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Celente predicts super depression 2012

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    Celente predicts super depression 2012


    Ed Duffy

    May 31, 2009 8:43 AM

    Denver News Examiner

    Trend forecaster Gerald Celente has been getting a lot of attention lately. He has a pretty good track record, having predicted the crash of '87, the rise of Starbucks, the bail out frenzy, among others. Now he's forecasting a super-depression come 2012.

    I first came across Mr. Celente's doomsday predictions a few months back. In November I did a post that challenged his predictions. I agreed that we had serious problems, but I was much more confident that we would recognize and reverse the situation before it got ridiculous. Now, I'm beginning to think Mr. Celente's predictions of total financial breakdown by 2012 might be overly optimistic. Given the events of the last 3 months, I don't know if we can continue to fake it for three more years.

    The speed with which the federal government has ballooned the deficit and the debt has been mind-boggling. As Mr. Celente points out, the Fed is now between a rock and a hard place. They're buying up Treasuries to keep rates low, which is essentially like printing your own money and loaning it to yourself. The consequence is that the value of the dollar around the world is falling. It's similar to a publicly traded company issuing more stock. The more stock you put on the market, the less each share is worth. This will likely lead to inflation, which one would normally combat by raising interest rates. However, that would be a body-blow to an already ailing economy and would lead to the government having to roll over its own record debt at much higher rates. They've gotten themselves into a pickle for which there is no fix. Hyper-inflation seems inevitable.

    As Mr. Celente correctly points out, during the Great Depression of the '30's we didn't have anything like the level of consumer or government debt we're dealing with today. Also, we had the strongest manufacturing base in the world. Today, not only do we not have that capacity, we've regulated away our ability to create it anytime soon.

    The question is, how will we react to a total economic meltdown? Celente predicts tax revolts, food riots and a level of criminal activity like we've never seen. Maybe I'm naive when it comes to human nature, but I still don't think poverty and hardship will necessarily lead to the population in general totally losing their minds. I remain hopeful that even in the face of fiscal disaster, we can take what's coming and clean up after ourselves. After all, you can rail at our leaders for creating this situation, but we're the ones who hired them. We are not blameless. Perhaps the bi-partisan nature of the runaway spending spree put a damper on any public outcry, or maybe we just all wanted to believe that one can solve a debt problem by borrowing and spending more.

    We may not be able to avoid the inevitable fiscal crisis, but we still have the ability to clean house as far as our government. It will take more than replacing one party with another. We actually have to seek out and support people who have some common sense and competence in the field of money management and free market economics. We'll have to accept that some serious short-term pain will have to be experienced. We can't continue to try to kick it down the road for our kids to deal with. Fiscal collapse doesn't have to be the end of the world. It can be a new beginning, if we have the wisdom to identify and acknowledge our mistakes, take our medicine, and start again.

    At™ we help you excel personal finance, boost income, invest wisely, travel smart, reach financial freedom faster, and enjoy life on a budget.

    I know someone will say I am spamming the forum with conspiracy theories.

    How so?

    The George Washington blog has compiled a list of quotes attesting to Celente’s accuracy as a trend forecaster.

    “When CNN wants to know about the Top Trends, we ask Gerald Celente.”
    — CNN Headline News

    “A network of 25 experts whose range of specialties would rival many university faculties.”
    — The Economist

    “Gerald Celente has a knack for getting the zeitgeist right.”
    — USA Today

    “There’s not a better trend forecaster than Gerald Celente. The man knows what he’s talking about.”
    - CNBC

    “Those who take their predictions seriously … consider the Trends Research Institute.”
    — The Wall Street Journal

    “Gerald Celente is always ahead of the curve on trends and uncannily on the mark … he’s one of the most accurate forecasters around.”
    — The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

    “Mr. Celente tracks the world’s social, economic and business trends for corporate clients.”
    — The New York Times

    “Mr. Celente is a very intelligent guy. We are able to learn about trends from an authority.”
    — 48 Hours, CBS News

    “Gerald Celente has a solid track record. He has predicted everything from the 1987 stock market crash and the demise of the Soviet Union to green marketing and corporate downsizing.”
    — The Detroit News

    “Gerald Celente forecast the 1987 stock market crash, ‘green marketing,’ and the boom in gourmet coffees.”
    — Chicago Tribune

    “The Trends Research Institute is the Standard and Poors of Popular Culture.”
    — The Los Angeles Times

    “If Nostradamus were alive today, he’d have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente.”
    — New York Post

    So there you have it - hardly a nutjob conspiracy theorist blowhard now is he?

    The valedictorian speech? I think it's interesting.

    You know, I'm not telling anyone that I believe a certain thing or that they should believe a certain thing just because I post something. I mean come on, that is ignorant to assume someone believes a certain thing just because someone posts something-some information.

