees. I went over 180 days late and they never did. (Probably because the truck was current.) They did shut down all my accounts and our joint checking account. That's when they converted the overdraft protection line into a personal loan.

              We had kept Dh's CC and the truck current and DH had a checking account in his name only. That went well until we filed.

              After we filed we got a nastygram telling us that DH had no more online access, they were closing his accounts, we were to turn in his credit and debit cards (they expected us to mail them in - HA!), and that they COULD attend our BK hearing to defend their interests.

              They did NOT show at our 341, they sent paperwork to reaffirm the truck loan ONLY, and they did not close down our savings account.
              Filed Chapter 7 - 06/30/2010
              Discharged - 11/18/2010
              Closed - 12/22/2010


                In general, almost all credit unions are very aggressive. You have to remember that they are "member" owned. They do these things on behalf of all the other members.
                Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
                Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
                Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

                Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


                  NFCU is Strong and very aggressive. I'm sure it depends on where you live but they sued me 4 months after I stopped paying. They were very nice about all of it but still sued me. No biggie for me, they will settle after the case is over or if I decide not to file.If I file it will get dismissed. I still have my checking and savings with them. They have not closed them out or which is funny have not taken any money I have in there. It's not much so I am leaving it in there also.....just to see what happens
                  Chapter 7 - Filed 11/28/2010 <> 341 Meeting - Done 12/28/2010 <><> Report of No Distribution 12/28/2010 <><><> 60 Day Club <><><><>Discharged 3/1/2011<>>


                    update to my saga with nfcu

                    posted in collections to keep it on proper point




                      did not bother me once i had filed or show up ay my 341.
                      B x
                      filed Ch 7 Oct 31st 2008.
                      341 Dec 10th 2008.
                      DiSCHARGED Feb 10th 2009


                        I actually have most all of my debt with them.

                        Two CC's at $10k each, Personal loan with $11k left on it and a deficiency balance after I sold my vehicle of $13k, so about $44k in total.

                        The two CC's were over 60 days each and the personal loan also over 60 days.

                        They are very stingy and strict on how they will work with you. They DO NOT work with consumer credit counseling or DMP's, and there is only so much they will do to change your plans, no matter how much you show you need the help.

                        They have been super aggressive in their phone calls, calling on average about 10 times a day, sometimes one right after the other.

                        They started with the intent to sue and loss mitigation nastygrams. This is when I decided to play hardball and advised them of my filing last Thursday


                          Also I found out how much I don't like to bank with them. Their locations are extremely limited and I hate the way things you use with your check card do not show up right away or disappear and then reappear in your online view.

                          I switched to BoA and especially now that there are no more OD fees for checkcard/debit transactions, I'm very happy.


                            Our Ch 7 closed 5/2010. Had a $45k and $15k CC balance and a Trck loan for $36k. I am still paying on the truck but I have not had one conversation with NFCU except that I can't access my truck loan via internet.


                              Navy Fed

                              Just starting my process. Navy Fed is one of main lenders for everything. 15K in CC's, 11k non-collateral personal loan, 4K motorcycle and 33K on truck. I talked to them about just paying my truck and bike so I could keep them and they said that they would repo them anyways because they are strict about cross-collateralization. Don't know if I should keep paying or what cause what's the point if they are just gonna take them anyway? Don't know how to get another truck if mine gets repo'd and my divorce has 1/2 my wages garnished so I can't afford it all. sux


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