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  • Thingshappen
    started a topic CH13 Plan confirmed!

    CH13 Plan confirmed!

    Hello friends! Although I have not yet seen it in Pacer, my plan has been confirmed based on
    My conversation with the attorney. The whole process took about 6 months but it’s been worth it so far. My payment is only 1/4 of what my minimum monthly payments to the creditors used to be. Thank...
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  • Thingshappen
    started a topic Confirmation hearing FL

    Confirmation hearing FL

    Hello justbroke and others. It’s been a while. Not a whole lot has happened other than the trustee asking for a plan modification to include step up payments after a 401k loan is paid off in 2025. My first confirmation meeting scheduled for next week. Is it possible to get the plan approved on...
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  • Waiting for confirmation CH13 - FL - update and two questions

    Hello. It's been almost 4 months since I filed, 2 1/2 since my 341 meeting, a 1 1/2 month since POC deadline and initial confirmation hearing (a FLA thing) and about 3 week since the last day for creditors to argue a discharge. It has been very quiet. No objections, no plan changes, no pacer updates,...
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  • Selling a house during chapter 13 - Florida

    Hello. What happens if we sell out house in Florida? We currently have over $200k equity in the house based on current market prices. The total amount is currently exempt in FL. But once we sell it (if), will the proceeds of the sale be no longer exempted, and the trustee will require to pay 100% of...
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  • IndyNation
    started a topic Trustee Fee amount?

    Trustee Fee amount?

    Hi all,

    I have a question on the trustee fees. I looked through the forum, but am a little confused. Our trustee wants 9.3% or 10%, I'm not sure the lawyer said both numbers.

    But that is in addition to our payback amount?

    So if we owed 100k, then we would have...
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  • Thingshappen
    started a topic Proof of Claim (POF) Deadline in FL

    Proof of Claim (POF) Deadline in FL

    Hello again. What is the correct POF deadline in Florida. I am getting mixed answers. I have read some posts that states it is 90 days after the 341 meeting. I googled it and got a different answer; it states that creditors have 70 days to file POF after the petition filing date. Per Pacer, the POF...
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  • Thingshappen
    started a topic Changing Tax withholdings over the years

    Changing Tax withholdings over the years

    Hello, I have a question about tax withholdings. We used the IRS website to recalculate the 2022 taxes to ensure that we have enough to pay the tax bill. But we also did it in a way that we either break even or get a small refund (less than $800). So the question is, are you allow to change your tax...
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  • Thingshappen
    started a topic Question What are common plan objections?

    What are common plan objections?


    What are common plan objections? I have read that most of the time, the original plan is objected and denied....
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  • netimaster
    started a topic 341 Continued

    341 Continued

    Hello Everyone,

    ive been a lurker for awhile and figured it’s time to ask a few questions.

    we had our 341 meeting last week and during the meeting found out the attorney never sent the bank statements or 1 contract on our car. The case was then continued to next week. ...
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  • Emu
    started a topic Credit card income

    Credit card income

    I’m filing for chapter 7 and I realized I had inflated my income on credit card I believe I was making 36k and I made it 55k my meeting is in a couple weeks. I haven’t spent money on them or had any crazy purchases but I’m freaking out that I will have an AP after my hearing. Any advice?...
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  • Subibrokeme
    started a topic Pending Statuses?

    Pending Statuses?

    Checking on PACER for the first time ever, wondering if anyone can help me understand?
    Chapter 7, Asset: No
    Vol: v
    Date filed: 01/14/2020
    Date of last filing: 02/19/2020
    STATUS: “awaiting Discharge”
    BEGIN DATE: 01/14/2020
    TIME IN STATUS : 66 days
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    Last edited by Subibrokeme; 03-20-2020, 10:40 PM.

  • Newbie here with some questions about creditor claims

    Good evening all,

    I am new to the board and just recently filed Chapter 13 in CA and am terrified of the upcoming 341 hearing and confirmation hearings. As it currently stands my payment will be quite significant and assuming all creditors due file claims will be around 60% of my balance...
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  • JJH77
    started a topic Recently filed w/questions

    Recently filed w/questions

    I've recently filed and have some questions regarding reaffirming my car:
    i reside in New Jersey and want to keep my car. I'm current on payments (never late). Some say reaffirming the car is good and some say not good. We really need this car bc this the only sort of transportation we have and...
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  • JJH77
    started a topic Considering Bankruptcy

    Considering Bankruptcy


    Hoping I can get some insight here on chapter 7 in New Jersey.

    After fighting so so long my husband has given the green light on bankruptcy. Due to illness starting 3 years ago and a car accident we fell behind on things and it snowballed.

    We live in NJ,...
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  • CaseyKnox
    started a topic Filing to save My Home!

    Filing to save My Home!

    I'm so ashamed that My life has came to this. 😢

    Just received notice, that our home will be foreclosed on May 19th.

    Seems that Chapter 13 is the only option We have left. We're behind almost $8k.

    We also have medical bills, approximately $25k between...
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