    I'm not judging someone or calling someone names just because they post something. I'm not saying this or that is going to happen. I'm saying that I find information useful and interesting, whether my research confirms or denies the information.

    I like information. And this forum deals with economic issues. I'm just trying to help because I am ignorant about so many things and I like to learn. And I appreciate the things that I have learned about filing for bankruptcy here. And I'm still so ignorant. But this forum also deals with economic issues and credit issues and political issues that affect us. So I'm just trying to be helpful and contribute to this forum the best way I can, since I am still so ignorant as to the specifics of filing bankruptcy. I didn't come to this forum to make enemies, or make assumptions about anyone who posts, or to call anyone names who posts something that I don't agree with.

    I wish everyone health and happiness.

    So I will not make any more posts in the news section so as not to offend anyone's sensibilities.
    Last edited by BankruptPinoy; 06-12-2009, 06:53 AM.


      Originally posted by BankruptPinoy View Post

      I'm not judging someone or calling someone names just because they post something. I'm not saying this or that is going to happen. I'm saying that I find information useful and interesting, whether my research confirms or denies the information.

      I like information. And this forum deals with economic issues. I'm just trying to help because I am ignorant about so many things and I like to learn. And I appreciate the things that I have learned about filing for bankruptcy here. And I'm still so ignorant. But this forum also deals with economic issues and credit issues and political issues that affect us. So I'm just trying to be helpful and contribute to this forum the best way I can, since I am still so ignorant as to the specifics of filing bankruptcy. I didn't come to this forum to make enemies, or make assumptions about anyone who posts, or to call anyone names who posts something that I don't agree with.

      I wish everyone health and happiness.

      So I will not make any more posts in the news section so as not to offend anyone's sensibilities.

      No! Don't stop posting Interesting Articles. I know the news media, politicians and etc. are attempting to 'Paint a Brighter Future Picture', but, I don't agree.

      I think the next 5 years are going to be Tough! Consumers, of which includes BK people, will have to squeeze their tighten belt/purse straps harder. I'm worried!



        His projection is probably closer to truth than you'll get out of Washington. Indeed this isn't a 5 year mess or a 10 year mess. We are probably looking at a generational mess, something that is going to be with us perhaps 25 years as we will need that much time to undo regulations and other barriers before rebuilding our infrastructure. If WWIII started tomorrow we are ill prepared to save the world as we did the last two times.
        May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
        July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
        September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


          We Americans are so spoiled - we MUCH have everything NOW!!!

          It took us years to get into this mess and it will not go away in a few months - or even weeks as most of us would like to see.

          But we are starting to see a leveling off in many areas of the economy - the very first step that must be taken to turn things around.

          Unfortunately, jobs are the last of the things that will turn around and for so many, that means many more months of hard times, even with all the money pumped into the system.

          Of course, there are those that say we should have just let things go as they had or, even almost unbelievably, taken steps that would have made things worse.

          Good luck to all - we will all get back to some point of normal. - jb
          jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
          Filed - 2/27/09
          341 - 4/3/09
          Discharged - 6/20/2009


            Unfortunately jeb its like a set of dominoes that's been set in motion. It's not just the housing crisis, it's not just the car manufacturers, it's everything. The credit card collapse will probably happen later this year as more and more folks have to default on them. Then your looking at with the massive unemployment a large number of student loan defaults. We'll probably see some recovering between 2012 and 2015 but then we hit the wall of the unfunded entitlements which will leave the poor and elderly without medicare, medicaid and retirement or at least greatly diminish it from any reasonable amount. So really your looking at disaster after disaster economically for probably the next 20 years. There will be periods of recovery followed by another collapse. There is some small hope this could be avoided, but to avoid it we need to make hard choices now and Congress nor the President have shown any will to make the hard choices.
            May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
            July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
            September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


              i dont understand... i thought everything is going to
              end on dec 21, 2012... when the mayan calender says its all you are telling me life will go on??????


                Originally posted by junker View Post
                i dont understand... i thought everything is going to
                end on dec 21, 2012... when the mayan calender says its all you are telling me life will go on??????
                Of all the Mayan writings only 4 scrolls survived and some of them were damaged in fires. The scroll we have of the calender does indeed end on that date, however there could have been another scroll that was destroyed that continued the calender. (It is also December 23rd 2012 was revised)
                May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
                July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
                September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                  dont stop posting these stories, I love them. I havent started stockpiling food yet, but I do find the information you post to be very interesting and thought provoking. For some reason, after I read you posts I feel more confident in my decision to file. I feel like I will be more financially stable if I unload this debt now, like I am preparing for the worst.


                    Originally posted by JRScott View Post
                    Of all the Mayan writings only 4 scrolls survived and some of them were damaged in fires. The scroll we have of the calender does indeed end on that date, however there could have been another scroll that was destroyed that continued the calender. (It is also December 23rd 2012 was revised)
                    Look for presentations from Engineer and Scientist "Maurice Cottrell" because he has studied and written extensively about the Myans and other civilizations.

                    If you can download some audio files and listen to him speak for a hour or two you might find him very intriguing as he explains the origin of the world from both a scientific and religious standpoint. (Yes, creation AND evolution have both occurred.)

                    In any case, 2012 IS the end of an interval as measured by the Myan Calender but there's other LONGER intervals that few people talk about.

                    Something probably WILL happen in 2012 but it isn't likely to be the end of the world or anything spectacular.

                    Here's a video that doesn't do him justice but it's the best thing I could find on short notice.

                    CLICK for YouTube Video Link
                    Discharged November 2008 100 days after filing no-asset Chapter 7. We intended to let a two-year-old vehicle go back to the bank and reaffirm an inexpensive ten-year-old SUV and our home mortgage. In the end we surrendered ALL of our vehicles and reaffirmed NOTHING. We'll "ride through" our mortgage after the court ruled it an undue hardship.


                      There may be a mass extinction to a big chunk of the world population due to pandemics fuled by poor medical care, hunger and poor sanitation. Global cooling will continue as it has been for the last 20 years. There will be a religious revival and a resetting of our country and many of those around the world. Less world traveling and countries will produce and consume locally resulting in less international trade. The world population will probalby be cut 75% and we will return to more agricultrual base and less of a service based econonmy. Those that survive will become self sufficent and local communities will bond amongst themselves. This will be better times for all. Government will be more powerful at the local level and much less on the Federal level. Suburbs erode as people flock to the cities or the country. These are my predictions.


                        So do you think when the calender ends in 2012, my student loans will go away too?

                        At least I will have something to look forward to.

                        Or will they just go on in perpetuity, and the coumpounded interest + prinicpal will equal the national deficit?

                        I was hoping the year 2000 glitch would wipe them out, but no such luck.

                        Still hopin' William Ford has a massive indoor fire sprinkler problem and shorts out all the computers and wipes out any record of my SL balance.

                        A girl can dream!


                          Originally posted by Kansas1960 View Post
                          There may be a mass extinction to a big chunk of the world population due to pandemics fuled by poor medical care, hunger and poor sanitation. Global cooling will continue as it has been for the last 20 years. There will be a religious revival and a resetting of our country and many of those around the world. Less world traveling and countries will produce and consume locally resulting in less international trade. The world population will probalby be cut 75% and we will return to more agricultrual base and less of a service based econonmy. Those that survive will become self sufficent and local communities will bond amongst themselves. This will be better times for all. Government will be more powerful at the local level and much less on the Federal level. Suburbs erode as people flock to the cities or the country. These are my predictions.
                          A religious revival is possible. It comes in waves generally a few fervent generations followed by some irreverent ones then a swing back to fervent generations.

                          It wouldn't be the first time humanity suffered more than a 50% loss in its population.
                          May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
                          July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
                          September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                            Originally posted by Keebler View Post
                            Look for presentations from Engineer and Scientist "Maurice Cottrell" because he has studied and written extensively about the Myans and other civilizations.

                            If you can download some audio files and listen to him speak for a hour or two you might find him very intriguing as he explains the origin of the world from both a scientific and religious standpoint. (Yes, creation AND evolution have both occurred.)

                            In any case, 2012 IS the end of an interval as measured by the Myan Calender but there's other LONGER intervals that few people talk about.

                            Something probably WILL happen in 2012 but it isn't likely to be the end of the world or anything spectacular.

                            Here's a video that doesn't do him justice but it's the best thing I could find on short notice.

                            CLICK for YouTube Video Link
                            You'd be surprised I know the Mayan Calender pretty good but I was just trying to simplify my response. For instance we do have their Lunar Calender and their Venus Calender too and there are hints in their writings that they had a Mars Calender and Jupiter Calender but those did not survive the Spanish cleansing. I once used the Mayan Calender as a model for a D&D calender I made. (Ultimately it proved to complex for the players to keep up with the dates and I had to abandon it )
                            May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
                            July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
                            September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


                              Dear BankruptPinoy,

                              You must have recently taken some hits on the forum that I don't know about (I haven't been on too much for a while, just here and there). I am sorry that you have been accused of spamming the forum with "conspiracy theories". I, for one, love to read the articles you post. I find them quite informative and I'm a big enough girl to take all things with a grain of salt and research a matter. I, like you, am very interested in information and I will not be someone who chooses to put my head in the sand and hope things go away. So, keep on posting and I'll keep reading!
                              Lying awake at night...
                              Waiting to file...
                              Roughly $34,000 in credit card debt


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